Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1773: : 0 battles

? Heranzong.

The most dense and most immortal peak on the top of a mountain.

There is a huge palace that can hold a small city.

But in this palace, there are few people.

Because the owner of this hall is the head of the Helan Sect.

When the head of the Helan Sect returned from Ye Xiaohu, he immediately received the attention of many people.

"Sovereign, why did you delay so long?"

"Prince? Sect Master, didn't you go to save the prince? Why did the prince not come back with you, but what new mission did he go to?"

"Sovereign, we just had some new discussions on the 100 battles, and we are planning to report to you in detail."

"Yes, this matter needs the cooperation of the prince, so please ask the patriarch to bring the prince in a hurry."

Obviously, when Ye Xiaohu and the prince confronted each other, Sect Master Helan was also talking to some confidantes about a hundred battles.

During the Hundred Battles, all the local ancestors in the wild will go.

This time is the time to show the strength of the Zongmen. Only some excellent Zongmen can break out and kill a grand universe.

Of course, the winning Xianmen will also be recognized by Xianguo and improve their rankings. In the future, they will be famous throughout the country.

These years, Heranzong's ranking has not been very satisfactory, and can only be ranked in the 100th place.

This is an entry-level performance, but it is already the ultimate performance of Heranzong's comprehensive strength.

If it was not during the last hundred battles, the head of the Helanzong took the **** luck and defeated the 100th ancestor of that year, then the Helanzong will not enter the top 100, it is estimated that it is still an insignificant Xiaozongmen.

In these years, Heranzong has reached the top 100 in the local sect ranking, so after enjoying too many benefits and conveniences, it will flourish and become a party's overlord.

Therefore, He Lanzong went up and down, eager for He Lanzong to continue to maintain this momentum.

Does not desire to enter the top ninety, but also to maintain the same order of the top one hundred.

However, the patriarch of the Helan Sect received a news not long ago that some ranks did not enter the top one hundred ranks. Recently, they also got some adventures. Therefore, their genius disciples' genius disciples came in very well. There is already a posture of dominance.

This brought a lot of pressure to Herranzong, so Herranzong would only make up and down the problem of cultivating the prince, and even achieved disdain.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons why the Helan Sect Master cultivated the prince. There is another reason that the Helan Sect Master does not want to talk to people.

So when Helan Sect Master heard the report from his confidant, he could not help but look gangsterly: "Don't mention that waste to me, he is a past tense from now on."

Helan Sect Master has a hatred of not making steel, which makes the core backbone of Helan Sect present take a breath.

They could notice that Sect Master Helan really gave up the prince.

But many of them are people who have inextricably connected with the Prince's Party. They naturally do not want this to happen.

So they glanced at each other, and finally the person with the best relationship with Sect Master Helan stood up and asked: "Brother Sect Master, no matter whether the prince's defeat or not, he has been carefully cultivated by us over the years and always We are standing on the united front, so at this critical moment, we ca n’t break the whole cause of the entire sect because of some small things, so please ask your brother to summon him over quickly. "

"Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?"

Hearing this person's persuasion, the Sect Master of Helan still said coldly: "You all have too much connection with the prince, so you will always say good things to him and hope that he can inherit the position of the Sect Master. But I don't want this After all, I have used all my rights and prepared countless resources for the prince. I just hope that he can reach such a point that he can succeed smoothly and smoothly. "

"Since this is the case, why are you so troubled?"

Hearing the sigh of Sect Master Helan, he asked his core backbone before: "But what has the prince done against my Helan Sect and your sect Master Brother's wishes?"

"If only this is the case, then I can still ignore him and still let him do what he feels right, but it is a pity ... this opportunity is gone."

Sovereign Lord Helan sighed leisurely, and then announced: "Because the prince was killed by the disciple of Li Xianfeng before I rushed away, and the gods and souls were destroyed, it was impossible to save.


If we say that at the beginning, everyone is relatively calm.

Then when they heard the last words of Sovereign Helan, a sip of fairy tea spewed out on the spot, and it was difficult to calm down.

Because the prince was looking at the people who grew up step by step, his talents, his abilities, his abilities ... Every elder and every backbone of the Helan Sect were clear.

But the Helan Sect Master said that the prince defeated and died, so ridiculous.

If someone else says so, then they have already punished the other party.

But Sovereign Helan said this, which means the matter should be true.

Because Sovereign Helan would not lie with these people on this issue.

"Brother Sect Master, what the **** is going on, how can the prince be defeated and die?"

"Prince is a ruthless man who has reached the level of Tianjun!"

"When Heavenly King dies, the earth and the earth vibrate, we can't sense it!"

"What happened to Brother Sect Master?"

Everyone inquired about it ~ ~ So Sect Master Helan briefly introduced the situation at that time.

And when everyone understood, he summed it up: "So for the future of Heranzong, before leaving, I promised Ye Xiaohu the benefits and benefits I had promised to the prince."

"Not possible ..."

An elder who didn't deal with Li Xianfeng quickly stood up and said: "Sister Sect Master, you do this. After the hybrid of the surname Ye will take over, how do we old people get along with themselves?"

"I know this is difficult, but do you have a better way to solve this problem?"

I saw the head of the Helanzong, rubbing his temples with a headache: "If you can represent our Helanzong to win over the hundred battles, then I promised today what I promised to Ye Xiaohu. For you to use. "

(End of this chapter)

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