Nine Nether Fairy Domain?

Ye Xiaohu's mind soon came up with information about the Nine Serenities.

This is thanks to Nanshan Yun. Without his strong help, Ye Xiaohu could not get information in this respect.

"Master South, I am very willing to form an alliance with you, after all, you helped me just now."

I saw Ye Xiaohu thought for a moment, and then looked at Nanshan Yun seriously: "Although your proposal is good, but as far as I know, the ranking of the Nine Nine Fairy Territory is still above your Nantian Xian Realm. There should be many masters of Zongmen represented by Xianyu.

But you also saw that our Helanzong came from the extremely northern fairyland, which is a bitter cold place, very backward. The number of geniuses we went on this trip is not much, and there is no way to compare with other fairy fields.

Even in order to reduce the damage, we have cancelled most of the geniuses. To participate in this hundred battles, only a small number of people left to follow me to avoid a lot of losses.

But if you let us cooperate with your Southern Celestial Realm to deal with the Nine Serenity Celestial Realm, then our Helanzong may be more severely lost. "

Ye Xiaohu is not a reckless husband. He knows that Master Nan has kindness to himself.

But he also knows that Master Nan Shao is also the master of the Three Treasures Hall.

Since Master Nan took the initiative to help, and proposed such conditions, according to normal conditions, Ye Xiaohu should agree. But Ye Xiaohu weighed around and found that once such cooperation, for Heranzong, I am afraid the loss will be greater.

Of course Ye Xiaohu doesn't care. After all, he lacks nothing and his cultivation behavior is not weak.

But he had to think for Senior Ximen, Senior Brother Zhang Yiman and others, and he could not selfishly agree to Nanshan Yun.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't agree so readily."

If it is replaced with other people, after taking out so much Tianjun Zhenye, the result is that the funded person refuses to cooperate, and it will be violent.

But Nan Shanyun didn't jump like thunder, but instead laughed calmly, and then walked over and patted Ye Xiaohu's shoulder and said: "But when I tell you clearly about the pattern of this game, you will agree to follow I cooperated. "


Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment. Isn't the model he knows incomplete?

So he looked back at Li Xianfeng, but he saw that Elder Li Xianfeng shook his head. Obviously he was not very clear. After all, he was also the first time to lead the team to participate.

Helpless, Ye Xiaohu could only look at Nanshan Yun.

"Don't look at him, I guess he doesn't know, so you just listen to me."

Ye Xiaohu's actions did not conceal Nanshan Yun.

Nanshan Yun can be seen naturally, so Nanshan Yun laughed loudly and said nothing: "According to the past model, a hundred battles are divided into three parts.

The first part of is to verify your talent, prove your ability, and have enough luck to compete in a hundred battles.

The second part is to put everyone into a space, let us all fight together, weed out the inferiors, and leave the essence.

The third part, the final key part, is the ranking of the hundred battles. This part is determined by individual talent and combat level.

We ca n’t control the third part, but in the second part, we can cooperate perfectly, try to kill our opponents, let them die in the trial space of the second part, so that we can also One less opponent. "

Nanshan Yun briefly introduced the situation and gave Ye Xiaohu a clear understanding of the matter.

So after thinking for a while, Ye Xiaohu frowned and asked: "Isn't this the second part of everyone entering together? If they are entering together, then they can all form an alliance, and there are enough masters, not at all. We seized the opportunity to kill one of the martial arts? "

"You think too much, the immortal gates that participated in the battle of the Hundred Sects, they are the handlebars of the major immortal domains, how can you form an alliance casually?"

Nanshan Yun shook his head and said: "Not all the immortal gates are as weak as your Helanzong, you must cooperate with the alliance."

Ye Xiaohu nodded his head, it is indeed such a reason.

But he did not speak, because he knew that Nanshan Yun had follow-up words.

