Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 881: : News of Buying 2 Lengzi

"Kwai're really dead?"

With the continuous improvement of cultivation, it becomes more difficult to want a child.

Many people have lived for hundreds of years, thousands of years ... not even a child.

One is that his genes are powerful, and it is extremely difficult to create a seed of life.

One is that the woman's body is too poor to bear her own genes, so there is no way to pass on her blood.

And the child born must also have a strong talent for cultivation, so it is more difficult to have children

So the owner of the Zhang family knows clearly that Zhang Yuankui may be his only gifted child.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to Zhang Yuankui and has been working hard to cultivate Zhang Yuankui.

Which one wanted to work hard for Zhang Yuankui to become an infant, but somehow died in Nangong Town, which made it difficult for the Zhang family's owner to accept.

I saw a terrible anger in the Zhang family, and then stared at the person who came back to report the news and said: "Who is that Ye Xiaohu, why would he start with me?"

"In terms of identity, Ye Xiaohu seems to be from Nangong Township. However, according to the traces of our investigation, people in Nangong Township did not know Ye Xiaohu, and even rarely saw Ye Xiaohu."

The person who went to Nangong Town to investigate slowly said: "So he appeared as if he appeared out of thin air, and joined the Nangong family as soon as he appeared, similar to the Nangong family's worship status. The Manchu and Nangong families supported by the young master happened War, so during the war, the young master was killed by Ye Xiaohu. "

"The worship of the Nangong family?"


I saw the owner of the Zhang family spit out and said: "I don't believe that a worship of the Nangong family can kill me. If their Nangong family really has this ability, it is estimated that they have entered the Nanpai city, not in Nangong Town barely survived. So the identity of this person must not be that simple. "

The person in charge of the investigation, after hearing the analysis of Zhang Family ’s head, could not help nodding and said: “Then the head of the family, will the subordinates investigate this person ’s identity?”

"Forget it, no need to investigate, anyway, a dead person, no big deal."

Master Zhangjia shook his head, then turned to the man who had been guarding himself: "Tie Fo Tuo, you lead a team of guards, go to Nangong Town, and uproot Nangong Family in Nangong Town, and they will be called Ye Bring the head of the little tiger man back, and I will take his head to sacrifice to heaven so that my child can rest in the spirit of heaven. "

Tiefo Tuo nodded, just turned away.

When I saw the person responsible for inquiring about the news, I came out again and said, "Homeowner, if you want to take Ye Xiaohu's head, you don't need to send someone to Nangong Town."

"No need to go to Nangong Town?"

The owner of the Zhang family was slightly stunned and said in amazement: "What does this mean?"

"This is the owner. Because the Nangong family killed the young master, they felt very uneasy. So they asked Ye Xiaohu to protect Nangong Xingrui. They came to my southern city to meet the lord of the lord. "

"Has this happened?"

Hear the person who inquired about the intelligence and report the news.

Master Zhang Jia couldn't help but think about it, because he had been at odds with Master Cheng, so he believed that Master Cheng would be happy to cooperate with Nangong, and thus attack him.

This is what the Zhang family's owner cannot see, so the Zhang family's owner stroked his nose: "So where is the Nangong family?"

Those who inquired the intelligence reported truthfully: "When the subordinates came back, they deliberately inquired about it. If there is no accident, then the people of the Nangong family should have a rest today at the Lanyue Inn in the city."

"It's a group of people who don't know how to live or die. After killing my son, they dare to come to my southern city to die."

The owner of the Zhang family snorted and Tiger Eye glanced: "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Tiefo Tuo you go to destroy the people in Lanyue Inn first, and then go to Nangong Town to kill the remnants of the Nangong family."


Tiefo Tuo led his life away, and then Zhang's owner got up and said to the housekeeper beside him: "Chang me a dress, I'm going to the city's palace and report to the city's lord."


After saying goodbye to Nangong Xingrui and others, Ye Xiaohu went to the inn first and settled in the place where he stayed. Then he went out and asked the locals to determine the location of the Prophet's Palace.

So Ye Xiaohu walked forward slowly, and soon came to the Prophet's Palace.

I saw a boy dressed in a different style at the door of the Prophet's Palace. After seeing Ye Xiaohu walk in, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Sir, do you have anything you need?"

"I heard the news in your Prophet's Hall that it can spread throughout the Kunlun world."

Ye Xiaohu said without any ambiguity: "So I want to inquire with someone about the Prophet's Temple."

"Then please on your side."

After learning the idea of ​​Ye Xiaohu, the boy smiled slightly and made a gesture of asking: "If you want to buy news, then please go to platform three."

"Platform three?"

Ye Xiaohu judged the situation of the Hall of Prophet, and quickly found the platform No. 3 introduced by the boy, so Ye Xiaohu went straight to it.

When Ye Xiaohu entered, he immediately felt a mysterious force, pulling his body.

However, this mysterious force is obviously a peaceful and stable force, so Ye Xiaohu did not resist, and was directly led to another space by the mysterious force.

In this space, Ye Xiaohu saw a man dressed as a scholar, staring at himself and saying, "Ask the guests, what news do you want to buy?"

Ye Xiaohu calmly said: "I want to find someone."


The person dressed up as a scholar said calmly: "As long as this person has a name and surname, then we can find it for you at the Prophet Temple ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly:" The person I am looking for is a devil Teaching the Son. "

"Magic Son?"

Suddenly he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, and the scholar sitting opposite Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but stunned slightly: "Are you a demon?"

"Does it matter?"

Ye Xiaohu didn't agree or deny it. Ye Xiaohu looked at the scholar calmly and said, "Why, don't you have the information I want in the Hall of Prophets?"

"No, as long as it's a human being, then our Prophet's Temple has his message."

The scholar of the Prophet's Hall shook his head, then stared at Ye Xiaohu carefully.

Determined that Ye Xiaohu was not here to entertain himself, so the scholars in the Prophet's Hall thought about it, and then said to Ye Xiaohu seriously: "I can tell you part of the news of the Demon Son, but what do you exchange for?"

(End of this chapter)

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