Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1748: : Lessons rookie

"Is this Heranzong?"

"It really is different. Look at those senior brothers, they are very restrained when walking one by one, and the breath is long and the atmosphere is immortal."

"Those spells, so mysterious, are definitely not the immortals we can encounter."

"There is also a fairy tool they carry with them, which is more powerful than the fairy treasure of the town house in our family. If we can get such a fairy device, the combat effectiveness can definitely be doubled."

"This is the benefit of Buddhism. They control most of the resources of those who are our dreams."

I saw each of the new disciples who joined the outside of Heranzong, gathered together and happily communicated.

As they communicated, one after another, the Helanzong parties, took the initiative to communicate with them and tried to draw them in.

After all, among these newcomers, there are also many potential stocks.

While they were wooing, they didn't notice that there was a disciple of Helanzong's inner disciples in a place not far from them, who was looking at them curiously.

"Is this our new brother?"

The person who spoke was naturally Ye Xiaohu who had just left the gate.

I saw Ye Xiaohu stared around and couldn't help but read the Liu Guan who was always with him: "I thought that when we first entered the Helanzong, it was also like this. We looked at everything and felt new. , It feels powerful to see everything. But as we walked along, we found that those were ordinary things, and the real things all required our repeated sacrifices and a little bit of running-in. "

"Brother Ye is right, they are all walking the old road we passed."

Liu Guanyue nodded deeply, and then said: "How do I feel that these people's talent is not particularly good."

"It's really not great."

Ye Xiaohu replied: "Looking at their skills, it means barely reaching the outside qualification of our Helanzong? Only a few two or three people have a good talent, like a jade, but it has yet to be developed."

"That's it. In the reputation of Herranzong, it shouldn't be the case."

Liu Guanyue shrugged not quite understanding: "And I heard that this time the outside recruiting disciples, there are some differences from when we entered Heranzong. Everyone basically depends on themselves The good luck and repair of the war, step by step. But look at those people, except for luck, there is not much real ability. "

Ye Xiaohu has not expressed any opinion yet, and Liu Guanyue's words attracted the attention of those around him.

After all, they did n’t hide their voices, so after hearing their comments, the newcomers suddenly came to dissatisfaction and said: "Huh, do n’t think that you are old people, you can feel free to comment here or even insult us. I Let me tell you that our talents and potential are far more abundant than you. Sooner or later we will come up one day and surpass you, the elderly, to become the pillar of Herranzong. "

"Boy, are you confident?"

Ye Xiaohu didn't speak, but Liu Guanyue refuted: "But before you grow up, it's better not to be too arrogant, because within the Helan Sect, everyone is a genius. They are joining me Helan Before Zong, I had the same thoughts as you, but now, all of them have recognized the reality one by one. "

Outside you are a genius, the others are supporting roles.

Within Heranzong, everyone is a genius and everyone is a protagonist, then the competitiveness will become very fierce. Whether or not there is a future depends on your destiny.

"Well, if that's the case, then let the younger brother ask about the skills of the two brothers."

The geniuses who are new to the outside world, everyone is proud and proud, and naturally will not endure the comments of Liu Guanyue and Ye Xiaohu.

So after hearing Liu Guanyue's words, some people were dissatisfied with Liu Guanyue's response on the spot, so they snorted directly, and punched Liu Guanyue on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Liu Guanyue couldn't help but look back at Ye Xiaohu. He wanted to ask Ye Xiaohu if he could fight back.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu stroked his chin and nodded so gently, which was regarded as Liu Guanyue's idea.

"If that is the case, then as your fellow brothers, we will give you good advice."

Liu Guanyue also just got out of the customs, so there was some itch in her heart. When she was worried that there was no opponent who could practice her hand, someone came to the door, so Liu Guanyue directly killed the new door and said: "I will control my cultivation behavior. , With only 10% of the strength to confront you, I hope you do not let me down, otherwise there will be too little challenge. "


This is too small to look at yourself.

At this moment, the newcomer was completely irritated by Liu Guanyue, so he roared and showed up to deal with Liu Guanyue.

However, his attacking attitude and the immortal method he displayed, in Liu Guanyue's eyes, were full of various loopholes, which made people feel no challenge at a glance.

So Liu Guanyue took a deep breath and directly applied his 10% of his cultivation practices. He flashed on the spot and came to the newcomer's side, and directly with a knife, he cut the newcomer and flew out on the spot: "You are too Weak, let alone my 10% cultivation practice, I am afraid that even my 50% cultivation practice, you ca n’t catch it. "


Liu Guanyue told the truth, but those newcomers couldn't accept it ~ ~ Just when Liu Guanyue was going back to Ye Xiaohu and left this place, he heard that among the newcomers, someone responded Viewing and reading: "Well, I think your cultivation behavior is not an ordinary outside disciple. If you have the ability, don't challenge us ordinary newcomers to challenge our most powerful geniuses in this session, such as Ye Xiaobao, if you still dare to fight against him with 10% of the cultivation base and win, then it's the skill. "

"Ye Xiaobao?"

Liu Guanyue grunted: "Where is he?"

"In that hall."

Seeing Liu Guanyue's inquiry, a newcomer pointed to the place where Erzunzi and Longyi went, and couldn't help saying: "If you have the ability, you two will challenge them!"

"Relax, we will take a look."

Liu Guanyue looked back at Ye Xiaohu and saw that Ye Xiaohu nodded and agreed with his decision, so after leaving a word, Liu Guanyue took Ye Xiaohu to the main hall not far away and wanted to take a look What are some of the best among the outside disciples this time?

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