Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1134: : Debunking the scam

"Are you Mr. Ye?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu take the initiative to come up, the western man holding Ye Xiaohu's name brand glanced at his partner.

Then he gave his brand to his partner.

Then he sorted out his clothes and smiled charmingly: "I am James of Yejia Farms Great Britain Branch. Welcome Mr. Ye to visit the Great Britain Branch."

"Although the British branch has only a part of my shares, I am Ye Xiaohu, a person who does his due diligence, so whenever I have time, I have to come and inspect.

Ye Xiaohu showed his charming big white teeth, then said to James: "Oh, who ordered you to pick me up?"

"It's Miss Eslan."

James did not think anything, and said directly: "We are the bodyguards of Miss Eslan. After receiving the call from Hua Xia, she immediately let us greet you."

"Is that so?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded slightly, and then did not make any statement.

So Ye Xiaohu quietly followed behind James, and said calmly: "Lead the way ahead?"

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

A special meaning flashed in James's eyes, followed by the way ahead.

Ye Xiaohu followed them all the way to the parking lot and got on a luxury RV.

Advanced, Ye Xiaohu closed his eyes, and then quietly felt everything around him.

After more than an hour, the car slowly stopped in one place.

"Mr. Ye is somewhere."

James, who was sitting on the co-pilot, saw that Ye Xiaohu had not moved, so he looked back to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Mr. Ye, we can get off the car."

"Can I get off?"

Ye Xiaohu agreed, without asking a word, and then pushed the car door and went down.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu saw a magnificent villa. Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, could not help but slightly curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a charming smile.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu carried his own hands and walked towards the door of the villa step by step.

James, who saw this scene, ordered his partner to say: "Mr. Ye has been flying for so long, it is estimated that his body is already very hungry. welcome."

James's partner took the lead and turned straight away.

Immediately after James took two quick steps and led Ye Xiaohu into the villa, he introduced Ye Xiaohu's situation to the villa while walking.

After entering the villa, Ye Xiaohu asked James, "What about Miss Eslan?"

"Miss Eslan is not currently in the villa."

James seemed to know that Ye Xiaohu would ask this sentence, so James quietly replied: "But Miss Eslan said, after she is busy with her work, she will come back to the villa to meet with Mr. Ye."

"Oh, I see!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded slightly, without any response, and then added: "Yes, you know the British branch of Yejia Farm, how is it going now?"

"Yejia Farm is developing well now."

James laughed aloud: "Since the vegetables in Yejia Farm's Great Britain branch have been on the market, it has been well received by all diners. Now, in just one year, it has become popular in Europe and spreading towards America.

"Just sell it."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then learned about the situation in Europe with James.

After just asking for a while, James's partner finally led a group of servants to bring a hearty Yejia dish to the table.

"Mr. Ye, how about the taste of Ye Jia Cai in our European branch?"

James pointed to the vegetables on the table and introduced to Ye Xiaohu one by one: "In particular, this foie gras truffle is a boutique for our European branch on business."

"Foie gras truffle, I'll try it first."

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly, followed by a knife and fork on the dining table, made a piece of foie gras and put it in his mouth: "It tastes good, it is worthy of my Ye family."

Ye Xiaohu tasted it for a while, and then tasted other vegetables.

Ten minutes later, Ye Xiaohu put down the knife and fork in his hand, and then said with a satisfied face: "Okay, Mr. James, now that I have eaten enough, I have to deal with some things."

"whats the matter?"

James looked at Ye Xiaohu puzzledly: "Please, Mr. Ye, please elaborate, the villain is not very clear."

"I said you deceived me into this villa, what is your purpose?"

Ye Xiaohu took the napkin and wiped his lips briefly, then said to James: "Although you are performing well, it seems to be true. But there are some things, no matter how you perform, it will still leave holes. , Such as this rich Yejia cuisine. "


James puzzled: "Mr. Ye, what are you talking about, please forgive me for not understanding."

"No need to continue to pretend, because you will not be fooled by me anyway."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then said to James: "Don't say anything else, just say that the Yejiacai on your table is not the second-generation product produced by our Yejia Farm, but the one that has been eliminated. In any case, Eslan will not entertain my boss with the eliminated things? "

"Is that right?"

James frowned. "Just that?"


Ye Xiaohu spit out: "If it wasn't for me to pick up a call from Songjiang City in China, then I wouldn't wake up so soon ~ ~ Guess your identity is wrong. But unfortunately I got the call and let me know the Western branch, and I did n’t know the news of my coming, then you must be fake. "

"It turns out that it seems that we made a mistake."

James sighed, knowing that his disguise had completely failed.

So he gave up his previous disguise and instead said with ease: "But Mr. Ye, since you knew that we were pretending early in the morning, why don't you expose us early, and just wait until this time to expose us?"

"It's simple, because I want to see what you want to do, and where I want to take me, because I need some clues to investigate the whereabouts of my parents."

Ye Xiaohu exuded a spiritual force, sealing the surrounding space.

When he was sure that no one could escape from the space he arranged, he stared at James with satisfaction: "So Mr. James, can you tell me the truth, what do you Satan group take my parents to Is it a place? "

(End of this chapter)

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