Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1117: : So you are Ye Xiaohu


A sword runs through the sky and the sun and the moon are dark.

Under the shroud of this sword, everyone trembling at the scene.

"This, is this still a fairy cultivator?"

"My God, such a terrible sword move, why have I never seen it?"

"In such an aura, I have only seen ancestral masters exhibiting such sword moves in ancestral classics."

"Fairy, is Ye Xiaohu already a fairy?"

Some people who originally looked down on Ye Xiaohu were shocked at this moment.

Because they can't believe it, a mortal they look down on is actually a sword fairy.

And this sword immortal is not a cultivator who came out of their secret realm.

This situation makes them difficult to accept.

But they did not have time to be shocked, because those devil and devil grandchildren would not give them much time for surprise and thinking.

Swish swish.

"go to hell!"

"Kill them human monks."

The devil and grandchildren were killed, and a new round of fighting began.

But in order to be affected by the fighting, their fighting range got farther and farther away, and they gradually left the main hall.

Realizing this scene, Ye Xiaohu was relieved.

He was really afraid that his big move would be released in a moment, the scope of the spread was too wide, and they would be killed in seconds, so it would be worthless.

This is not to say that Ye Xiaohu cares about them, but because they can't die. Otherwise, as soon as they die, the Chinese immortals will be vacuumed, which is not a good thing for China.


So after seeing everyone quit, Ye Xiaohu slammed directly and increased the power of the sword move.


Optimus Great Sword crossed the sword light and went directly to the demonized Yuan Hong.

"It's not that easy to kill me."

I have to say that Ye Xiaohu's killing trick made Demon Yuanhong slightly shocked.

Originally, some of them looked down on Ye Xiaohu, because Ye Xiaohu was just an ordinary mortal monk in his eyes. Even if the realm was high, it didn't make much sense.

However, when Ye Xiaohu ’s sword tricks were exhibited, Yuan Hong realized the terror of Ye Xiaohu, so he screamed: "The demon turned."

Demonizing Yuan Hong's body collapsed directly, Yuan Hong's figure completely disappeared, but turned into a ghostly look.

If the children see it, it is estimated that they will be scared out of direct voice.

After being transformed into a demonized Yuan Hong, he changed from one meter eight nine to a three or four meter giant.

I saw that the demonized Yuan Hong stepped forward. At present, he is stepping like Ye Xiaohu, and at the same time punching the sword trick exhibited to Ye Xiaohu.


Ye Xiaohu's sword trick was smashed on the spot by the demonized Yuan Hong.

"Good to come."

Ye Xiaohu was shocked when he saw the act of demonizing Yuan Hong.

He knew that this transformation was unusual, because that was the master of the devil.

Once they are transformed, their power can be increased several times.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu did not dare to underestimate the big feet that demonized Yuan Hong.

"The second form of Zhumo Nine Swords: running through the sun and the moon."

Ye Xiaohu's move is not as magnificent as before, but it is somewhat unpretentious.

But the sword was swung out, and the Optimus giant feet in front of him were shattered.


Demonizing Yuan Hong could not help but be horrified, because after the change of spirit, his reaction and movement slowed down, so that the flesh and blood on his feet were smashed by Ye Xiaohu, and the pieces fell down.

Almost for a while, the ground is full of flesh and blood, leaving only white bones.

A little bit of pain turned into his own body, which made the demonized Yuan Hong unbelievable: "How is it possible, how can you cut my fairy body, a mortal in your neighborhood?"

"There is nothing invincible above this world."

Ye Xiaohu calmly looked at the demonized Yuan Hong, who was many times larger than himself, and said calmly: "Otherwise, for countless years, you have already annexed the heavens, why wait until this day."

"In the past it was your heavenly cunning, but our demon world is not stupid."

Demonized Yuan Hong snorted sternly: "At least now we still complete the unity and have captured most of the heavenly territory. I will destroy heaven sooner or later."

Has it been so serious?

From the pictures I saw in the heart of the stone before, Ye Xiaohu has guessed that the heaven may have changed.

After Ye Xiaohu saw the demonization of Yuan Hong, he could basically confirm that the Devil Invaded the Earth.

But it was speculation before, and it wasn't until the demonization of Yuan Hong's words that Ye Xiaohu was sure that there was something wrong with Tianting.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and said to the demonized Yuan Hong: "Although I am no longer in Heaven, as a member of Heaven Court, I have to make some efforts for Heaven Court, so even if I died on the spot today, To cut you off. "


Ye Xiaohu bit the tip of his tongue, and the blood on the tip of the tongue spewed out.

Ye Xiaohu's right hand waved, using the blood at the tip of his tongue to draw a blood rune, and imprinted on the big sword and shouted: "The third form of the Nine Swords of Demons: The Sword of Demons ~ ~ Wow.

Ye Xiaohu leaped into the air, directly pounced on the demonized Yuan Hong's chest, and stab a demon against Yuan Hong.

Demonizing Yuan Hong quickly blocked, but he couldn't keep up with Ye Xiaohu's speed.


The big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand was directly on the chest that demonized Yuan Hong.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Hearing only three muffled sounds, the sword of the demon uttered three sound waves, directly hitting the demonized Yuan Hong ’s chest out of a huge hole.


Demonizing Yuan Hong howled, the huge body lost control on the spot, and fell directly to the ground.

"Solve it?"

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, frowned involuntarily. Obviously, this was a little weird, or it was too easy.

But after all, Ye Xiaohu never confronted the real demon king, so Ye Xiaohu didn't know whether demonizing Yuan Hong was really dead.

If he did not die, then there must be endless disasters.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu arranged a sealing demon array to seal the surroundings and completely eliminate the situation of the evil spirits.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu walked carefully to the demonized Yuan Hong, and used the soul to perceive the demonized Yuan Hong's life.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu did not find any breath of life. Ye Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this battle was about to end.

Ye Xiaohu was surprised to find that his soul could not come back.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu discovered that the world around him turned out to be dark at this moment, and the sun and the moon became dark.

Under such circumstances, the voice of demonizing Yuan Hong appeared in Ye Xiaohu's ear again, and he kept echoing: "So you are Ye Xiaohu who helped us take the corner of heaven?"

: ,, !!

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