Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1750: : Vs. the elders

If it can get worse, then Qin Shan faxed his head away and didn't collide with Ye Xiaohu.

But it is a pity that he has seen Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu has also seen him, the two sides have occupied the opposite, and so many people around him are looking at themselves, so Qin Shanchuan has no way to turn around and leave.

So he can only sigh, and then buckle a **** pot for Erzongzi and Longyi as soon as he comes up, so that the two of them can't pick clearly, and at the same time, he is standing on the moral high ground.

Of course, the core idea of ​​Qin Shanchuan is actually to use the identities of the Crown Prince and Prince to oppress Ye Xiaohu, and to see if Ye Xiaohu can withdraw.

"Brother Ye, brother Prince will leave the border soon, so at this critical moment, I believe you don't want anyone to cause any trouble?"

Qin Shanchuan looked at Ye Xiaohu cautiously, and said cautiously: "Anything, as long as you leave now, then I can be regarded as not seeing you, and no one will pass the matter into the Prince ’s ear."

Turns out to be him?

When Qin Shanchuan's remarks began, the elder You on the side recognized Ye Xiaohu's identity.

He was just an ordinary Helanzong deacon at that time, but later because Li Xianfeng entered the inner door, the outer door elder appeared vacant.

So Elder You walked through the back door of the Prince's Party. After some operations, he finally defeated a series of enemies and successfully filled the vacancy of the elders outside the door after Li Xianfeng left.

Is precisely because of this opportunity, so he will stand on the side of the crown prince heartlessly, always defending the honor and face of the crown prince party.

But he also knows that the people who are standing opposite them at this moment are the legends of the Outer Doors in recent years, which upset Ye Xiaohu, the core member of the Outer Door Crown Prince Party.

So he looked at Ye Xiaohu cautiously and wanted to see how Ye Xiaohu answered.

"Prince's face is worthless, and your face is worthless."

If Qin Shanchuan, like Huangfu Nanshan, never fought back and fought against the enemy to the end, then Ye Xiaohu could take a closer look. But the last time Ye Xiaohu's battle to win the mountain was so fierce and unrestrained, but Qin Shanchuan feared not to face it, and took his men to flee, and gave up guarding the mountain, which is in Ye Xiaohu's eyes It is a cowardly performance.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu looked at Qin Shan pretentiously: "I don't care who you are, in short, to my brother, then I will never be light."


Qin Shanchuan could not help but choked, which made him deeply feel headache and helplessness.

I saw that Qin Shanchuan couldn't help but take a deep breath and pointed to Ye Xiaohu: "Which member of my crown prince party is willing to capture Ye Xiaohu for me?"

Is it silly?

Meeting such a powerful Ye Xiaohu, who would desperately fight for him for you?

The people brought by Qin Shanchuan basically know Ye Xiaohu's methods, so naturally they dare not provoke Ye Xiaohu for your Hanchuan's orders.

Under such circumstances, the elder You on the side could not help but shine.

He didn't join the Prince's Party for a long time. Finally, he had such an opportunity to make a contribution, so he naturally had to regain his lost face for the Prince's Party.

So Elder You could not help but snorted and stepped forward, facing Ye Xiaohu directly: "Ye's surname Ye, although you are a disciple of the inner door, but in view of your violation and undermining the order I just issued, I suspected of provoking Elder, so Elder Ben told you one last time, quickly shut down his cultivation base to surrender, otherwise do n’t blame Elder Ben for being polite. "

"How about you being polite?"

Ye Xiaohu despised: "You are nothing to me in Ye Xiaohu's eyes."

Not to mention, the elders of the outer door are totally incomparable with the elders of the inner door.

Not to mention the face of the elders of the inner door, Ye Xiaohu is also fearless, because his cultivation has surpassed most of the inner door disciples, and reached a very terrifying point.

Today's outside elders have no way to compete with Ye Xiaohu.

"To find death, dare to laugh at Elder Ben?"

Elder You can't hold his face, even if he knows that Ye Xiaohu is very evil, there is still no way to control his inner anger. So Elder You roared, carrying a fairy spear, and stabbed Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

With this shot, Elder You used 80% or 90% of his strength, because he knew that Ye Xiaohu was not a good stubble, otherwise he would not be able to set off a **** storm within the Helan Sect, and he would still live for so long against the Crown Party And live so freely.

"Go die!"

When Elder You came across Ye Xiaohu, a place not far away, finally condensed the strongest killing trick, and one stab at Ye Xiaohu's eyebrow, wanted to take the spirit in Ye Xiaohu's eyebrow directly and kill on the spot. Ye Xiaohu.

"Good to come."

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu knew that Elder You was a ruthless bully who was murderous and murderous.

People like this, Ye Xiaohu has never been polite.

I saw Ye Xiaohu snorted, did not summon the big sword, but directly punched Elder You: "You can resist me with a punch, then you are lucky."

One punch?

Ye Xiaohu's words ~ ~ deeply hurt Elder You.

Because Ye Xiaohu looked down on Elder You completely, he didn't give him the face of Elder, which made Elder You hold back.

"Who is that person, dare to confront the elders outside the door?"

"I, I know, he was the newcomer of our previous term. After joining the Helanzong, he immediately showed his talents, and he turned to the outside elder Li Xianfeng at that time. Since then Qingyun went straight up. Under Li Xianfeng's knowledge, Xiuwei grew day and night, and soon surpassed the same generation and entered the inner door, and several times offended the crown prince, but still unharmed, no one can kill him. "

"It turned out to be him, no wonder it was so tough."

"People who can work against the prince are naturally not something that ordinary people like us can provoke. The funny thing is that when we met him before, we were still reluctant and wanted to compete with him all at once."

"It turns out that Ye Xiaobao and Long Yi were actually his people, and it's strange that we have to keep our eyes in mind."

When many new disciples, as well as the older generation of outside disciples who came to us, saw Ye Xiaohu confronting Elder You.

Ye Xiaohu, who had not been in any movement, finally did not continue to endure. Instead, he gently extended his left hand and flicked gently toward Elder You.

Suddenly a powerful fairy power, condensed into a balloon, more elder than straight to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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