Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1724: : Explore the soul of Simon

"Ximen Yihe."

"Be careful, Brother Simon."

"Damn, **** named Ye, you never want to hurt my brother Simon."

"Do it, Brother Simon must never have an accident."

Seeing that Ximen Yihe was in danger, the people brought by Ximen Yihe immediately rushed towards Ximen Yihe, trying to resist Ye Xiaohu's attack for Ximen Yihe.

Unfortunately, their movements are too slow to catch up with Ye Xiaohu's movements.

So when they acted, Ye Xiaohu had already knocked Ximen away.


I saw a younger brother of Ximen Yihe, reaching out to catch Ximen Yihe.

But before he had other movements and reactions, he felt his body and suffered a huge force, and let him fly back on the spot.

After falling to the ground, the bones all over his body were smashed and smashed instantly, and did not become a pile of flesh on the spot. It was already a gift from heaven.


After Ximen Yihe landed on the ground, he had no time to look at himself, the same robe that was almost killed by Ye Xiaohu in order to save himself.

I saw him spit blood on the spot, and then looked at Ye Xiaohu Road decadently: "How is this possible, why are you so powerful?"

Ximen Yihe couldn't believe that Ye Xiaohu, who he hadn't put in his eyes at first, actually reached the level of the horrible half-step Tianjun in a short period of time.

Moreover, cultivation is very strong, and has surpassed the average person, and even he can't bear it.

The most unimaginable thing for Yimen Yihe is that Ye Xiaohu refined Zhaotianyin at once. Such a magic weapon left over from the ancient Tianting period is totally unlike the intelligence he had learned in the past.

"Nothing in this world is impossible, not to mention that I have never said that I am not as good as you, Simon."

Ye Xiaohu will take Zhao Tianyin away. At this moment, he has completely controlled the overall situation, and then he step by step toward Ximen Yihedao: "Now before you, there are also two options. One is to become my slave , Accept my temperance in the future, one is to become a ghost in my hands. "

"No, it's not a ghost, but a pile of dust. Because the people I killed have absolutely no chance to become a ghost, nor will they step into reincarnation and reincarnate."

Ye Xiaohu said it was plain, but falling into the ears of everyone at the scene made him feel an unimaginable coldness.

This made Ximen Yihe's compatriots take a breath of air and dared not stare at them.

Because the most powerful one of them, Ximen Yihe, and their backbone have been overturned by Ye Xiaohu, so how can they who are not as good as Ximen Yihe be Ye Xiaohu's opponents?

Just when they hesitated, Ximen Yihe had stabilized the turbulent blood in his body, then wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth, and then stared at Ye Xiaohu with his eyes: "Our Empire Guards can only Standing dead will never trust you and become your servant. "

Ximen Yihe failed, but he did not counsel.

He can die, but he cannot turn to Ye Xiaohu and lose his glory and status.

When he died, he had to follow the glorious method of death of the Imperial Guards.

I saw Ximen Yihe's head hard and said, "Come on! I'm not as good as Ximen Yihe, but I believe that in the near future, my Imperial Guards, there will be others who know this, and for I have a vengeance from Ximen Yihe. "

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Ye Xiaohu was not polite to him, he summoned the big sword directly, and cut the sword to the west gate and a crane.

This time Yimen Yihe had no resistance, so he stood quietly, watching Ye Xiaohu's big sword, cutting his flesh and releasing his soul.

Just when Ximen Yihe thought he was going to die, he found that Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand, grabbed his soul across the sky, and became rigid.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu walked towards the people behind Ximen Yihe, while wielding the big sword in his hand for beheading.

"Fight, we will die anyway."

"Brother Ximen Yihe is dead, and we have no way to live alone, so for ourselves, for the family ... we must fight with him."

"Fight, there is still a ray of life, if you don't fight, you will definitely die."

"Although I am not willing to die, I have to do the same."

The compatriots of Ximen Yihe, who are all in the army, are good partners who serve together as soldiers, and naturally will not abandon their comrades in arms. What's more, they and Ximen Yihe are in a camp and a team. Once Ximen Yihe dies in front of him, it will cause a series of reactions.

After all, the background of Ximen Yihe is too tough, and they will never let go of those people who cannot protect Ximen Yihe.


But their cultivation behavior, in front of Ye Xiaohu, is a group of ants, and there is no countertop at all.

I didn't see any horror that Ye Xiaohu was exerting, and the mysterious mystery of the mystery was already beheaded with a sword, and their lives were harvested on the spot.

After solving these, Ye Xiaohu put the secret treasures carried on them one by one into his own pocket.

After dealing with these aftermaths, Ye Xiaohu looked at it with satisfaction, and Ximen, who was imprisoned by himself, said: "Now you have another chance to tell me what I want to know, then I can still let you leave."

"Xiu Xiang ~ ~ I will never reveal any information."

The soul of Ximen Yihe, Ye Xiaohu struggled violently in his hand, but he couldn't get out of it. He could only growl in annoyance: "I advise you, don't get too far. Our emperor is a country fairy you can provoke If you let the Emperor know your behavior, then they will come to encircle and suppress you, even if you are a disciple of Helanzong, you will not be able to protect your life and death. "

"Just as you said, you can not care about your life and death, how can I care about your life and death?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head. If Ye Xiaohu cared about life and death, then he had lived quietly in the earth for a long time. Why bother to come to the fairy world and go to the muddy waters of the fairy world?

So Ye Xiaohu didn't care about the rebuttal of Ximen Yihe. Instead, he shook his shoulders and said with frustration: "Forget it, since you are eager to die and don't want to talk, then I won't force you."

Ye Xiaohu directly dropped his soul and landed on the soul of Ximen Yihe. At the same time, he exhibited the soul-searching method of the past hundred souls to detect the soul of Ximen Yihe.

(End of this chapter)

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