Sure enough, under Ye Xiaohu's listening, Nan Shanyun quickly recounted: "And when entering the space, everyone is also scattered. It is impossible to enter a fairy field, a fairy field, then it is easy to make some of them People hug a group and affect the weak immortal gate. Otherwise, a hundred battles will really die. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded and thought about it carefully, it was indeed the same thing.

If such a fight, only two of the most powerful Xianmen disciples passed the second part, then it was really over.

However, under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu still grasped the point and asked: "But in such a situation, should there still be a cleaned Xianmen?"

"Yes, in the long years, naturally some of the Xianmen have been cleaned up."

Nanshan Yun stared at Ye Xiaohu Road: "For example, you Helan Zong, did not pass the second part last time."


Hearing Nanshan Yun's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but blush.

It's so shameful that the old Sovereign of the Helan Sect had no way to pass the second part, nor did he participate in the battle for the ranking behind. This really made Ye Xiaohu helpless.

"Of course, there is no shame in it, because there are so many sects like this."

Nan Shanyun knew what Ye Xiaohu was thinking, but he did not expose it. Instead, he continued to introduce: "According to the usual practice, in the second part, at least ninety-nine geniuses must be brushed down, leaving only the last one hundred days. The arrogant, entered the final ranking battle. So there are many schools, naturally there is no way to stick to the third part, it has been eliminated.

But a hundred battles are also very user-friendly, that is, in the second part, the number and strength of the Zongmen can be saved, and the ranking can also be determined.

For example, in the last session, the sect gates that entered the ranking stage through the second part, in fact, there are only more than half of the sect gates of the 100 battles. There are thirty or forty sect gates that have been eliminated in the second part.

Therefore, the subsequent ranking is based on their performance in the second part, the number of survivors, to determine their ranking.

If I remember correctly, you Helan Zong last time survived a person, so barely ranked in the 100th place. "

Nanshan Yun introduced a pass in detail to give Ye Xiaohu a clear understanding of the Hundred Battles.

Also allowed Ye Xiaohu to recognize the cruelty of the Hundred Battles to a higher level.

However, under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu still said cautiously: "Since this is the case, I can cooperate with you, but I hope that while you are cooperating with you, you should also try to protect our disciples of Heranzong."

Ye Xiaohu's idea is simple. Since the number of disciples in inventory is also related to the final ranking, he naturally hopes that more people can survive.

"This is no problem, after all, you and I cooperate, I naturally want to ensure that your disciples of Helan Zong are in stock."

Nan Shanyun did not reject Ye Xiaohu ’s proposal, and then added a sentence: “But their cultivation is too weak, even if they enter the second part, I am afraid it will be difficult to play a role, so you ’d better help them arrange some evasion, and Or hidden and defensive equipment, so that they can safely escape that time. "

"Thank you Master Nan for reminding me, I know what to do."

Ye Xiaohu thought about it and felt that he should really prepare some tools in this way, so he nodded and responded to Master Nan Shao: "But although I can help Master Nan, but if Jiu You Xian Yu remembers hatred, and revenge my extreme Bei Xian Yu, What should I do if I take revenge on Heranzong? "

"No, unless Jiu You Xian Yu violates the regulations designated by Xian Emperor."

Nanshan Yun shook his head and said with disdain: "To know the Hundred Battles, but the rules set by the Immortal Emperor, as long as there is no problem with the brain of the Nine Serene Immortals, people will not revenge your Helan Sect afterwards."

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu is not afraid of the Nine Nether Fairy Territories, but the Helanzong people can be afraid.

Fortunately, there was a lot of Ye Xiaohu's psychology in the words of Master Nan Shao, so Ye Xiaohu continued: "How should you and I work together and how to target the Nine Netherlands?"

"We don't know how many hundred battles have been fought between the Southern Celestial Realm and the Nine Celestial Celestial Realm, so we clearly know what the skill and ability of the Nine Celestial Celestial Celestial Domain are. Just rush over and help me kill the opponent of the Nine Serenities. "

Nan Shanyun said to Ye Xiaohu: "If you read the information I sent to you, you should know that there are two masters in the Nine Serenity Fairy Heaven and Three Heavens. I can deal with one, but the other needs I'll leave it to you. "

"What level?"

