Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1882: : Defeat 9 Youxianyu


This collision, the world is shaking, obviously this competition is too fierce.

When Xianqi and Jiu Youxie collided, the power of black and white tones formed a Tai Chi in the sky, which made people look at it and felt very dazzling.

However, this picture did not last long, and everything returned to tranquility.

For a while, everyone stopped their fight and continued to stare at the starry sky.

"Who's winning?"

"I don't know. Now both people's bodies have disappeared. No one's breath fluctuates. It seems that they are all dead."

"No way?"

"If it really hurts both sides, then it is actually a good thing. After all, we still have Brother Ghost You Tianjun in the Nine Serenity Fairy Territory."

"But there are two Heavenly Kings in the Southern Sky Alliance?"

"One-on-two may not win, but at least it can hold back, at least let us evacuate safely, so as not to destroy the whole army. But once Ye Xiaohu is still alive, then it is three dozens, although Brother Ghost Youtianjun is strong , But do you think he can defeat three people against the sky? "


Compared with the people in the Southern Sky Alliance, when the battle is full of curiosity.

People in the Nine Serenity Realm are looking forward to losing both sides, so that they can get hope of escape.

Otherwise, once Ye Xiaohu survived and joined the battle, then they had almost no hope in the Nine Serenities.

"The situation is not right."

At this time, the Spirit Sword Tianjun, who had been recovering from his injuries, could not help but frown: "I don't seem to notice the breath of either of them."

Ling Jian Tianjun's words made everyone take a deep breath, obviously feeling that something had gone in a bad direction.

Even Master Nan could not help but sigh, feeling that the matter was a little tricky.

"Haha, I admit how good your Southern Sky Alliance's calculations are, but it still can't go against the sky."

Also not aware of any person's breath of ghost You Tianjun, could not help but laugh, in front of everyone, facing South Young Master and other people said: "Now Ye Xiaohu and Ming Youshi are killed, I admit that now we Youxian Domain is weak, not as strong as your Southern Alliance, but you now want to kill my Nine Youxian Domain, and you ca n’t do it at all.

Under such circumstances, as long as some of us in the Nine Serenity Realm go back alive, then you Southern Sky Alliance will be waiting for my revenge on the Nine Serenity Realm. "

At this moment, Ghost You Tianjun is full of anger and revenge. He has made plans to return to Immortal Territory and uses all strength to deal with Nantian Alliance.

Of course, one of the most important forces is Ye Beihu's extremely northern fairyland.

If this time without Ye Xiaohu's cross-cutting hands, they would have won the Nine Serenities Realm.

"Ready to fight."

Master Nan Shao took a deep breath and then said to the Spirit Sword Heavenly King: "You and I will go together, and we must never let him escape."

"it is good."

Spirit Sword Tianjun nodded, he also knew that a little ghost Youtianjun ran away, then how troublesome the after-effects would be.

Lingjian Tianju is not afraid of himself, but he is also worried about the fate of those brothers with the same discipline behind him.

Faced with revenge from Jiu You Xianyu, they were not as competitive as themselves.

So Lingjian Tianjun responded to Master Nan Shao, and the two of them tried their best to pounce on Guiyou Tianjun.

But they just rushed over and found an amazing thing, that is, the ghost You Tianjun didn't seem to escape, just stood there and looked at them sarcastically.

This made Master Nan Shao and Spirit Sword Tianjun stunned subconsciously, and felt that the ghost Youtian Jun in front of him seemed to be cheating.

Although something is wrong, they always feel weird.

So when they attacked, they also left three points of defense to avoid falling into the trap of ghost You Tianjun.

But their thoughts are obviously multi-minded.

Because when their attack hit Guiyou Tianjun, Guiyou Tianjun had no resistance, so they were killed by them on the spot.



The sky is full of blood, and flesh and blood are flying everywhere, letting people feel the relief at a glance.

"That's it?"

"Ghost You Tianjun died like this?"

"My God, is this battle too easy?"

"What the **** is going on, why do I not see any resistance from Guiyou Tianjun?"

"Has he already given up, so he begged for death?"

"No way?"

The people of the Southern Sky Alliance are all one after another.

Obviously they felt such a situation, a little weird.

But relative to them, the people in the Nine Serenities are full of despair.

So they were still fighting. At this moment, they gave up fighting one by one and detonated their bodies one by one. They wanted to pull a few backs before dying.

At the beginning, this method did gain a lot.

But soon, the people of the Southern Sky Alliance already had the best preparations, so they avoided one after another.

After a while, the people in the Nine Serenities were killed and injured.

"We did it."

Seeing this result ~ ~ Lingjian Tianjun looked back and said to the young master South: "Although the process is a bit difficult, but the final result is our satisfactory result."

"Is such that."

Master Nan Shao nodded, but still frowned: "But I always feel that Gui You Tian Jun is not dead, as if to let him run away?"

"No way?"

Spirit Sword Tianjun froze for a moment, apparently feeling something unbelievable.

"The young master Nan guessed well, you did not kill the ghost You Tianjun."

Just as the Spirit Sword Tianjun and Master Nan Shao had a conversation, a familiar voice rang through their ears.

So they turned around and looked at it. As a result, they saw Ye Xiaohu alive, carrying a decadent ghost Yu Tianjun, and flew from a distance.

"What the **** is going on?"

Seeing this scene, Master Nan Shao asked Ye Xiaohu in surprise: "Aren't you just killed by Nether You Tianjun?"


Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "It was indeed very critical at that time, I almost died. Because the ghost You Tianjun is an introduction, the real killer is this ghost Youtian Jun."

Ye Xiaohu explained that Gui You Tian Jun was still on the ground, and then explained it to Master Nan and others.

It turned out that Ming You Tian Jun was a puppet of Gui You Tian Jun. When Ming You Tian Jun exploded, Gui You Tian Jun rushed out of his body and killed Ye Xiaohu directly, beating Ye Xiaohu by surprise.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation was advanced, and after a short surprise, he quickly stabilized the situation and counteracted the ghost You Tianjun.

However, Gui Youtian Jun fled as soon as he could not hit, so Ye Xiaohu caught up, and only then Master Nan Shao and others suspected that he and Ning You Tianjun were both defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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