Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1753: : Various opportunities

The inner door of the Prince's Party.

Ye Xiaohu directly brought Erzunzi and Longyi into the inner door, because he really didn't want to be separated from Erzengzi, and he also worried that when he left, Erzunzi would suffer revenge from Qin Shanchuan.

The people of Qin Shanchuan are not good ones.

As for Ye Xiaohu bringing a person back to the inner door, that's no big deal.

After all, every inner disciple, within the mountain under his control, has his own servants to help him maintain the mountain and take care of the fairy fields and the like.

As for the outside missions of Erzengzi and others, you can pick them up when the time comes.

As for the outside door resources, it is not worth mentioning to Ye Xiaohu. After all, he just set aside a few training resources in the inner door, which is enough for Er Leng Zi and Long Yi to practice.

So after arranging Erzengzi and Longyi properly, Ye Xiaohu introduced Liu Guanyue to Erzengzi and Longyi to make them understand each other.

After all, the realm between them is relatively close, and Liu Guanyue is an open person, which can help Erzunzi and Longyi to get acquainted with Helanzong's environment as soon as possible, so that they can live within the Helanzong.

After the introduction, Ye Xiaohu looked at Long and said: "I remember when you left the Immortal Academy, your training was not very high. How can you do it in the blink of an eye, just like riding a rocket, you can reach this point directly? ? "

"Hey, this is all luck by chance."

When Long saw Ye Xiaohu and asked himself, he couldn't help but feel a little bit proud, and said: "Originally, I thought I had to go to Helanzong for a while. But a year ago, when I went out to practice again, I entered A mysterious realm of an ancient dragon clan, and within the mysterious realm, I saw the remnant of an ancient dragon clan, which made me overjoyed, and quickly performed magical powers to refine the remnant of the ancient dragon clan. Catch up with the chance to join Herranz this year. "

"Legacy of ancient dragons?"

This made Ye Xiaohu stunned for a moment, and then stretched out his hand: "You let go of your mind, let me check your sea of ​​consciousness to see if there are any problems."


Dragon had a 100% trust in Ye Xiaohu, so he heard his words and immediately opened his mind without any precautions.

So Ye Xiaohu directly used the power of his own soul to enter Long Yi's consciousness sea, and read the contents carefully.

Under Ye Xiaohu's reading, Ye Xiaohu quickly found what Long Yi had just said, so he distinguished a little bit.

Under Ye Xiaohu's resolution, everything is nothing.

Long time.

Ye Xiaohu opened his eyes again, and the whole person's face returned to the original calmness. After seeing this scene, Long Yi cautiously said: "Brother Xiaohu, is there anything wrong with my body?"

"There is no problem, but you are recognized by the soul of the ancient dragon clan and become the heir he chooses. In the future, you will have the responsibility of reviving the dragon clan."

Ye Xiaohu reached out and stroked Long Yi's forehead, then added carefully: "So if you have a chance in the future, you must complete the dragon's revival mission, which will have many benefits for you."

"I know."

Long nodded in a hurry, indicating that he understood.

This made Ye Xiaohu very satisfied. At the same time, he asked Long Yi how he should practice in the future, in order to refine the ancient dragon family power that entered his body as soon as possible, so as to reach a higher level.

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's introduction, Long Yi quickly went to Yun Gong according to Ye Xiaohu's instructions, and immediately entered the epiphany in the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu nodded in satisfaction, then looked back at Erzongzi and said: "Compared with Long Yi, I was surprised. You cultivated so fast that I was a little shocked."

When Long entered the fairy world with himself, he was already a fairy.

At that time, Er Leng Zi was nothing more than an immortal.

Therefore, Long Yi's cultivation practice is logically higher than Er Leng Zi.

But now Erzunzi is already more advanced than Longyi.

Although he used some means to block it, he still couldn't escape Ye Xiaohu's eyes.

"I knew I couldn't hide Xiaohu."

Er Leng Zi smiled and smiled, and explained to Ye Xiaohu: "I am similar to Long Yi. After entering the fairy world, I also received a lot of inheritance. One of the inheritances is a golden body of a fairy, directly like me. Gong, on the spot, my cultivation was forcibly elevated to the level of Xuan Xian. "

Hearing Er Leng Zi's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown slightly.

It is not a good thing to promote seedlings like this.

Obviously Erzeng also saw Ye Xiaohu's worry about himself, so Erzunzi quickly said: "Brother Xiaohu, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with my cultivation, there will be no obstacles."


"Because the person who gave me the merits is a golden body Luohan. In addition to giving me merits, he also helped me repair the realm, so I will improve so fast and still be so stable."

"How can there be such a free lunch in the world?"

"I also know that there is no free lunch in the world, but I have tried various methods to test, and still have not found any problems with my body."

So Erzunzi explained his test method to Ye Xiaohu one by one.

And in the process, he also invited several seniors to personally diagnose his body, and there are still no problems.

So Ye Xiaohu reached out his hand curiously, and also checked his body for Erzongzi, and found no loopholes, which made Ye Xiaohu difficult to understand: "It seems that there must be many secrets in your body. I am afraid that even now I ca n’t see it. But for now, it should be a good thing, not a bad thing. ”


Erzhuang also nodded and said, "Brother Xiaohu, don't worry ~ ~ Once I find out that I have a physical problem, I will tell you immediately."

"You just know."

Ye Xiaohu responded to Er Leng Zi and said: "Oh, why do they call you Ye Xiaobao?"

"Because there are some problems with my previous name, I came to Immortal Realm and I wanted a flower name. Then I thought of the name as soon as the spirits moved."

Erzunzi touched his head, and gave a brief introduction to Ye Xiaohu.

After listening to Ye Xiaohu, he could not help laughing, and then continued to communicate with Erzengzi. The two started from Erzongzi's entry into the fairy realm and talked to join Herranzong.

Full chatting for one night, when the next morning came, Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to Erzongzi and returned to his room.

Which wished that he had just returned to the room and found that someone in the room was already waiting for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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