Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1766: : Heavenly Buddha

It was so hot and dazzling that it was hard to see through.

The prince at this moment directly showed his cultivation behavior, making people feel difficult to challenge at a glance.

This is the prince's ability, and one of his biggest suppression methods.

Seeing this scene, many people feel ashamed.

Because they are people of the same age as the prince, they are now left behind by the prince, and there is no way to catch up.

"Tianjun, and is Tianjun's first paramount peak. I have to say that the prince's foundation is really behind him, and just a short period of cultivation can make him reach such a terrible point."

"I have heard before that most people reach the level of Tianjun, so it will take at least a few years, even decades, to reach the current state of the prince, but the prince took only a few months to achieve this. Level, I have to say that the prince ’s talent is really superhuman. "

"On the one hand is the Nine Saint Xuanxian, on the one hand is the peak of the heavenly king, such a battle can already be put to an end."

"Yes, Nine Saints Xuanxian and Tianjun are not at the same level. It is simply that the egg touches the stone, and it is simply incomparable. Even if Ye Xiaohu defeated the ghost knife Zhao Xu at the half-step Tianjun level, there is no future path. But he's gone, because he is facing the crown prince, Tianjun's first paramount heaven. "

Everyone has been looking at the future of declining Ye Xiaohu after confirming the prince's cultivation.

It was at this time that Ye Xiaohu, who was despised by them, could not help but scream and directly exhibited the cultivation behavior of Half Step Tianjun.

Ye Xiaohu at this moment also became a moon.

No, to be precise, it should be a sun.

Also exudes a glowing light, but it is even more dazzling when released by the prince.

It was at this time that the killing moves of the two sides finally collided together. Immediately after a misalignment, the two sides fell to the ground steadily.

"You really concealed your cultivation behavior, it seems that you have been playing pigs and eating tigers, no wonder you can beat members of my crown prince repeatedly."

At this moment, the prince finally had a familiar understanding of Ye Xiaohu's cultivation, so he could not help staring at Ye Xiaohu's gaze, with a hint of deep meaning: "But I remember, the last time I saw you At that time, you were obviously a genius of the Nine Saints Xuanxian. How did you achieve this level in just a few months? "

"No, don't say it, I want to thank the prince. You're right. Because of seeing your breakthrough and seeing your performance while talking about the Dao, I will feel strong pressure and work hard for it."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and responded briefly to the prince: "I am not willing to die, so I have to fight hard before I die, so I choose to go to the mountain school for inheritance. Simply, I chose no mistakes, in the process of interception In the inheritance place of the mountain gate, I have obtained many inheritances and resources, and in one fell swoop I have reached the level of the half-step Tianjun who I dare not imagine in the past. "

"No wonder you dare to challenge me, it turned out to be based on your cultivation practice of Tianjun."

Prince could not help but frown slightly, and at the same time shook his fist.

Although he didn't do his best just now, he still exhibited 50% of his cultivation behavior.

According to his understanding of the half-step Tianjun and the real Tianjun's heavy cultivation, his strength just now was enough to kill Ye Xiaohu. But he just struck out, not only did he not kill Ye Xiaohu, but also felt a severe pain in his hand.

Such a painful feeling shocked the prince.

So he looked at Ye Xiaohu ’s gaze and added a little more dignity, because he could not estimate Ye Xiaohu ’s true behavior, so the prince did not plan to keep his hand. He wanted to go all out and kill Ye Xiaohu on the spot to avoid Ye Xiaohu got out what moth again.

I saw that the prince took a deep breath, and then stared at Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Your talents and your cultivation behavior surprised me a lot. I really want to discuss with you for a while, but today is me On behalf of Heranzong, discuss the days of union with many allies, so no one can allow anyone to break it. In order to achieve this goal, I can only send you away in advance. I hope that in the next life, you can join me again. , I ’ll be willing to do my best to train you. "

The mighty emperor.

This is the crown prince. After identifying his identity, he has constantly realized the kind of creation that is very suitable for his own fairy law.

It's just because his cultivation is not enough, so there is no way to perfect this set of immortals to achieve the most powerful power. But for the prince, it was enough now. I saw the prince's cruel release of the killing move, and in the attitude of the king's presence, he attacked and killed Ye Xiaohu.

Such a killing move, not to mention Ye Xiaohu's head-to-head confrontation, even the people watching next to him felt as if they were visiting the emperor, and it was hard to breathe under the pressure of the emperor.

"A good fairy law, there are geniuses after the ancient heaven, it is really shocking to create such a fairy law. But you want to rely on this fairy law to defeat me, I am afraid it is delusional delusion."

Ye Xiaohu sipped, he knew he had to show some means.

Five elements golden body.

Ye Xiaohu released this killing trick on the spot, and five times the power of immortality was continuously transferred into Ye Xiaohu's body.

Ye Xiaohu at this moment, released five powerful lights within his body.

When these lights were released, Ye Xiaohu shouted directly, jumped on the spot, and coldly killed the prince, saying: "You have a unique life, don't I have it? Do you use emperor spirit to cultivate your body? , Create your own way, then what, I Ye Xiaohu has advanced way, can specifically suppress you. "

Ye Xiaohu looked at the prince confidently, and at the same time a mysterious mystery, attacked like a prince on the spot.

The emperor is so powerful that it is not as good as the ancient **** Buddha.

"Ten thousand Buddha faces east."

I saw Ye Xiaohu yelled down ~ ~ A cold Buddhist magical skill came out.

For a time, Ye Xiaohu's body was full of gods and Buddhas.

Those gods and buddhas have different forms, and everyone is alive again.

Because those forms of gods and buddhas are completely created by Ye Xiaohu according to the forms of gods and buddies he saw at that time, they are naturally different from the gods and buddhas imagined by ordinary people.

At the moment when the **** and Buddha were formed, the prince's breath released by the prince could no longer suppress Ye Xiaohu, but was completely suppressed by Ye Xiaohu.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu's cold-blooded trick directly hit the virtual emperor condensed by the prince.


Prince's virtual emperor was crushed by Ye Xiaohu on the spot, and he stepped back dozens of steps.

(End of this chapter)

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