Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1708: : Tongtianxianjin

"What's wrong with Brother Huangfu?"

"Brother Huangfu needs us to do things?"

"Yes, there is something to be told."

"It takes a while to crack this place. It's useless for us people to stand here and watch. It's better to do other things directly."

The members of the Crown Prince heard the words of Huangfu Nanshan and came forward one after another.

But after hearing their words, Huangfu Nanshan shook his head and said solemnly: "I was just a little telepathic, and I noticed that something was wrong, but I was not sure if they had an accident. And even if I could be sure they had an accident, we It ’s impossible to know who caused the incident and where it is. So in such a situation, we still have to stay on the ground. "

Huangfu Nanshan did not dare to make mistakes, because he knew that his main purpose this time was to decipher the inheritance of this cut-off.

So he gave up the matter of continuing to investigate and began to crack it with all his strength.

With his help, those in the crown prince party who were cracking suddenly felt much easier to crack.

"I have always heard that Brother Huangfu is not only proficient in combat, but also in formation. I have not seen it in the past, I thought it was a rumor, I did not expect it to be well-deserved at first sight."

"The technique performed by Brother Huangfu just now seems to come from the ancient Tianting period, so it has some similarities with the inheritance of this cut-off mountain gate."

"Yes ... where we didn't understand before, now with Brother Huangfu's cracking technique, it suddenly becomes simple and clear."

"If you continue in this way, I believe that in another quarter of an hour, we can crack it."

"The magic method of cutting off teaching, here we come."

The master of the crown prince party broke through, and with the help of Huangfu Nanshan, he was very excited.

I saw that they were constantly proficient in cracking formations and cracking off formations one by one.

But the method of cutting off the mountain gate is actually so easy to crack?

So they are very difficult to crack, but when they find a cracking method, they have the direction of cracking.

As long as they follow the line of cracking the formation and dig down all the way, they can crack it sooner or later.

In this way, I do n’t know how long it has passed. Huangfu Nanshan, who has been cracking the formation, feels his eyelids jumping for a while, and can't help but exclaimed: "Everyone go quickly, this place has a strange."

When the words fell, Huangfu Nanshan rushed out.

But other people don't have the skill of Huangfu Nanshan. When they get the signal, the whole person is dumbfounded.

That is the moment when they were forced, the terrifying fairy power directly swallowed them.

Some people with relatively low cultivation levels were killed on the spot by the suddenly released Xian Li.

There were only some keen, and when Huangfu Nanshan notified, the person who jumped out immediately relied on his own shield and barely survived.

"Woo, what the **** is this?"

"Damn, someone was killed."

"Look, that is Brother Nanyun's magic weapon fragment. It seems that she has also died in it."

"It's over. How can we explain to the Crown Prince this time?"

I saw the members of the Crown Prince who had survived, and they all expressed their feelings of fear.

"The bastard, in the end, is the great gate of the ancient heavenly court, which is so terrifying."

Others are not thorough, but Huangfu Nanshan can see clearly.

He knows clearly that he just carelessly arranged the formation of an array, and as a result, the entire program cracked by the array had a problem.

Therefore, the formation method of intercepting and teaching Shanmen was immediately counterattacked and killed.

Understand this, but Huangfu Nanshan can't tell, after all, this time the deaths and injuries were too heavy.

If you let others know that these deaths of the same family are related to yourself, it will lead to your future position in the crown prince party.

This was not the result of Huangfu Nanshan's desire, so Huangfu Nanshan calmly thought about it, and seriously commanded the members of the Prince's Party around him: "Don't grieve anymore, now we should gather all our strength and continue to complete the Prince. To our great cause. "

After finishing his orders, Huangfu Nanshan immediately took the remaining members and continued to break through.

This time, I didn't encounter any problems.

It lasted about ten more minutes, and the original complex guardian formation was opened instantly.

"It's open, it's open."

"Awesome, the mountain gate inheritance of interception of education has finally fallen into our hands, and those dead brothers can finally feel at ease."

"Go, rush in, and see what kind of magic weapon we have gained at such a big price."

"Look, what is that?"

As everyone walked in, they were immediately attracted by the ancient and mysterious things inside ~ ~ In this place, they can see what the modern group does not have.

These things opened their eyes and excited them one by one.

In this way, they went all the way, and soon found one magic weapon after another.

"This place is too scary. The ground around it is a special kind of ore. We are very rare now, but there are so many places in this place."

"You see that magic weapon, it seems to be a special magic weapon. I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a moment."

"I want it, I can just take it back to the alchemy, and then my cultivation can soar."

"Look at that thing, what is it?"

Suddenly someone pointed to the front and called Huangfu Nanshan to watch.

So when Huangfu Nanshan and others heard the message, they immediately followed the voice.

When they arrived here, they could not help getting excited when they saw everything in front of them.

"This place is not a mountain gate for teaching, but just came in and encountered such a treasure."

Huangfu Nanshan is a well-informed person, and things that surprise him are rare.

But this thing in front of him is far beyond the expectations of Huangfu Nanshan.

So he excitedly said: "I will first collect this Tongtianxianjin, and then we will move on and find more treasures."

But when Huangfu Nanshan reached out and touched the heavenly fairy gold, suddenly a huge fairy force projected from a distance.

Then a voice came in from a distance, and said ruthlessly: "Huangfu Nanshan, you did a good job, and actually cracked the formation of the Shanjiao Mountain Gate inheritance, but now this place no longer needs you, so you Members of the Prince's Party can withdraw from the inheritance of the Shanmen Mountain Gate. "

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