Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 885: :Who do you think you are

"General Lin."

Seeing the man jumping from the flying monster, a hint of joy appeared on Tie Tuo Tuo's face.

Obviously he saw the savior, and he quickly walked to General Lin, pointing at Ye Xiaohu Road: "General Lin, that person's identity is suspicious. Please also ask General Lin to arrange for someone to arrest him and investigate it."


Hearing Tie Fo Tuo's words, General Lin shouted his face, scolding Tie Fu Tuo: "Don't think I don't know why you are here, so take my people away without thinking."


Hearing General Lin's reprimands, Tiefo Tuo was unhappy.

But in the face of Ye Xiaohu's persecution, Tiefo Tuo dare to quarrel with General Lin now.

So Tie Tuo Tuo put away the quarrel, and then breathed out a long breath: "Yes, I will leave now, trouble General Lin."

After the words fell, Tie Fu Tuo turned to greet his subordinates: "Let's go."

The family of Zhang brought by Tiefo Tuo saw that Tie Tuo Tu was going, so they kept up with the footsteps of Tie Tuo Tuo.

But when one of the Zhang family passed Ye Xiaohu's side.

I saw Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and kicked out at random, kicking on the spot of the Zhangjia guard.


So Zhang Family Guard didn't understand what was going on, but Ye Xiaohu was kicked directly in front of Fei Dao Tuo Tuo Tuo.

This made the face of Tiefo Tuo ready to leave become more ugly.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu walked step by step: "Did I say let you go?"

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

Tiefo Tuo ignored Ye Xiaohu and turned to General Lin: "General Lin, what do you think about this?"

"You and stand aside."

General Lin sneered, then walked to Ye Xiaohu and said: "I let them go, why don't you agree?"

"Who do you think you are?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at General Lin disdainfully: "Do I know you? Is my relationship with you good? Are you my son? You are nothing, why should I make up for Ye Xiaohu."


Lin Jinjun turned and looked at Nangong Xingrui: "As the young master of the Nangong family, can you be the master and manage your men well?"


Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly, he looked at Ye Xiaohu and then General Lin.

As a result, he found that he couldn't afford to provoke these two groups.

Moreover, Ye Xiaohu rescued them several times. On the contrary, the incident was so big, and General Lin and others have only arrived now, which also makes Nangong Xingrui slightly dissatisfied.

So Nangong Xingrui could only smile, then closed his mouth and stood silently without talking.

"Okay, what a Nangong family, they can't even manage a single person."

Seeing Nangong Xingrui not speaking, General Lin smiled angrily, only to see that he no longer ignored Nangong Xingrui, facing Ye Xiaohu and said: "I will finally give you a chance and apologize to me immediately. Do n’t blame it, otherwise I do n’t mind taking you to the southern camp for a walk. "

"It's you alone?"

Ye Xiaohu disdainfully: "You don't deserve me to apologize."

"You are looking for death."

General Lin snorted, and with his status and identity, even the head of the main family in the Nanpai City, he had to give himself three points

But in front of Ye Xiaohu, he slapped harder than Ye Xiaohu. How could he accept it?

I saw that General Lin jumped forward suddenly, came directly to Ye Xiaohu, and punched in the face of Ye Xiaohu: "Since you are not obedient, then I will replace your young master, and teach you a meal. . "

General Lin, like a meteor, slammed into Ye Xiaohu quickly.

"That was General Lin's must-have meteor fist. It seems that General Lin was furious."

"General Lin is angry, and this time the fight is interesting."

"This man named Ye Xiaohu is so arrogant. He first provokes Tie Tuo Tuo, and then provokes General Lin. This is the rhythm to be the enemy of the entire Nanpai City!"

"If you don't die, then you won't die. But if you die, you will die without burial."

Anyone who knows General Lin knows General Lin's horror.

Therefore, in their view, General Lin would definitely win with a shot, and Ye Xiaohu was only beaten.

Some people who originally supported Ye Xiaohu now also shook their heads and stood behind General Lin.

Under such circumstances, General Lin, who exhibited his nirvana, hit Ye Xiaohu like a meteor.

But what people predict does not happen as predicted.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu stretched out a finger, and easily pointed at General Lin's meteor fist: "This power is nothing in front of me, Ye Xiaohu."


General Lin was taken aback. Although this punch just didn't use his full strength, he also scored six or seven points.

Such a force, let alone Ye Xiaohu, even the Buddha must die on the spot.

"Leave me aside."

When General Lin was shocked, Ye Xiaohu skimmed contemptuously, and then flicked his finger with his left hand, directly on General Lin's arm ~ ~ Boom.

General Lin suddenly felt a great force strike, and then the whole person flew out.

"No good, go away."

Seeing this scene of Tiefo Tuo, it was not until this time that I realized how scared Ye Xiaohu was.

That was the existence of a general Lin Lin, even if the Zhang family's owner was in front of Ye Xiaohu, I am afraid it could only be regarded as a half catty.

Perceived this point, the Tiefo Tuo quickly turned around and left.

But he just turned around and found a man standing in front of himself and said: "Now running, don't you feel it's a little late?"

"Don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, then you can let me do anything."

Tiefo Tuo retreated while begging for mercy.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, smiled faintly: "You said so, but your heart is thinking about when to run, looking for someone to take revenge?"

"No, no."

"Although I can't read the mind, I can also perceive one or two through your soul."

Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Tie Fo Tuo, and stretched out his arm directly, pressing on Tie Tu Tuo's head in a thunderous manner.


Tie Fotuo's head was pressed back into the body by Ye Xiaohu on the spot, and then fell to the ground to die no longer.

Seeing this scene, General Lin, who had just climbed from the ground and was still tumbling with blood, knew that his task today could not be completed, so General Lin with the atmosphere pointed at Ye Xiaohu and said, "Do n’t be proud, kid. Wait for the Zhang family to come to you for trouble. Without our Wu family to help you sit down, I will see how you solve it. "

"Let's go."

General Lin dropped the words and led the team away.

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