Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1781: : Extreme Northern Fairyland

Central fairyland.

The field is very broad. In order to facilitate management, the top level of the Central Xian Kingdom divided the area of ​​the Central Xian Kingdom into one hundred.

These one hundred copies constitute one region.

The place where Ye Xiaohu is located belongs to a part of the central northern fairyland.

The first immortal gate in each immortal territory is one of the top 100 immortal gates in the central immortal kingdom.

Then the top 100 immortal gates fight to determine the ranking of one side.

Therefore, Heranzong wants to participate in the Hundred Battles, and to compete for the final ranking, then he must participate in the Xianmen Wars in the extremely northern immortal domain.

Therefore, on the day of the Great Northern Immortal War, Ye Xiaohu left Erzunzi and others with some precious cultivation resources, and then went to the mountain gate station of Heranzong early in the morning.

"Sister Simon, you are getting more and more beautiful."

"Senior Zhang Yiman, you are not bad, and the cultivation base is much more exquisite than in the past. I believe you will be able to shine this time."

"Haha, I know I have a few catties and a few pounds. This time you follow Sister Simon, you are just licking your head. The real competition for ranking depends on you and Brother Ye Xiaohu."

"I can't do it, I still have to watch the performance of Brother Xiaohu."

After getting the call of the head, all the masters of the inner door have successively come to the land of Shanmen.

As they gathered together, Li Xianfeng descended from the sky: "Are you all together?"

"Brother Ye Xiaohu has not arrived yet."

Sister Ximen glanced around, then turned back to Li Xianfeng and said, "Elder Li, don't you need me to arrange for someone to notify you."

Now that the crown prince is one-party, no one in Helanzong can fight Ye Xiaohu.

As Ye Xiaohu's master, Li Xianfeng naturally rises.

Especially the head of Heranzong, since seeing his carefully trained prince being killed by Ye Xiaohu, he has no mood to manage Zongmen's affairs.

Therefore, the affairs of the Herlanzong are now basically handled by Li Xianfeng.

This also proves one thing from the side, that the head of the Helan Sect has cultivated Ye Xiaohu as the second prince in the absence of a second candidate, eager for Ye Xiaohu to become the future head of the Helan Sect His position.

Therefore, he would delegate power to Li Xianfeng to help Ye Xiaohu cultivate his own power.

Because of this, Li Xianfeng, who was just in power, will take the initiative to lead Ye Xiaohu and others to participate in this hundred battles.

One is to represent Heranzong, the other is to let the surrounding Xianmen know themselves about their next job, and the third is to seize power a little bit and wipe out their competitors.

Because of this hundred battles, all the major gates can be described as full cards, and no losses can be allowed.


Li Xianfeng glanced at it. Sure enough, he didn't see Ye Xiaohu, so he nodded and said, "Go tell him, we will leave for Beijing soon."


Sister Ximen responded, and then cast the immortal method, just about to fly towards Ye Xiaohu's peak.

As a result, at this time, there was a mysterious force that came quickly from a distance.

It's so fast that it's hard to look straight.

Even with the practice of Ximen, there is still no way to see clearly what is flying, what is it.

At this moment, a familiar voice resounded through the crowd: "Don't call me, I've arrived."

Hearing this sound, Sister Ximen quickly braked and glanced back. Sure enough, Ye Xiaohu had appeared beside Li Xianfeng.


Seeing this scene, Sister Ximen couldn't help but land on the ground, and looked at Ye Xiaohu said: "Brother Ye Xiaohu, did you make another breakthrough?"

"It's not a breakthrough, it just consolidates Tianjun's heavy cultivation."

When Ye Xiaohu practiced the elemental thunder method, he re-purified some of the fairy power accumulated in his body. Although he did not directly let Ye Xiaohu break through, he also made Ye Xiaohu reach the realm of Tianjun.

Because Ye Xiaohu has a solid foundation, even if he reaches the level of Tianjun, the speed of cultivation is still very fast, which makes people stunned.

"Demon! I remember that he only broke through to the level of the heavenly king under pressure when he was fighting the prince. Now how long is it from that battle, how long did he break through? Even a small one Realm, that's not what ordinary people can do. "

"Such a speed of cultivation, let alone no one within our Helan Sect has done it. I believe that even our entire Northern Celestial Realm has not been created by anyone."

"It is estimated that only the legendary emperor genius can create such a miracle, but that can only be left in the legend."

"Brother Ye Xiaohu is here. I believe we can definitely get a hundred battles this time and have a good ending in the ranking battle."

No one does not want to go further. As a genius of Heranzong, everyone naturally hopes to work hard up once ~ ~ to win a good ranking.

But the realization of this idea requires some hardware.

Originally their hardware was a prince, but the prince's cultivation base was in the Helanzong, and he might be able to dominate the king, but in the entire Northern Immortal Territory, it was not invincible.

What's more, the prince is dead, and it is even less likely to protect the interests of everyone.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu, who killed the prince, did not disappoint them, but allowed them to see unlimited possibilities.

"Okay, now that you have arrived, then the people will be together."

Li Xianfeng glanced at Ye Xiaohu and noticed that Ye Xiaohu had a thunderous breath. He knew what Ye Xiaohu had been late for.

So he did not continue to dig deeper, and simply gave a command to an elder beside him.

After the elder responded for a while, he directly took out a special fairy and placed it on his mouth to simply blow the fairy.

It did n’t take long for the fairy ’s voice to ring through, and a huge flying monster came out in front of Ye Xiaohu and others. So Li Xianfeng took the lead in boarding the fairy beast, and said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "This monster can directly The wormhole transfer is hundreds of times faster than the normal portal, but in this process, there will also be high requirements for the physical condition of the fairy. So if you ca n’t bear it for a while, then come immediately By my side, or by Ye Xiaohu's asylum, I can protect you from unharmed. "

After Li Xianfeng gave a command, he stopped looking at Ye Xiaohu and others.

And when Ye Xiaohu and others boarded the flying monster, he patted the flying monster's head directly, so the flying monster directly penetrated the time and space and went towards the destination.

(End of this chapter)

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