Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1863: : Trade news

Seeing Ye Xiaohu don't know how to advance and retreat, this leaves the face of the five-member group dull.

So they looked at each other and decided to stop talking nonsense with Ye Xiaohu.

I saw a ray of light on them.

Immediately afterwards, he worked out one by one and went towards Ye Xiaohu.

"Boy, you found it yourself."

"Originally we wanted to spare you a life, but since you don't want to obey our arrangements, then die."

"Tian Dao slaughtered the dragon and killed me."

"Fissile Excalibur, cut me."

For a time, the five-person group attacked, all coming towards Ye Xiaohu.

Seeing their attack, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneer.

In fact, he never shot, just waiting for this moment.

Almost at the moment they shot, Ye Xiaohu's figure moved, and instantly left the place where he originally stood, and came directly to the top of the five-member group.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu came to the fore, and went directly towards the group of five with a powerful punch.

Puff puff.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's iron fist, like a tree cover, chiseled towards everyone from the sky.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's attack, the group of five couldn't help but bulge their eyes.

Although the two sides have not yet met, they have noticed a difference from Ye Xiaohu's attack.

That kind of power is far above them.

This let them know that they seem to have encountered hard stubble.

But they have no chance to regret now. In order to survive, they must do everything possible to defeat Ye Xiaohu in front of them.

"Don't keep your hands, otherwise we may die today, not him."

"He is not an ordinary person, and his cultivation base has at least reached the Tianjun Double Heaven."

"Damn, this is a genius who came out from somewhere, actually disguised as an ordinary player in a backward place, come to pit us together?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry and win him."

For a time, the group of five people worked together to condense a strong aura and walk towards Ye Xiaohu.

Bang Bang.

The two sides collided in the air several times in a row, the sound of shouting and killing, the sound of thunder, even spread all over the world, so that people around you can hear the fighting sounds here.

This is the Tianjun level battle, there is no way to cover them on the ground.

Unless they negotiate with each other and enter into a special dimension space.

However, this time in the fairy demon channel, there is naturally no way to hide his fighting atmosphere, so people around have learned that there is fighting here.

"Look, look, there are fairies in that place."

"It seems that the cultivation practices of both sides are not weak, so they are all at the level of Tianjun."

"Interestingly, who is so uncontrollable that the battle started just now."

"Let's get started. Now that someone has sampled us, let's not hide it, let's start this feast of a hundred battles."

"Get rid of those who wait a little, let us build this generation of genius list."

For a while, there were peerless geniuses in various areas of the Immortal Passage, who were strange, hostile, or weak to the side.

For a time, there were battles all over the place. The weak fairies shivered one after another, and the powerful fairies flew around one by one to drive out their opponents.

The same time.

A group of people gathered together above the Demon Territory.

"Those immortals are so stupid. They just started to enter the immortal channel, and they began to infight. It is completely unknown that they have fallen into our trap."

"Yes, when they are fighting fiercely and the losses are heavy, it is their end."

"In the past, it was our Mozu that suffered losses. This time we have to make history, let those immortals pay a heavy price, and let them know that we Mozu can't cause trouble.

"Kill, this time we must kill these fairies."

The people of the Demon Race are bloody, forming an invisible blood cloud.

Seeing this scene, many fairy people frowned, but after they frowned slightly, they relaxed again, because they did not believe that the demons could set off any storms.

After all, this is the test of the fairy people, and they have been protected.

What's more, in history, there has never been a record of one hundred wars overturned, so they believe that this time it will not be a problem.

But Ye Xiaohu in the battle realized that there was something strange in this matter.

So Ye Xiaohu decided not to consume any more, so Ye Xiaohu directly hit the fivesome with thunder.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

With a clear fragrance, the group of five fell to the ground in response.

"You, you are definitely not the strong man of Tianjun's double sky."

"You are the peerless genius of Mie Tian, ​​but why have we never seen you?"

"Who is it, who secretly pits us?"

"Damn, I'm not willing to die!"

Obviously when they knew that they were about to face the situation, they could not help but look dimmed.

But faced with their questioning, Ye Xiaohu said with disdain: "I am not a big sect, a person in Daxianyu, you naturally do not know my existence.

But it doesn't matter now. There are only two things in front of you. One is what you seized before you surrendered automatically. One is that you directly committed suicide and thanked you, and then I was harvesting from your corpses.

Do n’t think about exploding because you are in my hands and there is no way to protect yourself. "

When the words fell, Ye Xiaohu directly lit up his killer, let them open their eyes one by one, but did not dare to explode.

Because then they will die better than life, because the killer in Ye Xiaohu's hand is a kind of charm that traps the soul.

These fulu are all specially made by Ye Xiaohu in the Fulu store ~ ​​ ~, which is to prepare for this.

"We are willing to turn over the harvest."

The head of the five-member group, after hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, could not help but change his complexion, and then took the initiative to hand over his storage ring and other things to Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, couldn't help but say: "Do you have any hidden treasures in other places? If you have any, it's better to turn them in. Otherwise, let me find the clues. You know what kind of consequences will happen."

Heart black, the feeling of the five-member team Ye Xiaohu at this moment, is a black eater.

So they shook their heads quickly and denied Ye Xiaohu's guess on the spot: "Dad, although we don't have any other treasures, but we know a mystery that can be given to the big guy so that you can exchange it with others for what you want. "

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