Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1880: : See through fake death

The medicine king Tianjun was angry.

Since he couldn't live, he didn't want Ye Xiaohu to feel good.

So the medicine king Tianjun frantically condensed the fairy qi and integrated those fairy qi into his body.

For a time, Yao Tianjun's body directly raised a dozen battles, letting people look at the past, they felt extremely arrogant.



"Because you and them are going to die."

Yao Wang Tianjun roared, he knew that he was not Ye Xiaohu's opponent, he was dead anyway, so he chose to explode.

Seeing his actions like this, Master Nan Shao couldn't help but change his face and said: "Ye Xiaohu will stop him, he must never let him explode, otherwise we will all be affected."

"The others are separated in speed, do not continue to fight in this range, so as not to be injured."

Master Nan Shao was very clear that this was an indiscriminate attack, which was too harmful for them.

At the end of Nan Shao's command, everyone flew towards the distance, afraid to continue fighting in the same place, so as not to be affected by the drug king Tianjun.

"Want to run, how can it be so easy."

Yao Wang Tianjun snorted sternly: "Since I have decided to die, then naturally I will take a group of people to be buried with me, so you all go to Huangquan with me!"


Just listening to the roar, Yao Wang Tianjun did not give Ye Xiaohu a chance to kill him, detonated his body on the spot.

A huge explosion sound came, and the tyrannical Xianxian could come from the place where Yao Wang Tianjun's body exploded and spread in all directions, giving a terrifying and difficult to resist atmosphere.

"No, I don't want to die."

"Damn, why doesn't my body listen to me?"

"Finished, I was caught up by the shock wave released by the drug king Tianjun, and I was going to die."

"Woo, I don't want to die yet!"

Almost at the time the young master Nan was instructed, the people of the young master Nan immediately fled in accordance with his orders.

But they have different distances, different cultivation styles, and different speeds ... Naturally, some people fall behind, so they are affected and directly killed by the self-explosive power of the drug king Tianjun.

Compared with the people of the Southern Sky Alliance, the people of the Nine Serenity Fairy Territory are even worse. The command of the ghost You Tianjun is slightly later, so that some people are affected without being reacted, and it is directly turned into ash.

After a minute.

When Yu Bo of the explosion ended and returned to peace together, there were stumps everywhere.

"Dead, all dead?"

"We, Xianmen, are the only ones left to survive."

"This time it's over, our Xianmen, our Xianyu ... what other competitiveness?"

"Fortunately, I'm still alive."

Some people are happy, some are lost, some are decadent ... For a time everyone looked at the giant pit in front of them and felt a deep fear.

Because the explosion was so ruthless, even if the young master Nan and others did not die, they would have to lose a layer of skin.

But at this time, within that thick smoke, Ye Xiaohu's body shook, and there was no damage.

You know that the attack of Yao Wang Tianjun is all on Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu did not run away from the beginning, he took all the medicine Wang Tianjun attacked.

But Ye Xiaohu did not die, and still stood there.

This shows that his cultivation base is high and powerful enough to ignore the self-explosive power of Wang Tianjun.

"Master Nan, you have found a good ally, but the battle between us has just begun, I hope you can continue to persevere."

Ghost You Tianjun's face changed a lot, he knew that his side was unable to return to the sky, so he turned directly and said: "Let's go."

"Ghost, since we have come and paid so much, do you think we will let you go?"

Seeing Guiyou Tianjun going, Nan Shaozhu and Lingjian Tianjun glanced at each other, and then faced Ye Xiaohu Dao: "Ye Xiaohu Daoyou, I and Lingjian Tianjun will deal with Guiyou soon. It's up to you, I believe you can solve him yourself? "

"No problem, but wait a moment."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and accepted Master Nan's arrangement, then he glanced at the ground and said: "The medicine king Tianjun comes out! I know you are not dead yet, so don't keep hiding and avoid, because you can't get away from me Escaped within sight. "


Yao Wang Tianjun is not dead yet?

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because they all saw Yao Wang Tianjun explode and even killed so many people, how could Yao Wang Tianjun be alive?

Just when they were stunned, Ye Xiaohu sneered, "It seems that you don't believe that I can find your whereabouts?"

If this is the case, then let me personally pull you out, and then go to deal with You You Tianjun. "

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly and patted directly at a place.

Palm after palm, the ground was punched out of holes.

After continuing for a while like this, there was finally a green light that grew out of the ground and said: "Don't be mad, Ye, don't be too rampant. My body has already exploded. What do you want?"

"Sure enough you are not dead."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at him, and then sighed: "But it's just a dying struggle. Now you are not even at one-tenth of your peak fighting ability, let alone match me, even if it's right An ordinary Tianjun is the second-level strongest, you can't beat him. "

"Brother Yao Tianjun will not let you go, he will definitely avenge me."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Yao Wang Tianjun felt very desperate.

Because he knows his physical condition, it is even worse than what Ye Xiaohu said ~ ~ His professional technique of fake death is obviously too bad, so that after every fake death, he will be very weak .

But he couldn't help it, because Ye Xiaohu was so strong that he was so strong that he couldn't compete.

But now all the hard work has turned into a bubble. I saw the medicine Wang Tianjun staring at Ye Xiaohu Road with death: "Even if I die, it won't make you feel better."

Yao Wang Tianjun roared his son again, and then killed Ye Xiaohu, fighting with Ye Xiaohu for the final death.

"If you have such a fighting spirit at the beginning, and if you don't retain this power to resurrect, then maybe you can really hurt me Ye Xiaohu.

But it's a pity that when you blew up before, you lacked the power of the desperate, so you couldn't kill me at all, let alone now? "

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly. The weak Wang Tianjun was a garbage in Ye Xiaohu's eyes. I saw Ye Xiaohu wielding a sword at random, and then plainly cut Yao Wang Tianjun, and then pointed to Yao Wang Tianjun: " You are next. "

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