Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 900: The death of the guardian


"How could this happen, wouldn't even Senior Ye?"

"It's already the case anyway, even if it's dead?"

"Hateful, there is no ability to nibble off a piece of meat."

Those who are still alive sigh unwillingly.

Under such circumstances, the Daoist who entangled Ye Xiaohu's body exuded with a smug smile: "Haha, you are a bunch of miscellaneous. After I solve him, I will deal with you one by one"

"Don't go mad, I haven't taken it soft."

Hearing what the guardian said, Nangong Xingrui gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I die, I will bite you."

"me too……"

Nangong Xingrui and Xiaoqi glanced at each other, so they rushed to the guardian together.

Faced with such a situation, the eyes of the Taoist exudes murderous eyes: "Also, since you want to die, I will complete you."


A glance emerged from the eyes of the Taoist and directly hit Xiaoqi's body.


Xiao Qi didn't react, and fell directly to the ground and said: "Young Master, I'm relying on you."

"Relax, I will help you get revenge."

Nangong Xingrui burst into a thud, jumped into the sky, and slashed directly at the protector.

"The redneck died."

Hearing Nangong Xingrui's words, Hu Dao's face sternly said: "You want to die, I will fulfill you."

The Daoist condensed the divine power and his eyes, and a terrible look instantly shot directly like Nangong Xingrui.

Seeing that Nangong Xingrui, like Xiao Qi, was directly pierced through his body by the eyes of the guardian.

"Little Lord……"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qi wailed.

But at this time, the gaze at Nangong Xingrui faded a little bit.


Almost the gaze shot by the Daoist, and in a moment of fading, Nangong Xingrui's sword was directly split on the Daoist.


The Daoist wailed and was split in half by the sword of Nangong Xingrui on the spot.

"How is this possible and why does this happen."

The Taoist fell to the ground, spitting blood, and shouted: "Why, why a country boy, will go to heaven?"

Words must.

The eyes of the protector gradually loosened, and he lost all focus.

A generation of masters of distraction, died inexplicably in the hands of Nangong Xingrui.

Speaking of such things, I am afraid that no one will believe, but it really happened.

I saw Nangong Xingrui and others, all expressing wonders one by one, even he could hardly accept such a thing.

a long time.

Nangong Xingrui pressed down the confusion and disbelief in his heart, and then took a cautious step forward, and used the sword in his hand to stab the body of the protector.

As a result, the guardian ’s body did not react. Nongong Xingrui mumbled after seeing this scene: "Wacky, it seems logical that even if I tried my best, it would not be possible to split a wounded distracting mirror master into two?"

Just as Nangong Xingrui mumbled, Ye Xiaohu, who was originally silent, suddenly got up from the ground, and then said to Nangong Xingrui: "That's because he died long ago, the body has lost control of the soul, and there is no body The envelope of the qi will naturally not resist your sword. "

"Senior Ye?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu stand up a little bit, Nangong Xingrui said happily, "Senior Ye, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Ye Xiaohu said calmly: "If this protector confronts me head-on, then maybe I will fear him by three points. But he uses the power of the soul to fight me, it is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs, it is difficult to hurt my body. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Nangong Xingrui was very happy.

However, after being happy, Nangong Xingrui calmed down and said: "But Senior Ye, behind this **** protector is Daozi, the entire Daoxian City. That is not something we can contend with, so we still leave Nanpai City early and return to Nangong Town, it ’s a good idea to discuss it with my father. "

"Not urgent."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head with a smile, and then said to Ningong Xingrui: "And there are some things that I haven't done yet, how can I leave with confidence."

"What else?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Nangong Xingrui puzzled: "What is more important than us to escape from birth?"

Xiao Qi, who couldn't help but fell aside, also asked curiously: "Do you still want to participate in the Qinglong ranking?"

"Qinglong ranking must participate, because I heard that Demon Demon is coming, I need to ask him something."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, rejected the proposal of Nangong Xingrui and others, and then smiled coldly: "And Dao Xiancheng's Dao, actually appointed his own protector to come and kill me ~ ~ How could you let him go? "


Nangong Xingrui shocked: "Senior Ye, you are going to kill Daozi."


Ye Xiaohu confidently said: "You are here to wait for me, after I solve the Tao, just start the alchemy and help you rebuild the foundation."


"Brother Daozi, come here."

Another place in Nanpai City, inside a huge mansion.

The Daozi in Daoxian City was drinking Lingcha in the room.

As a result, at this time, the door of the inner room of the room was gently pushed open by a gap.

Immediately after that, a hand was drawn in from the outside, and the finger was gently hooked with the finger.

At the next moment, Sun Youqing's voice came out from inside: "Brother Daozi has finished washing and intends to change to a new set of clothes, but the back is not good. Could you please help me to wear it?

"it is good."

Tao is not a pure person, and there are many women who are scourges.

So as long as Sun Youqing makes a little movement and makes two sounds, Daozi understands what is going on.

Under such circumstances, Daozi will not restrain himself.

Dao Zi laughed proudly, so he took a relaxed pace, followed Sun Youqing's voice, and came to the inner room where Sun Youqing was.

"Brother Daozi ..."

At this moment, Sun Youqing was lying on the bed and blowing a kiss to Sun Youqing.

"You grieving goblin."

Hearing Sun Youqing's words, Daozi smiled proudly.

Immediately after walking forward, he came to the bed and hugged Sun Youqing in his arms and said, "Give me yourself today."

"it is good."

Sun Youqing's face was red, and she was white with a shy expression.

Seeing this scene, how can Dao Zi restrain himself?

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