Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1084: : Brother Slotting

The top of Song Mountain.

The Julingmen Cultivation Conference was held as scheduled.

After some excitement, an extraordinary meeting was held inside the Juling Gate.

During the meeting, the head of Juling Gate proposed to select a first master of Chinese Xiuxian to preside over the entire world of Xiuxian.

"In my opinion, the old Nanhua elders in the mysterious realm of Nanhua Xiu are suitable to be elected as the first person in China this time."

"Fart, to say the first person, it should be my Wudang!"

"Wudang is nothing, but it is not the election of the martial arts leader. Not to mention the former martial arts leader, not your Wudang, but others."

"Yes, this is the Immortal Cultivation Conference. Judging from the jury gate, the real spirits of the Juling Gate are highly respected, and this time the conference was convened. He should be elected to such a supreme position."

Every secret fairyland has its own candidate.

So everyone argued fiercely, and there was still no fixed number.

In such a situation, Erzun, who was sitting next to Ye Xiaohu, stood up directly and said, "Joke, how can you choose my big man like Huaxia without such a big brother?"


Hearing Er Leng Zi's words, a master of Immortal Secret Realm stood up and retorted: "I admit that Ye Xiaohu's cultivation is good, but if I want to be elected as the first person, I guess it is not qualified yet?"

"Qualification is not enough if you say enough."

Hearing this person's words, Erzongzi said dissatisfiedly: "But my little tiger brother swept the entire martial arts world alone a year ago. One year later, he entered the Kunlun world, occupying thousands of masters of cultivation cents. After returning to the bottom, he killed again Those of you who are masters of Immortal Secret Realm knelt down to beg for mercy. With such a proud record, why is it not enough to be selected? "

Hearing Er Lengzi's words, those who had been taught by Ye Xiaohu in Songjiang City glanced at Ye Xiaohu one after another, and then lowered their noble head, not afraid of any dissatisfaction.

But some people who have n’t been to Songjiang City do n’t care at all: "Well, how are you Ye Xiaohu being powerful? It ’s just one person. How can you mobilize us to build so many fairyland?"

"Is it better than others?"

Under Ye Xiaohu's attention, Er Leng Zi blew a whistle directly.

Immediately under the people's attention, one flying monster after another appeared in the sky.

After the flying monsters stopped above the Giant Spirit Gate, they followed the masters of Xiuxian one after another from Kunlun World, jumped down and fell beside Erzongzi.

Under such circumstances, Ju Lingmen and many other masters of Immortal Cultivation Realm changed their faces.

"Erhu, what are you doing?"

"Damn, are you going to start all of us?"

The masters of Ju Ling Men's secret realm have gathered together and want to contend with the stunned son.

However, under such circumstances, Er Lengzi did not fear at all, but said calmly: "If you understand it as a threat, then it is not impossible."

"Now I only give you two ways, either to die or to submit to me."


Not Ye Xiaohu.

When I heard this sentence, Ye Xiaohu's eyes were filled with special colors.

But Ye Xiaohu did not stop on the spot, or asked Er Leng Zi, but looked at everything calmly in front of him, quietly watching Er Leng Zi's every move.

Under such circumstances, Erzhuang raised his finger and said: "I will only give you five numbers and make a decision immediately, otherwise there will be no amnesty."






When opening, everyone including the Giant Spirit Gate knelt on the ground and dared not stare at it.

"I am willing to surrender, and I will follow Ye Xiaohu's instructions from now on."

Hearing the words of Ju Ling Men and others, Er Leng Zi could not help but laugh, and then all smiled: "From now on, my little tiger brother is the leader of the Immortal Cultivation, the Lord of the world, but my little tiger brother sat down Deputy leader. "

Behind Erzongzi, there are so many masters from the Kunlun secret realm, others naturally dare not object, so one by one agreed with Erzongzi's command.

Next, Ye Xiaohu became the leader of Xiuxian inexplicably, but Ye Xiaohu did not do anything. Instead, he handed over all the alliance's affairs to Erzengzi, and then sat quietly in Yejia Farm. The top of the barren mountain was dazed.

Year after year, Ye Xiaohu was in a daze every day.

Er Lengzi led the people of the Xiuxian Alliance to conquer the West and conquer the people from all directions, but he could never win the Western Church.

So after a lapse of many years, Erzongzi once again climbed to the top of the barren mountain to find Ye Xiaohu to go out and deal with the Western temple.

Ye Xiaohu gave Er Leng Zi a glance, and after a slight smile, he agreed to Er Leng Zi's request.

So Ye Xiaohu went out to lead the people of the China Xia Xiuxian Alliance, and conquered those who wanted to attack the Western Church.

Along the way, several beasts of the Western Church were beheaded continuously, and finally came to the top of the mountain where the church was located.

After hitting this place, the masters at the top of the Western Temple appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu.

Obviously they also know that if they do n’t take action, then the church may be destroyed.

So one master after another, the water surrounding Ye Xiaohu could not be drained.

A war is naturally inevitable.

So Ye Xiaohu rushed up directly, with ten enemies, one hundred enemies, and one thousand enemies ... Although tens of thousands of people went to carry them, they directly turned the people of the temple and the killers over.

But Ye Xiaohu's power alone is limited after all.

Therefore, when the last person was killed, the mana of Ye Xiaohu was completely consumed at this moment, and there was no way to continue.

So Ye Xiaohu returned to his camp, ready to hand over the last person to Er Leng Zi, just to let Er Leng Zi stand up.

But when Ye Xiaohu came back, Er Lengzi took the initiative to help Ye Xiaohu.

Originally this was a very common thing, but when Er Lengzi touched Ye Xiaohu's body, Ye Xiaohu felt extremely disappointed.

Because a sharp fairy dagger actually pierced Ye Xiaohu's chest directly.


Facing this scene, Ye Xiaohu asked calmly: "Why do you want to do it to me?"

"I don't want anyone to keep pressing on me."

Er Lengzi smiled coldly, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "As long as you kill you, all the world will be mine. Then I Er Lengzi can do whatever you want, and I no longer have to look at your face.

"Just for this?"


"You tell me ~ ~ I can give him to you."

"I don't need you to make it."

Er Leng Zi coldly refuted Ye Xiaohu Road: "What do I want, then I Er Leng Zi will fight for themselves."


Seeing Erzongzi's crazy expression, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough everything is a show, in fact, you have been thinking about it for a long time, right?"

"Not bad."

Er Leng Zi proudly said: "When I killed Sun Ying, I had already designed it completely, and I would wait until this day to kill you."

"It's really hard for you."

Hearing Erzunzi's turn, Ye Xiaohu pulled out his dagger with a wry smile, and then said on the ground beside him: "But do you think you won this way?"

(End of this chapter)

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