Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1744: : 2 stunning fans

Long Yi is not Ye Xiaohu. He cannot travel freely for two sessions, so he cannot return to the earth at will and understand what is happening on the earth.

And after he separated from Ye Xiaohu, in order to practice hard, he chased Ye Xiaohu's cultivation behavior, so he has been practicing very hard, and he didn't go out to relax until today.

Therefore, Long Yi didn't know the current situation of Er Leng Zi, let alone that Er Leng Zi had come to Immortal Realm, and cultivated a strong cultivation behavior. Even Dragon Yi could not see through Er Leng Zi, which made Dragon feel his dragon horn It's very unbelievable.

"Now my name is Ye Xiaobao."

Hearing Long Yi's inquiry, Er Leng Zi, who had been in the fairy world for some time, could not help but say majesticly: "And why are you not with my little tiger brother?"

Similarly, Er Leng Zi didn't know much about Long Yi's situation. After all, there was no way for the two parties to communicate.

So Erzongzi's perception of Longyi is still the picture when he and Ye Xiaohu left.

Under such circumstances, Long smiled bitterly: "Master ... No, Brother Xiaohu's talent is so amazing, it has thrown me away far, even I have no way to protect and take care of him. So helpless Next, I went to the Immortal Academy and worked hard for a period of time. I only went out today, and came to apply for Helanzong and returned to Xiaohu. "

"So it turns out."

Er Leng Zi nodded and said, "I don't know what Brother Xiao Hu is doing in Helanzong."

"Second Brother, you can rest assured that Brother Xiaohu has absolutely no problems within the Helan Sect. After all, Brother Xiaohu's talent is even better than you and me. I believe he will surprise us when we meet."

Long was very confident in the cultivation of Ye Xiaohu, so he smiled and said: "I bet that Brother Xiao Hu's cultivation reached at least the level of Nine Saints Xuanxian."

"If that's the case, just fine."

Er Leng Zi smiled slightly, and then chatted with Long Yi for a while.

While they were talking about homely, some people took the tokens of Heranzong's disciples, came out of the valley, and came to Erzongzi and others.

But they are not as contented as Erzunzi and Longyi. There is no danger. Instead, they are covered with scars and come back very embarrassed.

Even some people, only one soul came back.

This shows how serious conflicts and battles broke out in the valley.

"Fortunately, we found out that the tokens are relatively early, so we came back early in the morning, otherwise we would really not be able to fight them when they were crazy late."

"Me too, the person who got the token, met several powerful geniuses. Fortunately, I majored in speed flow, so no one could catch up with me when I ran, so I lucked out, otherwise I would n’t die if they were caught You must have scars all over you like those people. "

"No matter what, we all got our own tokens, which is exactly stepping into Heranzong."

"Cultivation for decades, just for this day, I hope Herranzong will not let us down."

At the beginning of getting tokens, we were constantly expressing our emotions beside Longyi and Erzengzi.

Hearing their emotions, Erzunzi and Long glanced at each other, and did not say anything, but could perceive the other's eyes, deeply disturbed.

The Helanzong is too dangerous, so Ye Xiaohu is alone and desperately fighting in this place, it is too dangerous.

Just when their expressions were solemn, an elder from the outside door of Heranzong took out a special horn and gently blew it.

When the horn sounded loudly, the sound of the horn could be heard in the surrounding world.

"Is the outer door selection finished?"

"It's time to get out of the border and go to see the excitement."

"The last time our party did not find any genius, this time we must grab a few talents before the crown prince."

"Go, let's take a look."

All the old Helanzong people who were in retreat or chatting for a while left their own rooms and went to the outside entrance of Helanzong to try.

Even Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue, who had just left the border, went to the outside gate of Helanzong after hearing the sound of the horn.

The sound of the horn continued for a full ten minutes.

When the last token was taken out, the elder who blew the trumpet directly cast an immortal method to move the universe. On the spot, all the geniuses still testing in the valley were moved out.

"All of you have been eliminated. You must leave our Herlanzong from now on. Of course you can choose to return to your family, or continue to practice in the college, waiting for the next time when my Herlanzong welcomes you. Once. But I hope that by then, your age will still meet the standard, otherwise it will be screened out. If you do n’t want to wait, then we can also recommend you to join other sect, but all this is voluntary, look at yourself decision."

The reason why Helanzong is powerful, in addition to its own strength, also enveloped a lot of small martial arts forces.

Therefore, the forces recommended by Heranzong are basically those who surrendered to Heranzong. This is also a way to change the relationship and influence between themselves and their allies.

So when the elder had finished his orders, he immediately gave orders to the deacon who had been waiting for a long time, and asked them to step forward one by one and ask those who had been eliminated, whether they would like to join the Alliance of Herranz.

Immediately after the elders sounded the horn, he looked at Long Yi and Er Leng Zi and said, "Okay ~ ~ Those of you who passed the test can hand over your tokens and verify their identity Make sure that you are allocated within the outside door of my Helanzong. "

Hearing the elders blowing the horn, Long Yi and Er Leng Zi and others took the tokens in their hands one by one.

I saw that most of them threw out a token.

Even Long Yi was the same, but when Er Leng Zi shot, Long Yi and others were dumbfounded, because Er Leng Zi threw a dozen tokens.

This is still a bit boring, Erzongzi gave up the results of returning early after continuing to snatch. If he continues to search, then this time Heranzong's disciples will be screened, and it is estimated that a Waterloo will be staged.

The elder stared at Erzongzi for a few moments and couldn't help but feel excited because he found that he seemed to have encountered an obscure pearl.

So he rubbed his hands and announced: "I announced that this time I Hranzong screened outside disciples, it is expected to levy fifty people, the actual target is thirty-six people."

(End of this chapter)

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