Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1831: : Linglong Stone

"Unfortunately, this auction did not yield anything."

"Forget it, take all those elixir out tomorrow and suppress the hundred battles."

"I think so too. This time I have brought so much money. If I can press an unpopular sect, if I come to a pop, it may be a big profit."

"Yes, there are several cents in this year, and some special geniuses have been found. Maybe some dark horses may appear, which will change the ranking of the hundred battles."

Everyone who participated in the Holy Emperor auction came out.

Most of them are discussing similar things enthusiastically.

But there were always a few people. After their eyes glanced over everyone, they finally shook their heads in disappointment.

Then they glanced at each other and then separated from the crowd.

After a while, they came to a darker corner outside the Shenghuang Auction House.


I saw that one of the people who had competed with Ye Xiaohu directly took out a formation of jade jade, and it was still on the spot on the spot, forming a huge formation.

When this formation was formed, the person who had competed with Ye Xiaohu for some thing couldn't help but look ugly: "Damn, that thing had already started, but the result was that the **** box 46 People are cut off, it ’s really unbearable. "

"To know that thing is really too crucial for us who are enchanted. Only by getting him can we continue to hide our identity in this fairyland, otherwise our identity will be exposed sooner or later.

But that **** guy, like an upstart, directly robbed us of what was in our pocket. "


One side said that this man who had competed with Ye Xiaohu for auctioned goods, slapped hard a few times towards the surrounding walls and vacant ground to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Brother, we can't continue this way."

"There are not many things in our hands that can hide identity and cover up the breath. If we can't find a replacement for something new, then we will be exposed in a short time. How will we survive?"

"Yes, we have to find a way, we can't continue to sit here and wait for it to die."

"But what should I do? At present, except for this auction, there is something like this. There is no such thing in other places. Where can we get it?"

Ming magic stone.

This is something they have been struggling to find, but this kind of thing is too rare.

It was also an accidental opportunity that they learned that there was an auction for this thing, and they rushed over thousands of miles and wanted to take this opportunity to buy it.

But the original thing was only worth 10 million immortals, but in the end it was fired by Ye Xiaohu to a high price, causing them to be shy and unable to auction this thing. They could only watch Ye Xiaohu cut off.

"If there are other places, we have already obtained them. Should we wait until now?"

I saw the shadow of Liupin Tianjun who had competed with Ye Xiaohu in the auction, and looked down at his brother with a low face: "In order to survive, we must find the person in box No. 46 and figure out him Who is it, what is the cultivation base, and then find a chance to kill him. Only in this way can we obtain the Ming Demon Stone and refine the special rung to hide our identity, so that we can worry about the killing of the fairy in the fairy world. "

"But Brother, how can we figure out the identity of the person in Box No. 46?"

A younger brother of Shadow Tianjun asked inexplicably: "We are from a foreign language and have no relationship with the local branch of the Shenghuang Auction House at all, nor can we purchase relevant auctioneer information from their hands. "

"I know, so we can't go through the channels of the Holy Emperor Auction House. After all, if we do that, it will increase our chances of exposure, so if we want to achieve our goal, there is only one way, that is, from the Holy Emperor Auction House. The little **** starts. "

I saw Shadow Tianjun glanced around carefully, and then explained: "Whether it is you or me, or someone else wants to enter the Holy Emperor Auction House, there must be someone to pick up. I have been paying attention to this, So I dare to believe 100% that that person will do the same.

In other words, if we can seize one or two people from the Holy Emperor Auction House, we can basically figure out what that person looks like and what his name is, then it's easy to deal with. "

If it is not a master of moving the Holy Emperor Auction House, only one or two pawns are moved, which is not a very troublesome thing for Shadow Tianjun and others.

So they nodded one after another, and expressed their support for the plan.

"I just watched it for a while and found that the person who came out of that place did not have the box of No. 46, so he should still be trading behind."

Shadow Tianjun leaned a little, and then told his brother to say: "So we are now divided into three ways, staring at the front entrance all the way, to see who is the last one. Look for opportunities all the way, arrest one or two The junior staff of the Shenghuang Auction House, and strive to get the information we need from their mouths.

As for the rest of the people to take action with me, let's go to the Fulu store, the Fairy Store, etc. around to buy some special equipment to deal with the people in the box No. 46. "

Although Shadow Tianjun guessed that the people inside the box on the 46th should not be particularly powerful.

However, for safety reasons, they still have to make some preparations to avoid being counter-killed by the people in Box No. 46.

"Action, everyone immediately acted, and contacted according to our special contact information. Until the action began, if I did not command me, then no one was allowed to act, or contact other people."

Shadow Tianjun gave a command, the others nodded immediately, and then everyone left.

Soon after they left, the formation released by them was discovered by a group of masked black men.

I saw this group of people in black found this place, and fell down from the void, and fell on the ground to take a closer look at the situation.

After their review and identification, it was finally judged that there was something strange about the smell of this place.

"There is a breath of formation, but the energy has been exhausted. And from the traces of the formation, it should be a formation that conceals the breath and covers the sound. It is self-evident."

"Although their actions are very secret, but from the breath left on the ground, they should be a group of people who are vassalized by the Devil. This kind of disgusting breath, I can't forget it in my life."

"Sure enough, as the domain masters guessed, the group of demonic vassals, after receiving the news that the Ming Demon Stone was about to be auctioned, immediately couldn't sit still, and personally came to the Nantian Daochang to participate in the auction."

