Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1783: : Domain Master

While Ye Xiaohu was secretly observing, everyone suddenly became quiet, which made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised.

So Ye Xiaohu turned to look over, and found that everyone was looking in one direction.

In that direction, I don't know when someone came.

The man walked in slowly, but it gave a terrible feeling beyond description.

"Interestingly, I don't seem to have the time to feel fear from the soul to the body."

Ye Xiaohu recalled that the last time he encountered such a situation, he was scared by Sun Dasheng and others when he first entered the ancient heavenly court.

Since he returned to Earth, he has also met many opponents, but they are all within the control of Ye Xiaohu.

The same was true when I returned to Immortal Realm, but today there is finally a rival, a ruthless man who can kill Ye Xiaohu.

When Ye Xiaohu observed the other party, the other party naturally saw Ye Xiaohu.

I saw that he nodded slightly, he had seen Ye Xiaohu.

Immediately after he walked toward Li Xianfeng and others, there was obviously something important to do, which made Ye Xiaohu stare at him with a staring eye, lest he give birth to any mess.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, but what happened?"

"Brother, why are you staring at that person all the time, but what is weird about him?"

"Why didn't I find anything, I felt the other person was an ordinary person?"

"Yes! I don't feel anything special about him."

Zhang Yiman, Senior Sister Ximen and others looked at Ye Xiaohu one after another, and did not understand why Ye Xiaohu was so cautious.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said cautiously: "You and I are immortals, not ordinary immortals, so you should understand that people who can walk in front of us are at least one immortal talent. But if you look closely at that person, you will find that there is no fluctuation of fairy energy on his body. Obviously he can restrain the fairy energy, and can send and receive freely, so that no one can notice it. A person who can do this is also How could it be a weak person? "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's explanation, Sister Ximen and others could not help but be surprised.

They are not fools, naturally understand the meaning of Ye Xiaohu's words.

Just when they were shocked, Li Xianfeng and others who were still in discussion had stopped all the things they had to do, and came to the middle-aged man who had suddenly arrived.

"Master, you are here."

"Unexpectedly, this hundred battles was actually presided over by the master of the domain, which is really the glory of those younger generations!"

"Sir, please take your seat."

"Master Domain Master, since you are here in person, you will be the master of this hundred battles!"

The person in charge of Jibei Xianyu, after seeing the owner of Jibei Xianyu, was naturally reluctant to continue to seize power, so he voluntarily turned over his rights.

Under such circumstances, Nanshanchuan, the owner of the extremely northern fairyland, smiled and waved his hand, and refused his subordinate ’s request: "I am here mainly to observe the newcomer. As for how to do it, that is your thing. No, I wo n’t intervene, and I wo n’t change the process. ”


Hearing the master of the mountains in the extremely northern fairyland, the person in charge of the hundred battles in the extremely northern fairyland immediately responded, and then went busy again.

Leaving Nan Shanchuan alone, he sat quietly on the throne.

Seeing this scene, Li Xianfeng and others glanced at each other. In order to avoid continuing embarrassment, they all bid farewell to Nanshanchuan and returned to their lineup.

"Elder Li Xianfeng, is that middle-aged man the owner of our extremely northern fairyland?"

"My God, the domain master who has always seen the dragon and never saw the end, actually appeared in this place, which is really very lucky."

"Unfortunately, we didn't have the opportunity to consult him for a while, otherwise the difficulties encountered in cultivation can definitely be solved in an instant."

"How can such a beautiful thing fall on our heads, so it is still king to give up this fantasy and work hard to prepare for the next melee."

Hearing the conversation of the disciples of Heranzong, Li Xianfeng couldn't help but frown and think for a while, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, although I don't know why you are so interested in the ruins of the ancient heaven, I can also learn from your behavior and Judging from the expression, you are a genius who is not willing to be behind. So if you want to continue to advance and continue to explore the ancient Tianting ruins, then it will not make much sense to continue to stay in my Helanzong, but it will drag you down. "

"So I suggest you, this hundred battles should be a good performance. If you can get the domain master's appreciation of the extremely northern fairy field, then you can't enter the domain house to continue to practice, it can be said that it has been flat since then."

Within the Central Immortal Kingdom, the most subordinate cultivation institution is the Academy.

Above the college is the sect, all of which are self-reliant forces ~ ~ But above the sect, it is the core organization of the central fairyland.

For example, the domain master in front of Ye Xiaohu and others controlled the fairyland, which is the most powerful force in the central fairyland. Just like the provincial leaders in the earth countries, they went further into the center.

"Disciples understand."

The exploration of the ancient Tianting ruins is far from reaching the point where Ye Xiaohu stopped, so in order to continue, Ye Xiaohu must also enter the domain of the fairy land, even into the fairy land of the central fairy country.

But immortals are not accessible to ordinary people, it is still far away for Ye Xiaohu.

But with Ye Xiaohu ’s cultivation as a fairy, if you play well, there is no problem entering the fairy field. Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu said cautiously: "Master, rest assured, I will not miss this opportunity. . "

"As long as you know."

Li Xianfeng reached out and patted Ye Xiaohu's shoulder, which was his encouragement and support to Ye Xiaohu.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xianfeng introduced the procedures and requirements of this hundred battles to Ye Xiaohu and others, and it passed for more than an hour.

Finally, the sound of the fairy bell resounded, so Ye Xiaohu and others stopped to communicate and looked in the direction of the sound source.

I saw that the person responsible for the Great Battle of the Hundred Sects in the Great Northern Immortal Territory stood on a high platform and said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "In a while I will open the transfer station and everyone will enter from the transfer station. Found a pyramid, only from the bottom of the pyramid all the way into the uppermost cabinet, and no one can defeat you, then the final victory is considered, and thus has the ability to represent our extremely northern fairyland and participate in a hundred battles . "

(End of this chapter)

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