Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1872: : Medicine King Tianjun

? Boom.

Almost when Ye Xiaohu was absorbing the energy of the Nine Nine Species, the surrounding earth shook for a while, which shocked the people of the Nine Nine Immortals.

"This is how the same thing?"

"Why did the earthquake strike for a while, did something go wrong, or did the enemy attack us?"

"It shouldn't be. We have occupied this place for a long time, and we have made every preparation. Anyone attacking us will be discovered by us, instead of being inexplicably attacked like this?"

"What's more, you didn't find out, it was just an earthquake, and then there was no energy fluctuation?"

The people in the Nine Serenity Fairy talked for a while, but found no abnormalities.

Just when they were so dumbfounded, they didn't know what was going on.

A strong man in the Nine Serenities' Realm, who was the top of Tianjun's triple sky, came out of the cave and asked, "Is the Master Nan Shao and others coming?"

"It should not be. Our people said that Master Nan didn't know what happened, so he stayed in place all the time and never rushed over."

The disciples of Jiuyou Xianyu who were questioned responded quickly and said: "If they suddenly come over, our contact person will not give us any warning."

"Since this is the case, did someone touch the Nine Nether Forbidden Immortal Array, so it caused such a sensation?"

The strong man of Tianjun Mietian, after thinking again, said cautiously: "Go to two people and see if there are any problems with the Nine Nether Forbidden Immortal Array."


Someone responded immediately, then quickly went to check.

After a while, he checked back and reported in front of everyone: "Senior brother, Jiuyou Banxian Town everything is normal, there is no problem, it should not be someone who sent Jiuyou Banxian array.

And if someone really touches the Nine Nether Forbidden Immortal Array, it is impossible for the array to cause only one earthquake, but a continuous vibration. "

Hearing the response from the younger brother, the powerful Tianjun triplet nodded with satisfaction, then he thought for a moment and said, "But though that said, I still have a trace of worry in my heart.

In this way, you expand the scope of the spies for me, sweep me any dead ends, and don't leave any unobservable places.

Every quarter of an hour, let me check the running status of the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array. You must not be allowed to make any mistakes, understand? "

Hearing the command of the Triple Heavenly Strong in the Nine Serenity Realm, the others immediately responded.

Although they didn't want to move, they finally agreed and acted one after another.

After a while, they disappeared.

When they left, the strong man of the triple heaven in the Nine Serenity Realm returned to the cave with a satisfied expression, and reported: "Brother Ghost You, our people have found out clearly, it should be a fairy demon The vibration generated by the passage itself should not be related to our Nine Nether Forbidden Immortal Array. "

"Mingyou Daoyou, I have said long ago, this place is so secret, and your layout is so safe, there will be no problems."

Ghost You Tianjun hasn't spoken yet. The medicine king Tianjun who is standing beside him has already spoken first: "More crazy this time I have the medicine king to help. Do you still think that Southern Master Lord can they spray any waves?"

Medicine King Tianjun.

The strong man of the Tianjun triple peak is also an ally of the Nine Serenities.

When Jiu You Xianyu decided to kill Ye Xiaohu and Nan Shaozhu, he immediately began to recruit troops secretly.

Therefore, in order to kill in one blow, the people of the Nine Serenity Realm also made a blood supply this time, and specially invited the medicine king Tianjun, such a terrible ally.

There is the medicine king Tianjun, there are ghosts and ghosts, and there are ghosts and ghosts ... There are three strong kings of the three heavens and three peaks of the heavens, plus a number of strong kings of the three heavens and doubles.

The Alliance Army of Nine Serenities Realm is very hot.

Therefore, both Ghost You Tianjun and Yao Wang Tianjun are full of self-confidence in this battle, and think that there is absolutely no problem.

"Yao Wang Daoyou, you are right, but sometimes be careful to make Wannian ship."

Guiyou Tianjun thought for a while, and finally said cautiously: "Besides, Master Nan has not been close to us, which makes me always have a bad hunch, it seems that something bad is going to happen?"

"Brother, I have a similar hunch."

Hearing Gui You Tianjun, the just sitting down, You You Tian could not help but smile bitterly, and then said seriously: "Although I don't want to admit it, but I have to say that I have been jumping my eyelids recently, as if I had a life Dangerous, so I was so careful just now. "

One person feels this way, then both people feel this way, which means that it is definitely not that simple and good.

After all, when you reach the level of Tianjun, you will not easily have such a hunch.

Seeing this scene, the drug king Tianjun could n’t help but think about it for a moment, then sighed: “Well, since you guys have put down such a heavy amount to ask me, if I do n’t make a little effort, even if I win in the end, I will I'm sorry to accept it. After all, you and I are the two immortals.

Medicine King Tianjun took a deep breath, then took out a tender green grass from his magic weapon, and then held him in the palm of his hand, and said to Ming You Tianjun, "You will find someone later, Plant this fairy grass in a reasonable location. And tell your people, try to avoid that location to avoid being injured by it. "

Ning You Tianjun glanced at his brother, and when he saw Gui Youtianjun nodded ~ ~ so he immediately took the fairy medicine and left.

As soon as he left, Guiyou Tianjun asked cautiously: "Daoyou, the king of medicine, did you finally cultivate that thing after years of cultivation?"

"Not bad."

Yao Wang Tianjun's self-confidence, but he touched his beard, proudly expressed: "After feeding more than 1,000 Tianjun, this Tianjun poisonous grass finally evolved successfully. As long as Tianjun triple The people underneath will be poisoned by him if they spend too much time with him. "

"Will this ... would hurt our people by mistake?"

"If you don't get close, you'll be fine."

Yao Wang Tianjun shook his head, because he hadn't studied this fairy medicine for too long, so he couldn't know the specific situation.

Hearing Yao Wang Tianjun's unreliable words, Gui You Tianjun couldn't help but have a headache, but he didn't reject Yao Wang Tianjun's proposal in the end, instead he stood up and looked at the sky and said: "South Master, this time I I have done so much preparation for you, so I will kill you. "

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