Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1759: : The atmosphere of daggers

The sun and the moon shuttle, time flies.

Kung fu in the blink of an eye, more than a month passed,

For more than a month, Heranzong has been very chaotic. It can be said that it is a chicken and a dog, and there is no time to stop.

Made all the disciples of Heranzong compelled to regain their consciousness.

There is no way, if they do n’t wake up, then getting it down like this will easily cause them to become demons during cultivation. Moreover, the Crown Princes also need enough viewers in order to expand this grand inner door conference. Naturally, it is impossible to let those people continue to retreat without attending this inner door conference.

These people are in a bad mood as soon as they get out.

Originally, they wanted to seize the initiator of Qin Shanchuan and teach him a hard meal. But when they knew that it all came from the prince, they keenly chose to shut their mouths and dared not quarrel with them because they knew the people behind Qin Shanchuan and they couldn't afford to provoke them.

Just spent a few days like this, after the days of chickens and dogs jumping, finally came to the day of the inner gate meeting.

Woo woo woo.

Saw a beep, and immediately after the place where Heranzong was, a huge monster appeared.

"What kind of monster is that, why have I never seen it?"

"I haven't seen it yet, it seems very fierce, and it makes people feel the panic when they look at it."

"Everybody be careful, I see that monster, it seems to be the legendary gluttonous, a very fierce ancient monster. But it seems that it should be a mixed blood, otherwise he will breathe out in one breath, we are probably dead. . "

"Yes, don't do anything wrong, entertain the friends above."

I saw the people who were in charge of Heranzong, and it was not easy to be cautious.

At this time, the flying monster in the sky slowly landed on the ground.

Followed by one person after another, and came down from the flying monster, only to see them looking around for a while, could not help but feel relaxed and happy.

"Is this the Helan Sect? Sure enough it is the sect, and at first glance, I feel this place is different."

"Fairy gas surrounds, if our evil tiger alliance has such a place, then we can definitely cultivate more geniuses, as well as digging a genius is so strenuous, and it must be suppressed everywhere."

"Forget it, big gates like Helanzong, that's not something we can admire."

"There is nothing wrong with you. Herranzong is just an early ancestor. If he establishes a sect a few years later, it will not necessarily be good for the development of our evil tiger alliance."

I saw the people of the evil tiger alliance, after looking at each one for four weeks.

There was a representative of the Evil Tiger Alliance who came forward and said to the host of Helanzong: "I was invited by you, Helanzong, a man named Zhang Jingshan, to come to the inner gate of Helanzong this time. General Assembly."

"Brother Zhang Jingshan?"

The person in charge of hospitality looked back at his companion.

As a result, he nodded when he saw his companion. This made him know that this was indeed the case, so he continued: "So what about Brother Zhang Jing?"

"have eaten."

I saw the representative of the evil tiger alliance, after a hiccup, and then responded: "That kid, I spoke badly to the leader of the evil tiger alliance, so before we set off, I was directly snorted. It is estimated that it has become a bunch of The energy is gone, I am afraid there is no way to return him to your Helanzong. "



Hearing the words of the evil tiger alliance, the person in charge could not help but retreat two steps in deep fear, watching the evil tiger alliance with vigilance.

This made the people of the evil tiger alliance grin: "You can rest assured, don't be afraid, we are not human-eating monsters, we will not eat people at will, let alone Heranzong."

Hearing this person's explanation, the member of the Herlanzong inner door who was responsible for the reception could not help but relax a little, and then suppressed the fear just now, making a welcome gesture: "Several people are here to participate in this inner door Assembly, then please come here. "

"it is good."

The people of the evil tiger alliance are not afraid of any dangers encountered, maybe this is their daring art master, right?

I saw their follower Heranzong who was in charge of hospitality, and walked inside step by step.

Along the way, they saw many inner disciples of Heranzong, but when they saw them, they took a few steps back one by one, daring not to face each other directly.

"Is this the inner disciple of Heranzong? One by one is not so high, the cultivation is not very high, and the courage is so weak, it will be difficult to become a big weapon in the future."

"If it is just such a thing, then I believe that the evil tiger alliance can surpass Heranzong and become a new generation of kings around the land within a million years."

"Yes, I hope to see one day, when the people of our evil tiger alliance, if you want to eat fairy, you can eat fairy, no longer need to be restrained."

"The taste of the fairy, it's so delicious."

"If you can find an immortal who resembled Master Xuan Zang at that time and taste a bite, then you will not lose this life."

The people of the evil tiger alliance did not avoid the disciples of Heranzong who walked in the front.

Therefore, the dialogue between them directly made the internal disciple of Heranzong tremble.

Fortunately, this road is not very far, so under his guidance, the people of the Tiger Alliance finally reached the destination, so the person in charge of the way, He Lanzong, pointed to a place not far away and said: Ladies and gentlemen, please take a break at this place. When the conference is announced, our people will come to welcome you to the banquet venue. "

The people of the evil tiger alliance nodded ~ ~ and then took a big step directly past him, and came directly to the place of temporary rest.

When they walked in, they immediately saw many fairies.

The fairies come from all corners of the world.

When they saw the people of the evil tiger alliance, their eyes became solemn, and even a few forces that had hatred against the evil tiger alliance, stood up from the chair on the spot and pulled out their fairy swords.

Seeing this scene, the inner disciples who led the evil tiger alliance came in and asked Xue Shan, who was responsible for the care again, to say: "Brother Xue will have any trouble, which will affect the great cause of Brother Prince?"

"Relax, here is Heranzong, they dare not do anything extraordinary, otherwise they will die today without a doubt."

Xiao Shanding, who is responsible for taking care of this place, said with a light face: "You don't have to worry about things here, continue to lead those newcomers, waiting for the conference to be held."

(End of this chapter)

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