Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1737: : Leave quickly

After Lu Bushan agreed to Li Xianfeng, he immediately prepared.

The origin of the five elements is that Lu Bushan has accumulated for a long time, so it is not so easy to condense.

But for the Five Elements Immortals, Lu Bushan also had to condense.

Fortunately, he became a master of cultivating, and soon he was ready.

Immediately after he handed the origin of the five elements to Li Xianfeng, Li Xianfeng also gave the five elements of the elixir to Lu Bushan, which was considered to have completed the transaction between the two parties.

"Brother, I can take the liberty to ask, what are you going to do with so many five elements?"

Lu Bushan collected Wuxianxiandan, and then asked Li Xianfeng with a curious expression: "In my opinion, my brother, your current state, it seems that the need for Wuxingyuan is not as frequent as it used to be."

"Brother, if I do this, there must be a use for my brother, but it is inconvenient to tell Brother you."

Li Xianfeng refused to respond to Lu Bushan, and turned to the aisle at the same time: "Brother, Brother, I still have some things to deal with, so I will not stay here, disturbing Brother, you are closed."

Lv Bushan heard Li Xianfeng's words, but did not reach out to save them.

Just after he watched Li Xianfeng leave, it took a long time to turn around and look at the humanity who was always waiting beside him: "Brother Lu Jianyi, I have been closed this time, but what happened to Brother Li Xianfeng?"

"Brother Li Xianfeng, during this period of your retreat, nothing big happened. If the only thing that is more special is that Brother Li Xianfeng took a disciple and was against the prince everywhere."

Brother Lu called Lu Jianyi by Lu Bushan, immediately took a step forward and introduced Lu Xianfeng's recent experience to Lu Bushan. Among them, he focused on Ye Xiaohu.

After his introduction, Lu Bushan couldn't help but think about it: "How is his disciple's cultivation?"

Lv Jianyi hesitated and said: "It seems that not long ago, he has stepped into the Nine Saint Xuanxian."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as the simple Jiuxin Xuanxian."

After Lu Bushan stood up and walked back and forth for a few steps, he said to Lu Jianyi and others: "I guess Brother Li Xianfeng, this time it takes so many five-element sources, it is estimated that it was prepared for his disciple. So I suspect that his disciple estimates It has reached the last heaven of Nine Saints Xuanxian, and it is even ready to impact the realm of Heavenly King. "

"This, is it unlikely?"

"I also know that his disciple, not long after he joined Shanmen, how could he progress so fast?"

"Yes! His talent is not very good, it is impossible to reach the realm of heaven."

"Brother, are you too worried?"

Lü Bushan's colleagues shook their heads one after another, unwilling to believe it.

But Lu Bushan firmly believed in this point and thought his judgment was accurate because it was the intuition brought by his sixth sense.

In such a situation, Lu Bushan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then said to Lu Jianyi: "You go find a prince and help me with a word."

"Brother, would you please?"

"Killing Ye Xiaohu, we must not let Brother Li Xianfeng rekindle his fighting spirit. I don't hope that there will be a second party within Heranzong in the future to compete with our one party for the right to rule."

"Brother understands."

Lv Jianyi nodded, then immediately turned to meet the prince.

After he left, Lv Bushan also lost his intention to continue to retreat, because he also knew that the prince was going out of customs soon, and started this time the competition outside the quasi-sectarian.

Under such circumstances, Lu Bushan took the initiative to leave the mountain and began to wander around the members of his own party, and helped the prince to draw up the relationship.


"Is this our dormitory?"

Ye Xiaohu on the other side, despite Liu Guanyue's obstruction, eventually returned to his dormitory.

But when Ye Xiaohu saw his dormitory, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

Because this place has become a rubble, how can there be the look and image of the dormitory?

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but wonder: "What the **** is going on?"

"The Crown Prince did it."

If Ye Xiaohu didn't see it, it would be fine.

But now that Ye Xiaohu saw it, Liu Guanyue couldn't hide it, so he explained directly: "I was retreating in the room at the time. As a result, the Crown Prince rushed up, not only wounded me, but also killed our The dormitory was flattened. "


Ye Xiaohu had planned to calm down temporarily, but when he saw that his residence was destroyed, he was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Do you know where is the nearest Prince's Peak to us?"

"Xiyuan Peak."

Liu Guanyue didn't know what Ye Xiaohu was going to do, so he looked directly at Ye Xiaohu and said, "There is the site of Qin Shanchuan, the No. 2 character of the Prince's Party."


Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction: "Lead the way ahead, let's take a look at the mountain of Qin Shanchuan."

"Brother Xiaohu ..."

"Don't worry, I just take a look and it won't cause trouble easily."


Liu Guanyue really wanted to say, believe you a big head ghost.

But when he saw Ye Xiaohu's serious expression, he knew he couldn't stop Ye Xiaohu, because Ye Xiaohu decided what he would do.

So desperately, Liu Guanyue could only agree to Ye Xiaohu's proposal ~ ~ and took Ye Xiaohu to the mountain where Qin Shanchuan was located.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue went all the way up the mountain.

"My God, it is worthy of being the No. 2 character of the Prince's Party. He actually planted so many precious fairy medicines on his own mountain. As long as we pick back a alchemy plant, we can greatly improve our cultivation."

"Since this is the case, then you go pick a plant and go back to alchemy!"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the site of Qin Shan Chuan. Let's just take a look at this place. Picking the fairy medicine in this place can't be done, otherwise it will anger Qin Shan Chuan.

"Anyway, we have offended the crown prince, and become a thorn in the crown prince's eyes, nailed in the flesh, so why cover it up?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Liu Guanyue thought Ye Xiaohu was right, but he dared not do that, because this place can be said to be the second stronghold of the Prince ’s Party. If he really wants to pick a fairy medicine, then this place is inseparable.

Just when Liu Guanyue hesitated, someone from the crown prince finally discovered Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue, two unexpected guests.

I saw them coming quickly, blaming Ye Xiaohu duo said: "This place is not a place where you two can enter and leave at will, speed quickly this mountain, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel.") Book friends quickly pay attention!

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