Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1092: : 1 corner of heaven

"Zhenzi, this should not be the one on our ancestors."

"It's not the elder of my school."

"We have an immortal in our mentor, and there is a town name in the title, but he has fallen unexpectedly in another war between gods and demons."

"Is it the predecessor of our teacher?"


Ye Xiaohu muttered silently in his heart, but could not determine whether this palace could be a palace of a big fairy.

Because in Ye Xiaohu's memory, many gods like to use this word.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was entangled, who was it.

Opposite the head of the giant spirit gate, the contemporary giant spirit real once again said: "This fairy has a very profound cultivation and has infinite mana, otherwise it is impossible to create such a magnificent palace."

"That should not be my elders."

A master of Immortal Cultivation Realm stood up and shook his head, and said: "Juling Real Man, since you know that hall, and saw a town character, then you should have been to Heavenly Court, have you been to Immortal Realm?"

"Old man, I did."

Hearing this person's inquiry, Ju Ling lively replied seriously: "But after only staying for a day, he resigned helplessly."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

People who can cultivate to this point are not stupid people, otherwise they will be killed by their opponents.

Therefore, they can probably tell from the words of the real person of Juling that there is a certain threat to the heavenly space, and this threat can not be dealt with by the Juling Gate itself. Everyone knows.

First of all, it ’s good to sell to everyone, and secondly, I want to use everyone ’s hands to crack the mystery of heaven and find the way to become an immortal, free from the current shackles.

Although this method is slightly inferior.

But all people, including Ye Xiaohu, had to pay attention to this condition, and rushed into the corner of heaven to fear the death, to explore the mysteries of becoming immortals.

"Excuse me, real person, what conditions do you need to enter this corner of heaven?"

"Can there still be many of our secret realms?"

The real person of Juling has been arranged for a long time, and under the indication of the real person of Juling, he directly and actively inquired about the real person of Juling.

Under such circumstances, Ju Ling lively smiled slightly: "As the leader of the Cultivation Alliance, I naturally will not be selfish. So after discovering and exploring the corner of this heavenly court, I feel that this is of great significance to the world of Cultivation Immortality. , So I convened this meeting to hope that all of you in the corner of heaven will be told to all of you, so that all of you can go in and look for hope for success, but ... "

When it came to the end, Ju Ling lived a pause. When he was sure that everyone's eyes were on himself, he continued: "But there is one thing I want to make clear. This heaven is not like everyone imagines. There are still many dangers as safe as that, so it is a world where opportunities and opportunities coexist, so if you cultivate to not reach the realm of infant success, then you are not qualified to enter the corner of heaven to explore the mystery of immortality. "

While saying this, Ju Ling lively deliberately glanced at Ye Xiaohu.

The meaning seems to be saying that Ye Xiaohu is not qualified enough.

"This old kid is too arrogant."

"Brother Xiaohu, do you think I should arrange someone to teach him a meal?"

Perceiving the real spirit of Juling, Erzunzi walked to Ye Xiaohu uncomfortably, and used the technique of sound transmission to directly convey his heart to Ye Xiaohu's ear.

Hearing Er Leng Zi's words, Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, rejected Er Leng Zi's proposal, and resumed: "Let him go rampant, anyway, we won't lose a piece of meat. By then, we will take Cheng Xian's secret away and see how he furious?"

"Brother Xiaohu, you are right."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Erzongzi smiled and nodded, then returned to Ye Xiaohu's back and stopped speaking.

Seeing this scene of the real giant, his brows were closed.

He can perceive that there is a sense of communication around Ye Xiaohu, but he can't intercept the content of the communication, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

At this time, a master of Xianxian secret realm that Ye Xiaohu knew stood up and said, "When can I enter the corner of the heavenly court?"

"Noon tomorrow."

Juling lively glanced at the sky outside, and then cautiously said: "According to past experience, at noon tomorrow, that corner of the heavenly court will appear, and all those who pass the test will be able to pass through our Juling Gate. Into the corner of the heavenly court. "

"It turned out to be the case, then we will leave the leader first."

"We also have to go back, prepare for a while, and enter the corner of the heavens tomorrow to explore the mystery of Chengxian."

"Yes, since there is danger, then I have to do more preparations."

"Both the formation and defense magic must be reinforced all at once to avoid problems after entering the heavenly court, so I have to go back to practice and rest."

Some people who are able to go up to the sky have turned and prepared.

As for the unqualified people and forces, they laughed bitterly, then gave up this opportunity, and left.

But before they left, they said goodbye to the real person of the giant spirit and vowed to obey the dispatch of the real person of the giant spirit.

This also makes Ye Xiaohu very satisfied. After all, this represents the status of Juling as a real person and has been recognized by some people, although these people are relatively weak.

Just when Juling smiled and gestured, he found that Ye Xiaohu and his party were about to leave and did not say goodbye to themselves.

This made Juling really uncomfortable ~ ~ So he gestured for the disciples beside him.

Immediately after receiving the signal, the disciple said to Ye Xiaohu: "Why don't you say goodbye to my master, who comes from Songjiang?"

"Why leave?"

Ye Xiaohu did not reply, but Er Lengzi responded: "Not to mention that we did not recognize his lord's identity, and even if we recognize his lord's identity, after all, we have no plans to leave, and we want to enter the heavens tomorrow Just look at the place where the fairy lives in the legend.

After the words fell, Erzhuang stared at Juling's disciples, then followed Ye Xiaohu's footsteps, and left the hall of Juling Gate directly to find a place to rest.


After Ye Xiaohu and others were gone, the disciple of Juling Real Man couldn't help but knelt in front of Ju Ling real man with an angry face and said: "Master, please ask your permission to let the disciple take action to kill the two tonight A prodigal jerk. "

(End of this chapter)

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