Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1828: : Horrible price

One billion.

Although it is not as large as one hundred or ten billion.

However, a one-time increase of one billion also deterred many people.

Of course, this time the price increase also let Ye Xiaohu know that although the strength of those immortal gates is strong, they can not produce immortals in unlimited quantities.

A hard currency like an elixir is an elixir refined by a special department in the country, but it is not an elixir that can be refined at will.

So even if those immortal gates are powerful and want to exchange immortals, they have to pay a certain price.

"If I remember correctly, Sword God Sect should be the top ten sect?"

"It's like this, but it's always the tail hanging position."

"No matter how much land, this is an absolutely powerful force, did not expect them to be interested in the remains of the ancient heaven."

"Remains of the ancient heavenly court, that is a thing that a fairy gate needs, and a lot of needs. So no one will dislike it, and there are few remains of the ancient heavenly court that he controls."

"It's such a thing. After all, there are some special opportunities in every ancient heavenly ruins."

Jian Shenzong's appearance immediately made the situation on the scene even more explosive.

Those top powers naturally didn't want Jian Shenzong and Shanshen Tiandi to be superior to others, so they also increased their prices.

22 billion.

25 billion.

2.7 billion.


The number continues to rise, and soon came to the terror of 29 billion, and it will soon approach 30 billion.

But after reaching such a number, the scene fell into tranquility.

Obviously many people stopped and began to re-evaluate their abilities, and whether the remains of the ancient heaven are worth these immortals.

After all, the remains of the ancient heavenly court are a broken, a very small space, not a complete and huge fairy palace.

They had concerns, but Ye Xiaohu did not.

Ye Xiaohu knew that he was a few pounds or two, so after weighing it all at once, he directly announced: "30 billion."

30 billion.

Ye Xiaohu's words immediately made the scene quieter.

"Aren't he running out of money?"

"Yeah! Why did you start asking again?"

"It's a bit wrong. Who is that kid and where does he spend so much money?"

"Trust, it must be the trust of the auction house."

Ye Xiaohu was originally suspected to be the trust of the auction house, but there was no way to find evidence. Later, Ye Xiaohu was said by the auction house, and because there was nothing to shoot, he chose to give up, so that people's suspicion of Ye Xiaohu went down.

But now that Ye Xiaohu jumped out again, it naturally made everyone doubt again.

For a time, the person in charge of the Nantian Daochang of the Shenghuang Auction House, the beautiful blood Yaozi, also had a headache, apparently felt that Ye Xiaohu was too pitted.

"I need capital verification."

I saw the God of the Mountain God used his magical power to glance at Ye Xiaohu. As a result, he found that he could only see a vague figure. There was no way to see Ye Xiaohu clearly. , To know whether he can come up with such a huge amount of funds, so as to avoid bluffing and spurring prices. "

Mountain God Tiandi can also increase the price, but if he continues to increase, there is no way to increase too much, so he needs to figure out where is Ye Xiaohu's bottom.

If Ye Xiaohu's bottom is too deep, then he is also reluctant to continue to increase the price.

If Ye Xiaohu's bottom is almost the same, or if he is bluffing, then he will directly burst once to see if he can beat his competitors.

"Yes, we support the proposal of the mountain **** Tiandi."

"Capital verification, we also need to know each other's capital."

"This time the ruins of the ancient heaven are naturally those of us who have the capital to buy before we can continue to bid. So in order to avoid any trouble, I think we need to verify the capital, and all need to be verified."

"Nothing wrong, no one can escape."

As soon as the mountain **** Tiandi opened his mouth, the other forces on the spot seized the opportunity, and they all put forward things for capital verification. Such a situation has rarely happened in the past.

So Blood Yaozi got a headache, and said to his own hands: "Well, since they want to verify the capital, then go to help them verify the capital for a while, and give them a certificate."


After being ordered by Blood Yaozi, the fortune-tellers of the Shenghuang Auction House took action.

I saw them one by one, went to those who intend to bid, and helped them calculate their capital.

In this way of accounting, they knew the human capital in each box, and even Ye Xiaohu's bottom line was figured out by them.

When they helped Ye Xiaohu finish the calculation, they knew that Ye Xiaohu was so rich.

So they looked at Ye Xiaohu carefully, and had an expression that was difficult to direct.

"Are there any questions?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but ask curiously: "If there is any problem, then I can remedy it."

"No, no problem."

Hearing that Ye Xiaohu can still remedy, the staff of the auction house who knew that Ye Xiaohu still wanted to continue to mortgage and betrayed, could not help but smiled bitterly: "Sir, wait a minute, I will go to the other box to see.

Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not force the other party to stay.

So after he continued to wait for a while, all the people in the box basically checked.

Immediately after that, the auditors went to the lobby and walked around again. As a result, no one wanted to continue bidding, so they returned to their jobs.

"This time there are far fewer people."

"Yeah! There are less than thirty at the site ~ ~ You can continue to bid."

"The number of people is still quite large, and everyone's bottom line, I estimate it is almost the same, which is more than a billion or two billion each other."

"In any case, this auction is expected to soon fall into the final battle."

"However, the person in Box No. 46 is really strong. It can be seen that he should not be the trust of the Holy Emperor Auction House. Down. "

For a time, everyone looked at Ye Xiaohu.

Some people are curious, but others blink their eyes, obviously not thinking of any good things.

But he was not worried about Ye Xiaohu at all, only to watch him quietly.

At this time, Blood Yaozi, who personally came to the auction, announced: "I announced that 30 billion yuan will be effective for the first time. Does anyone continue to increase prices to compete for this ancient heavenly ruins?" Shennong, who returned from Xiuxian

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