"The beginning of Mietian."

"That's no problem, just give it to me."

"I like to talk to cheerful people like you."

Nanshan Yun originally thought that Ye Xiaohu would continue to put forward some suggestions and requests. Ye Chenghu didn't say anything about this, but agreed quite readily.

This caused Nanshan Yun to have some confusion, so he said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "This cooperation, after all, has a very big risk, so in addition to that Tianjun Zhenye, I will give you something more, this is Compensation for a cooperation. "

Nanshan Yun thought about it, so he took out one after another special fairy treasure from his storage magic weapon.

Those fairy treasures were all cultivated by Nan Shanyun at that time, his father prepared for him to help him break through.

But these things are useless after the Nanshan Cloud breakthrough, so they have been left in the storage magic weapon.

Originally, Nanshan Yun planned to send these things into the treasure trove after the end of the Hundred Cases, to prepare for an opportunity to deal with them.

But now that I have cooperated with Ye Xiaohu, then Nanshan Yun is no longer wasted, and directly rewarding these things to Sister Ximen and others is a compensation this time.

After all, they are the disciples of Heranzong. Once they are known by the people of the Nine Serenities, they will also encounter many threats.

"My God, this seems to be a fairy artifact that Heavenly King can possess."

"This panacea is a good initial gel, seems to be the panacea that Tianjun can take?"

"Elder, can I take this thing?"

"Thank you Master Nan."

Nanshan Yun is the strongest of Tianjun's triple peak, and he is also the young master of the Nan family, so the things in his hand are naturally top-notch.

And these things are all things of the level of the Tianjun. Although they are not the best, they are already very precious things for Sister Ximen and others.

So they were ecstatic, and they took those things, and then looked at Li Xianfeng.

Seeing this scene of Li Xianfeng, naturally they would not stop them, so they were all happy.

Had to say that Nanshan Yun would be very popular.

Some simple things outside the body pulled Sister Simon and others on his warship.

If you really have trouble in the future, even if they want to stay out of Sister Ximen, I am afraid that your conscience will not be overwhelmed. Although they may not be able to help, they can force Ye Xiaohu to help. This is a double insurance for Nanshan Yun.

Ye Xiaohu didn't say anything about it, just as if he didn't see it, he continued to negotiate with Nanshan Yun on the follow-up cooperation plan.

After two or three hours of negotiation, finally reached a specific mode of cooperation, so Ye Xiaohu and others bid farewell to Nanshan Yun.

When returning to his residence, Li Xianfeng said to Ye Xiaohu, who was beside him: "Xiaohu, you should not impulsively agree with him. The Nine Serenity Fairyland is definitely not that simple."

"I know, but I have no choice."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said, "I must seize every opportunity to weaken my opponent as much as possible, and only then can I achieve a very good ranking above the hundred battles."

"We are all useless and cannot help Brother Xiaohu in this matter."

"Yeah! Our cultivation is too bad. If we can reach Tianjun's weight, it will be good. Then, with the Tianjun fairy weapon in hand, it can also threaten many enemies."

"No, let's find a special way, how about forcing a breakthrough?"

Sister Simon and others looked at Ye Xiaohu ~ ~ to express their ideas one by one.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu shook his head and rejected their goodwill: "This hundred battles are basically full of Tianjun and a strong man. Such geniuses are basically buried, so you Breaking through is useless. "

The people nodded, and they would not be able to compete in this hundred battles without reaching the Tianjun Double Heaven, and they knew that.

But they just saw Ye Xiaohu desperately and felt depressed.

Seeing that, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but open his mouth and smiled: "Okay, don't think too much, I'm not going to die, there is nothing serious."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, everyone nodded.

It was at this time that a sound of breaking the sky came from outside the Nan family, which made Ye Xiaohu's expression move: "I'm going out, you go back to practice first."

(End of this chapter)

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