Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 610: : Relationship is getting closer

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Hearing Zhang Decai's voice, Zhang Junze immediately turned around and looked at Zhang Decai with cold sweat: "Uncle, did you go on a business trip? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"Huh, if I didn't discuss the cooperation with my old friends, so if I suddenly returned to the hotel, I wouldn't see the performance you just did."

Zhang Decai has only such a nephew and is the only descendant of the Zhang family.

Just like Zhang Junze said, he really thought about inheriting his legacy.

However, Zhang Junze's performance in the past two years has been too poor, so he has been hesitant and unsure.

But looking at it now, Zhang Decai's decision of his past is undoubtedly very correct. I saw Zhang Decai sneered, then flicked his sleeve and walked across Ye Xiaohu: "I'm sorry Mr. Ye, I blame me for improper education. So let Zhang Junze, the stupid boy, startle your driving and hurt your friends, so I am willing to compensate Zhang Junze instead. "

"make up?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said, "Chairman Zhang, there are some things that money and money can't do. Your nephew and your nephew's girlfriend set up a partnership to deal with me Xiang Qing, then money and money can't be solved."

"I understand."

Zhang Decai frowned, then took a deep breath: "So Mr. Ye Xiaohu, what do you think I should do with him before you can get rid of it?"

"I don't want to see the two of them again."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while and said, "At the same time, I don't want to continue to cooperate with my enemies. I think you understand the meaning in my words."


Zhang Decai nodded, then walked to Chen Xueyan's side and said: "Chen Xueyan went back and told your dad that he would not come to work in the company in the future. I will let the board inform him that he has been completely eliminated and cleared the company's shareholder list. One, it has nothing to do with our Lizhi Hotel. "


Hearing Zhang Decai, Chen Xueyan passed out on the spot. Obviously she had some difficulties in accepting the decision announced by Zhang Decai.

But Zhang Decai was too lazy to take care of Chen Xueyan, only to see him turn around and walk next to Zhang Junze.


Zhang Decai kicked out, but Zhang Junze, who dared not dodge, was kicked by Zhang Decai on the spot.

"Fuck things, Lao Tzu gives you money to let you study hard, but in the end you learn to dominate and do trouble for Lao Tzu everywhere?"

I saw that Zhang Decai kicked a few feet on Zhang Junze's body, and then announced: "Now I am telling you that after Zhang Decai's old age, the company's shares and cash have nothing to do with you. Zhang Junze Relationship, do n’t be delusional. "

"Uncle, you can't do this to me."

As soon as Zhang Junze heard what Zhang Decai said, he quickly rushed over to help Zhang Decai's arm and said: "I'm your only nephew. You don't help me, but help Ye Xiaohu's bastard. Is this a bit inverted?"

"No, I know exactly what I am doing."

Zhang Decai snorted coldly: "Even if your dad is in this place today, then I don't want to change my mind."


Hearing Zhang Decai's so cold words, Zhang Junze embarked on Chen Xueyan's back road and passed out.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Decai could not help but twitched the corner of his mouth, then waved his hand to greet the left and right staff and said: "Lift them down, and arrange a car to be sent home, and let people tell their parents, I just announced decision."


The waiters knew Chen Xueyan and Zhang Junze, so they turned around and arranged.

After they left, Zhang Decai went back to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Mr. Ye, how about we continue to discuss cooperation?"

"Don't talk, there is no interest."

But Ye Xiaohu still refused and said to Zhang Decai: "I'm tired of Sister Qing, so I have to send me home to Sister Qing first, and then go back to the hotel to rest, and fly back to Songjiang City tomorrow. If Mr. Zhang Decai, yours If you are interested in cooperating with Yejia Farm, I can come to Songjiang City and talk about cooperation with our dealers. "

After the words fell, Ye Xiaohu turned and took Sister Xiang Qing away.

"Lao Pang, what does he mean?"

Looking at Ye Xiaohu's back and confirming that Ye Xiaohu couldn't figure out what he said, Zhang Decai turned dissatisfied and looked at Pang Qingye: "Lao Tzu has abolished one of the company's shareholders and expelled my only shareholder according to his instructions. Nephew, what else does he want to do to me? "


Hearing Zhang Decai's tone and looking at Zhang Decai's expression, Pang Qingye couldn't help but sigh: "How come things become so unstable when you see the direction of things?"


Hearing Pang Qingye's words, Zhang Decai took a deep breath and said, "Old Pang, you know ~ ~ Our company has not operated well recently, and its market share has been declining, so we need to fill Yejiacai, To make up for the loss of market share and strive to go further. "

Pang Qingye said truthfully: "I know, so I will call Ye Xiaohu."

Zhang Decai said dumbly: "But he is gone now."

"No, although the person left, the words stayed."

Seeing Zhang Decai still being forced, Pang Qingye said solemnly: "Since Ye Xiaohu did not refuse you in person, he must have left you a chance. At the same time, he also wants to see if you can really Realize the decisions in the words just now and really punish Chen Xueyan and Zhang Junze. "

"So it turns out."

Zhang Decai is not a stupid person, otherwise he will not come up with a listed hotel company, so he thought for a while: "Lao Pang, I understand."

"Just understand."

Pang Qingye walked to Zhang Decai's side and stretched his hand over Zhang Decai's shoulder to take a good pat. Flies, tainted a pot of porridge. "

"Rest assured, Zhang Decai pays most attention to health and safety, and will definitely not flies back."

Zhang Decai patted it and made a guaranteed gesture: "Lao Pang, you are right, I will go to Songjiang City in person after a while."


Pang Qingye nodded and turned to leave the Lizhi Hotel.

As for Zhang Decai, he ordered his employees to simply clean up the box and then returned to his family's villa, because he knew that his younger brother, Zhang Junze's father, would definitely come to him.

(End of this chapter)

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