Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1815: : Familiar stranger

Swish swish.

Ye Xiaohu went forward in a burst, misjudged his position.

Soon Ye Xiaohu came to a market, and stared at the endless figure in front, he could not help frowning and thinking.

"Strange, I clearly felt a familiar breath, it should be a familiar person, but why does the breath disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"Who is it, why can I only feel familiar, but there is no way to tell, who is passing by?"

"Recently on the earth, there should be no acquaintances entering the fairy realm, then who is this acquaintance?"

"Enemies? But the enemies I have encountered recently have been killed by me. It stands to reason that no one should be there."

Ye Xiaohu's character has always been to eliminate grass and roots, so when encountering enemies, there are very few fish that miss the net.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu was in the Nanjia Mansion, and he noticed this familiar breath, and then immediately left Li Xianfeng and others and quickly chased over.

According to Ye Xiaohu's judgment, if it is not an enemy, then it must be a friend, and not a friend from the earth, then it can only be a friend in the ancient heaven.

It was because of such speculation that Ye Xiaohu became so interested in this strange friend who suddenly appeared.

"But where is he?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at the endless stream, there were fairies everywhere, and the whole person had some confusion, and I did n’t know how to find my friends.

"Forget it, let's settle down if you come!"

Yi Xiaohu carefully observed for a while, but there was still no way to trace the traces of friends, so he had to give up searching and decided to hang out in the market first.

On the one hand to see if there are any huge gains, on the one hand, you can continue to find the trace of the strange friend.

"Ten thousand years old ginseng, this is a kind of superb ginseng carefully infused with the blood of Tianjun level. The old man also risked his life and broke into a forbidden place in the ancient heavens before exploring this old ginseng. .If you are interested, you can make a bid, and I will sell it if it is appropriate. "

"The Celestial Immortal Artifact, and it is a masterly Artifact from the Master, and has not been recognized by the Lord. As long as you buy it back and cultivate it for a few years, you can become your own magic weapon. "

"Mo Ji, a standard Mo Ji, and a Mo Ji who was banned and unable to commit suicide. Just take it back and cultivate it for a while. It is definitely a beauty embryo, which allows you to experience the devil women at night. Charm, and the price is not very expensive. "

"Information, selling information, all kinds of information are available in our store. If you are interested, you can come in and inquire for a while to ensure that you are fully loaded."

This market has three teachings and nine tiers, selling everything.

But after listening briefly, Ye Xiaohu knew that most of the things sold in this place were worthless.

Or, most things, there is false news.

For example, that old ginseng is also said to have been cultivated by the immortals using the blood of Tianjun in the ancient days of the court. If not afraid of exposing his identity, Ye Xiaohu really wanted to give him two servants in the past.

It is necessary to know the old Junshen, but the special life can be cultivated by using the corpse of a Tianjun.

Such a violation of heaven's way, in the ancient days of heaven, there was no **** who would do it.

That is to say, this old ginseng is definitely not a product of the ancient heavenly court period, then he said that it must be a fake.

But the medicinal properties of this old ginseng are still good, at least it can be taken back to alchemy, not to lose money.

Just like this, Ye Xiaohu strolled in the market all the way, and soon Ye Xiaohu came to a shop with a symbol.

So Ye Xiaohu stopped, because this shop is very interesting.

You can directly sell the ready-made Fulu, or you can provide raw materials and let the guests make their own Fulu.

"Dear guests, what fulu do you need?"

When Ye Xiaohu stopped, the staff of Fulu shop immediately pounced and kindly asked: "If there is anything you need, then please ask me."

"I want some hidden traps, or invisible runes."

Ye Xiaohu recalled what Nanshan Yun said. The first question of talent, Ye Xiaohu was not worried. A hundred battles can come, then most people have similar talents, but luck is different, so the resources they master are also different, so the realm of cultivation is slightly different.

Ye Xiaohu's only worry is that they were killed during the second hurdle.

After all, in the second part, Ye Xiaohu could not follow them and protect them, so if they want to survive, they can only rely on their own abilities.

Thinking about this, Ye Xiaohu stared at the store employees and said, "I don't know if there is a fulu in this area in your store. If there is, then I can purchase in large quantities."

"Sorry, Fulu in this respect, we have sold out in our store."

Ye Xiaohu is worried about this problem, and other Xianmen are also worried about this issue ~ ~ After all, not all Xianyu, like local tyrants like Nantian Xianyu, master a lot of resources and genius. Therefore, those immortal domains that are similar to the extreme north immortal domains all need to purchase similar rungs to protect their disciples.

Therefore, the employees of the Fulu store said after the report: "If you are not in a hurry, then we can quickly mobilize similar Fulu, but it will take some time. Of course, if you do n’t want to delay the time, you can also choose to practice it yourself. To make a similar Fulu, our shop is willing to provide raw materials.

If you have too many rune refinings that you can't use, then our shop can also take care of recycling. "

Hearing the words of Fu Mi shop employees, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but light up, so he nodded and said, "Then trouble you to help me find a quiet place, and help me get some materials by the way, I want to personally refine some Fu Mi.

"No problem, please wait."

The staff of Fulu store took a brief look at Ye Xiaohu.

Originally he just asked at random, which Cheng Ye thought that Ye Xiaohu actually agreed.

Under such circumstances, he could not help but turn around and speak to his supervisor.

The supervisor nodded, then came to Ye Xiaohu's side and said amiably to Ye Xiaohu: "This esteemed guest, please also come with me to refine the Fulu."

(End of this chapter)

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