Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1755: : Refinement

After the adjustment of the Hushan Formation, Ye Xiaohu returned to his room and arranged a moving formation.

Once someone destroys it, or attempts to invade Ye Xiaohu's room, then this large formation will instantly transfer Ye Xiaohu's body out to prevent Ye Xiaohu from being attacked by others.

This is a double insurance that can double the safety of Ye Xiaohu.

After confirming that there were no other problems, Ye Xiaohu was content with the practice state.

The Five Elements Golden Body is very powerful, but it is not as powerful as the Elemental Law.

Because the elemental dharma is already a god-level existence, it is the combination of **** and immortal, which can condense the magical power.

In the days of ancient heaven, only a few gods could condense.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu happened to know some people who could condense the elemental dharma gods, so Ye Xiaohu could skillfully refine it, but the previous state and materials were lacking, so he could not condense the elemental dharma gods.

But now it is different. Nowadays Ye Xiaohu is enough, and there are still enough materials and elemental sources. Then, refining the elemental magic is basically a breeze.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu quickly put himself into cultivation.

But for safety, Ye Xiaohu started with the most primitive and simple elements.

Because of the Five Elements Golden Body, Ye Xiaohu has an affinity for the Five Elements element itself, which greatly facilitates him to condense the Five Elements Element's Dharma.


Under Ye Xiaohu's skillful operation, the first earth dharma **** quickly condensed out.

Ye Xiaohu's skill in manipulating the law, and blending his physical body with the earth god, Ye Xiaohu has a feeling at this moment.

God is him, he is God.

This is the power of the elemental dharma, this is what makes the elemental dharma different.

With the first one, then there is the second one ... the flame god, the Aomu **** behind ... and so on, and the five elements god, Ye Xiaohu is very easy to practice, basically condensing soon.

But it looks simple, but the Five Elements Elemental God still consumed Ye Xiaohu's five days.

But five days is very short for Ye Xiaohu.

"Next, try the elemental spirit of the wind element."

Ye Xiaohu looked at the source of the remaining elements, and after carefully thinking and pondering for a while, he finally decided to start with the element of wind.

The origin of the element of wind is relatively more for Ye Xiaohu, and it is also relatively weak. It is easy to get started because he had a friend who had the element of wind element.

So when Ye Xiaohu decided, he immediately got together.

However, when condensing the wind element dharma god, Ye Xiaohu's body's affinity for the wind element was not enough, which led to the origin of the wind element, which had always repelled Ye Xiaohu.

Its exclusion led to Ye Xiaohu's progress very slowly.

The previous five elements only consumed Ye Xiaohu for five days.

However, this special research on the origin of the wind elements took Ye Xiaohu more than ten days.

Ye Xiaohu's time is very tight, which makes Ye Xiaohu feel a trace of pressure.

But Ye Xiaohu did n’t give up because he knew he could do it,

So he fully operated the dharma of the basic elements of the five elements to sense the origin of the element of wind. The point of dharma.

Under the skillful control of Ye Xiaohu, he gradually discovered the fusion skills of the element of the wind element, so Ye Xiaohu was delighted and quickly smelted.


In this way, another four or five days passed, and Ye Xiaohu finally completed the cohesion of the wind elemental god, which made Ye Xiaohu's speed at least ten times higher than in the past. This is between the elemental **** and the ordinary fairy law. the difference.

Ye Xiaohu, who was aware of this, was very happy.

But he was not complacent, because he knew he was not strong enough, and this kind of practice would still not allow him to defeat the prince.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu continued to the next source of thunder and lightning elements.

This time there was a condensing process of the first six elements. Although I still encountered many troubles, it was quickly solved by Ye Xiaohu.

Followed by the light element origin, the dark element origin ...

I saw one source after another to practice, and finally two months later, Ye Xiaohu completed the condensing of all elementary sources and thoroughly transformed his body into the elemental body of God.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu, in the face of any kind of special element attacks, can greatly improve resistance and increase the damage of his elemental attributes.

"about there."

Looking at the source of the surrounding elements, all of them have been absorbed by himself. Ye Xiaohu knew that he was almost practicing, so Ye Xiaohu gave up and continued to condense, but took a deep breath: "There are still a few days of effort. Next, I need a space to adapt, to understand my body and elemental dharma, so that in the duel with the prince, it will explode completely without being defeated by the prince. "

Ye Xiaohu is a perfectionist. He will never let his plan show any leaks, so Ye Xiaohu began to practice step by step, and even used the elemental magic to conduct actual combat, thereby enhancing his combat effectiveness.


the other side.

While Ye Xiaohu was struggling to practice, the prince and his party held another major meeting.

I saw only one member of the Crown Prince Party after another, and expressed their opinions one after another.

But at this time, there was an uninvited guest who came in from the outside and said stinky face: "Do you want to rebel? Actually opened the Prince's Party Congress ~ ~ Why not invite people to notify I said, do you still have my second crown prince in your eyes? "

Apparently an uninvited guest, Qin Shanchuan who was bullied by Ye Xiaohu before.

But this time the arrogant Qin Shan Chuan was excluded by his party members, which made Qin Shan Chuan very angry. Fortunately, he got the notice early, so he came to the place where the prince party held the meeting early, and questioned face to face: "Also, some of you want to usurp power and take away what originally belonged to me. Identity and status? "

"Fart, your identity and status are all assigned to you after the death of Brother Huangshan Nanshan, so we never admit it, it is just your wishful thinking."

Hearing Qin Shan Chuan ’s words, there was a high-ranking prince party who immediately refuted Qin Shan ’s preaching: “Not to mention that the prince has already passed the customs clearance, and he personally lowered the decree, let us convene a meeting to re-screen a talented person. As for you Qin Shan Chuan , The prince will see you soon, how to arrange you at that time, it is the matter of Brother prince. "

(End of this chapter)

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