"But it is because they participated in this auction, so they will be exposed, giving us the opportunity to catch them and kill them in one blow."

I saw people who came suddenly, squatted on the ground to carefully check and identify for a while, then reported all the information they got to the leader who had never spoken.

The leader read the information they sent, and then frowned, "Are there a total of fourteen people's blood? It seems that these demonic vassals are a lot more cautious than before. But no matter how cautious they are, they will fall into the palm of Lao Tzu sooner or later. "

I saw this commander sneered, and then walked toward the Holy Emperor Auction: "You will go to the other things first, and I will report to Master Yu."


Inside the Holy Emperor Auction House.

Ye Xiaohu has followed the staff of the Shenghuang Auction House to the place where their boss rested.

As soon as Ye Xiaohu entered, he found three people.

One of them is the busy blood Yaozi who is waiting for the bureau in this place.

There is another person, a rather majestic middle-aged man, who sits in the first position on the left hand side and gently drinks fairy tea.

Opposite him, there is an old man.

The old man is not majestic or serious, but more like an old naughty boy.

Almost when Ye Xiaohu looked at the old man, the old man was also looking at Ye Xiaohu.

After looking at each other for a while, the majestic middle-aged man finally cleared his voice and took everyone's attention to himself.


I saw a majestic middle-aged man, staring at Ye Xiaohu and asked curiously: "Boy, I ask you, what are you doing with that high price and auctioning the Ming Demon Stone?"

"Light Magic Stone?"

Ye Xiaohu slightly stunned: "What is the Ming Demon Stone you said?"

"It's this stone."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's dumbfounded face, the blood Yaozi on the opposite side took out a piece of bright magic stone from his storage magic weapon: "You spent nearly 100 million yuan to auction it."

"Oh, it turns out that you are talking about this Linglong stone!"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, then woke up and said: "Linglong Stone is a good fairy stone. He can imprint the formation method, or he can develop it into powder and refine some special medicine. But this thing is more difficult to produce, so I encountered this The bigger one, I would buy it at such a high price. "

"that's it?"

"that's it."

"No other ideas?"

"Other ideas, what do you want to ask?"

Ye Xiaohu questioned each other and looked at each other for a while.

Just when Ye Xiaohu felt a little unhappy, he saw the old man on the opposite side and gently tapped on the table in front of him, saying: "Linglong Stone is the name of the ancient heavenly court period. Now many people don't use this name anymore. Now, people today prefer to call him Ming Demon Stone.

Since he was called the Demon Stone, as the name implies, it is naturally used to refine some Demon Races, or those who are vassals of the Devil Races, to hide the breath of the fairy treasure. "

After speaking these words, an old man like an old naughty boy began to stare at Ye Xiaohu quietly, wanting to see Ye Xiaohu's thoughts and performance when he heard these words at this moment.

But unfortunately, today he is destined to fail, because Ye Xiaohu was only slightly surprised at the beginning, but then returned to normal.

"so what?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then said to the old man like an old naughty boy: "I am a fairy, not enchanted. Even I followed the army and fought against the demons.

And I and Demon Clan can be described as having a common hatred, so I will not go with them at all, nor will they help them buy Ming Demon Stone. "

"Of course we know that you won't do this, so we only ask in this way. If we think you will do that, then instead of coming to talk to you now, we will directly take you down."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's rebuttal, the middle-aged man dissatisfied Ye Xiaohu at once, and then added a sentence: "You can arbitrarily refute and deny at will, precisely because we think you are a material that can be made, That ’s why I just asked him to ask me, do you understand?

Ye Xiaohu? "

When his name was called out, Ye Xiaohu did not feel any difference at all, but said more calmly: "Since you are well aware of this problem, why should you ask us?"

"Always ask for a while, and make sure it is the safest way."

The dignified middle-aged man, after taking a closer look at Ye Xiaohu, said: "And I am curious, how did you, a genius disciple from the extremely northern fairy field, accumulate such a huge elixir that can be used here A lot of auctions at an auction. Although you can get the full training of Herranzong with your talents, that is not enough to achieve this level. "

"I naturally have my way."

Ye Xiaohu took out a fairy medicine at random, and then volleyed him to refine it, and condensed out a medicine bead said: "For example like me now."

Alchemy out of thin air doesn't need any external help at all.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's mysterious movement ~ ~ The three people across the floor were shocked.

For a long time, the old man like an old naughty boy took the lead and said, "Good boy, you are a better car than these geniuses in the Southern Celestial Realm, especially on the alchemy path, and it is moving towards the realm of a master."

Hearing the words of the old man, Ye Xiaohu shook his head in his heart.

Immortal master?

That's not Ye Xiaohu's pursuit. If he wants, then besides Master Immortal Master, he can also become Master Fu Mi, Master Alchemist, Master Alchemist ... and so on.

But what's the use of becoming those masters, in today's fairyland life, you still need to have enough cultivation practices. Only in this way can hot respect be obtained.

"You are a good seedling, and I'm optimistic about your performance on the battle of 100 battles."

An old man like an old naughty boy, after seeing such a strange movement as Ye Xiaohu, nodded with satisfaction on the spot, and after a brief expression, he instructed Blood Yaozi to say: "Give him a vip token from our holy auction house. And escorted him away from the back door. "

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