Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1699: : Surrender to the group of 3

"Relax, I will never lose the chain."

Qianzu Liuzu couldn't help laughing with pride, and then he shook his body underground.

For a time, one by one tentacles emerged from below the ground and swept toward the disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate.

"No, I'm not reconciled!"

"I came in this place with a lot of hard work. Do I have to die like this on the spot?"

"Hateful, if I knew that, then I might as well shut up and not come out."

"Don't be complacent, our Spirit Bird Immortal Gate will definitely avenge us."

The disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, while the resistance of Qianshou Liuzu and twin brothers attacked their brothers decadently.

But if the twin brothers are not good stubble, naturally they will not let them go.

So they continued to attack and compressed the living space of the disciples of Spirit Bird and Immortal Gate again and again.


Just a few minutes later, all the disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, including the Nine Saint Xuanxian Sixth Heaven, were killed in this place, and no one fled to birth.

Under such circumstances, the twin brothers could n’t help but release a joyful expression on their faces: “Let ’s go quickly to the evolution pool and evolve it all at once. After the cultivation is promoted, leave this place immediately to avoid regeneration. What an accident. "

"Yes, the people of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, it is estimated that they will be there in a short time."

"Relax, my tentacles have begun to absorb evolutionary fluids."

"Damn, you didn't notify us, and you started absorbing it."

The twin brothers complained about Liu Zu, but they dare not say too much because the two parties are partners, but it is not a relationship between the superiors and the subordinates.

Under such circumstances, if the talks are really broken, it is undoubtedly a problem for the two of them.

In this way, the two of them flew to the evolution pool and wanted to start evolution directly.

"We are here to teach disciples how to evolve."

"Although I haven't seen the heyday of cutting off education in the past, it is enough for us to be able to infiltrate something unique to cutting off education at once."

But just as the twin brothers were about to enter the evolution pool, they suddenly stopped their bodies, because they appeared in front of them and there was a stranger.

This stranger is naturally Ye Xiaohu.

It turned out that Ye Xiaohu came to this place, and now the twin brothers and others are fighting, but no one pays attention to his situation, so he directly cast a secret method to cover his body, and first came to the evolution pool to invade.

Although this secret method can confuse everyone on the scene above the senses.

But when they came to Ye Xiaohu, there was no way to cover up, so Ye Xiaohu was seen by them on the spot.


Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders casually, and then said with a smile: "You are too slow, now I have absorbed almost, and then you only solved the trouble of the spirit bird fairy gate."

"who are you?"

"Damn, did you dare to occupy our brother, the hardworking fluid you got?"

The two twin brothers, seeing their hard work, have been absorbed by Ye Xiaohu for the most part. How can they bear it?

So they roared one after another, and cast their own supernatural powers, punching Ye Xiaohu.

At the same time, they received their message. Thousand hands Liu Zu under the ground launched a crazy attack and wanted to hit Ye Xiaohu up and down just like before.

But when they attacked, they were surprised that they couldn't hurt Ye Xiaohu at all.


"Who the **** are you and why you are so powerful."

"My God, why is the fairy power in your body as if it is inexhaustible, no matter how I absorb it, there is no way to absorb it?"

The twin brothers and Qianshou Liu's ancestors appeared one after another, and they could not hurt Ye Xiaohu after splitting.

Just when they were surprised, they saw Ye Xiaohu looking at them calmly and said, "The three of you are talented, and I am currently recruiting horses, so if the three of you are willing to surrender to me and take a soul vow, Then maybe I can forgive you and leave you some evolutionary fluid. "

Ye Xiaohu is very optimistic about the twin brothers, because their combined approach can greatly enhance their combat effectiveness, if they can be subdued, they can undoubtedly greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

As for the talent of Qianshou Liuzu, it is even more amazing. It can actually absorb the fairy power of the enemy to strengthen itself. The future achievements are absolutely limitless.

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s proposal, the twin brothers and Qianshou Liuzu looked at each other. As a result, in Ye Xiaohu ’s surprised eyes, they ignored the three, twenty-one and twenty-one, and actually knelt on the ground and expressed their willingness to submit .

"You ... really surprised me."

Originally, Ye Xiaohu thought that the other party had to insist at least for a while ~ ~ before deciding whether to surrender or not, which Cheng thought they had no hesitation and knelt on the spot to show their allegiance.

However, since the other party accepted his proposal, Ye Xiaohu naturally would not hesitate, and he had already invaded the evolution fluid.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu left directly from the evolution fluid, and then made three symbols of the soul vow contract, which were branded in the souls of the twin brothers and said, "Well, now you are welcome to invade the evolution fluid. . "


Seeing Ye Xiaohu's words and faith, the twin brothers and the three couldn't help but walked past with a happy face, and went directly into the evolution fluid to start their own cultivation.

So Ye Xiaohu stood and watched for a while, and could not help mumbling: "No wonder they are so powerful. It turned out that they had cultivated a special method of joint attack since childhood, but this secret method seems to have some flaws and needs to be completed before . Fortunately, everything else is lacking, that is, there is no shortage of immortals. "

"As for the willow goblin, it should be a special mutant life, and it should also be available."

After observing Ye Xiaohu for a while, he had an idea in his mind and how to develop their concepts in the future.

Ye Xiaohu Ye Xiaohu sorted out the fairy tales suitable for several of them in his mind, and made them into a jade jade, and then handed them a few humanities on the spot: "When you absorb the evolution fluid, you can follow the I practiced the method in the jade jade, so that when you absorb the evolution fluid, you can achieve a multiplier effect, which is much faster than what you absorb now, and you will never waste a trace of evolution fluid. "

(End of this chapter)

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