Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1087: : Break 3 levels

"It's you, demon."

Ye Xiaohu never thought that he, who had reached such a level, could still touch the demons.

So when the other party jumped out, Ye Xiaohu looked strangely at the demon's eyes, and became strange. Ye Xiaohu said with a brutal expression: "No, I had already killed the demon at first, you don't maybe appear."

"Is that the time of heaven?"

Naocheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's inquiry. The copycat of the demons standing opposite Ye Xiaohu actually said with a smug face: "Yeah! That time, you almost killed me. What a dangerous and dangerous time was Brutal. If it was n’t for me to be prepared early in the morning, so when you killed me, you directly transferred a part of your consciousness and fell into a deep sleep, it is estimated that I would have been killed by you.

Hearing the copy of the demons, Ye Xiaohu recalled the scene when he was in heaven.

At that time, Ye Xiaohu was also in the process of enlightenment again, and touched the demons.

But Ye Xiaohu at that time was very popular, and was above heaven.

So when he met the demons, Heavenly Court Immortals tried to help.

Therefore, at a critical moment, Ye Xiaohu basically did not consume any mana and showed what skills, the heart demons have been shattered.

After that, Ye Xiaohu never worried about the problem of demons.

And after no worries, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice is growing day by day, and eventually he becomes a **** and becomes the fastest man in heaven.

At that time, many fairy descendants looked at Ye Xiaohu's eyes one by one, just like seeing idols, rotating around him every day.

"It really made me never imagine that you are still alive."

Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh, and then he stared at the demons: "Since you are alive, then why don't you sleep quietly and do something arrogantly run out?"

"Of course it replaced you."

The Demon Duplicate looked at Ye Xiaohu with a smug look: "When I was asleep, I noticed that your consciousness was unstable, and I knew my chance was here."

"Sure enough, you didn't let me down, and actually took the initiative to enlighten you again, and there are two people around you enlightening the enlightenment with you, which gave me a lot of opportunities, so I decided to seize this opportunity and let you stay here forever. Place, and I will replace you and occupy the flesh. "

Under such circumstances, I saw the copy of the demons proudly said: "Under my step-by-step arrangement, you are really a little bit fooled, and gave me the opportunity to kill you now."

"Is that right?"

Ye Xiaohu said in disbelief: "The last time you played, you couldn't beat me. How can you beat me this time?"

"Last time you were helped by a fairy. This time there are only two **** around you. They can't do you any favors. And don't you find that when you break through three levels, your soul and mana are sharp Consumed? "

The demon copied people and said without fear: "Now you can't afford it with me. And this place is my territory, so my mana is infinite. With the growth and decline, I will definitely be able to Replace it. "

"If you don't try it, how do you know that the result will not change?"

Let Ye Xiaohu admit defeat, Ye Xiaohu will never agree.

Therefore, when the mind demons copied people with a wild smile, Ye Xiaohu directly summoned his great sword in front of the mind demons.

But Ye Xiaohu's every move, the demons copy people seem to know the same, and Ye Xiaohu copied the same action, the same weapon.

"Sure enough you are me, I am you."

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown.

He knew there would be a hard fight today, but Ye Xiaohu was not afraid.

Therefore, after seeing that there was no way to seize the advantage, Ye Xiaohu still carried the big sword and directly greeted him with a sword to copy to the demons.

"I said that you and I are one and have the same mind, so how do you kill me?"

The demon replicator sneered, and blocked Ye Xiaohu with the same action.


Ye Xiaohu collided with the Demon Duplicator, and both sides radiated a hot light, and ended up having a draw.

However, this way is very unfavorable to Ye Xiaohu, because his mana is being consumed, but there is no wear and tear on the copy of the demon, and the balance of victory will change under the balance.

"Just the first round, what's the hurry?"

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly to the Demon Duplicator, and then changed the attacking spell, the move ... again to the Demon Duplicator.

This time the copy of the demons, although slightly slower by 0.011 second, still blocked Ye Xiaohu with the same action.

"I said, you can't beat me."

"If you don't try, how do you know the final result?"

"It's in vain, I advise you, you should bow your head obediently and admit defeat."

"Until the last moment, I will never admit defeat."

"It's really troublesome."

The demons shook their heads helplessly, and the offense was as orderly as possible.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu continued to think about how to solve the situation in front of him while fighting.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's contemplative look, the demon replicator counterattacked while complacently saying, "There is no secret between you and me, so I can know what you want and how you want to attack me, and the same The attack counterattacks back, so you ca n’t defeat me. "

"That is, no matter what I think, you will know chant?"

Suddenly a flash of light flashed, Ye Xiaohu thought of something.

So after finishing this sentence, all the cultivation practice was released immediately, screaming and screaming towards the copycat of the demon: "Then you and eat me this sword again."

"I said, you are all in vain."

There is no ambiguity in the copy of the demons ~ ~ directly with the same mana, counterattack with a sword.


The big swords of the two sides collided in the sky, and a fierce spark was emitted.

Because of the huge force, after the two sides collided, their respective bombs flew out for more than ten meters and opened a range of positive air.

After Ye Xiaohu landed on the ground, he said with a serious expression: "It is now, you take the trick."

"What are you doing?"

The demons copied people's frowning: "I don't understand, what else can you struggle with?"

"You will know soon."

I saw Ye Xiaohu's big sword that condensed the power of the soul, directly inserted on the ground in the illusion, and then Ye Xiaohu asked aloud to the demon replicator: "You know this is the first in this world. Chicken, or the pre-existing egg? "

(End of this chapter)

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