Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1082: : How to break the family


Everything is what happened in the dream.

Originally, some of Ye Xiaohu's heartbeats returned to calmness at this moment.

Because he knew very well that everything in front of him was a dream and a fake, and it was not worth his devotion.

Originally based on Ye Xiaohu's cultivation, in the face of such a low-level environment and dreams, he could completely cut through the sword and directly overcome this difficulty.

But when he saw his parents in the dream, he looked a little bit older and Ye Xiaohu's heart was broken.

The heart just invited, softened a little bit.

"Xiaohu, come here for you to eat this pear."

"Xiaohu, you said that you are no longer a boss, why don't you find a woman to start a family business? That way, after my father and I passed away, we can rest assured."

"Xiaohu, Dad is old and can't continue to make money to feed your mom and you. If I go one day, then your mom will give it to you because her leg has always been defective.

"Xiaohu, I will not force you to marry and marry a wife, as long as you are happy."

No matter dream or fantasy, it is not a real thing after all, but a strange space that intercepts some of Ye Xiaohu ’s memories and merges together.

Therefore, there are many disadvantages and many loopholes in this space.

If it is a person who is not firm enough, then he may be lost in this world and thus unable to extricate himself.

However, if you change to Ye Xiaohu, who is determined and has experienced similar space, then you can naturally see through the loopholes.

But Ye Xiaohu did not expose the loopholes, but instead responded to parents' concerns and inquiries as happened in real space.

"Your old man's teeth are not good. He should eat more pears, which are sweet and nibble."

"Don't worry, I will find a woman who communicates with me sooner or later, and spend the rest of his life with him."

"Dad, don't worry, I won't leave my mother alone, and will take good care of my mother on your behalf."

"But I also want your parents to be happy."

Ye Xiaohu answered over and over again, even tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

And in the dream, Ye Xiaohu is an ordinary person without force.

Apart from possessing memory and knowledge, Ye Xiaohu does not possess any special ability, as if he had not lost five years.

So Ye Xiaohu wants to go out to work like an ordinary person, go out to make money, go out to date a sister, or accompany the second elder to watch TV.

Suddenly one day, a bad news came.

The old dad, who had been in his nails, stuck a big heel while cutting wood, and passed out on the spot.

So Ye Xiaohu quickly drove from the unit and returned to the village, but at this time, his dad had lost the ability to speak, and he could only lie on top of the kang, and could not move.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu felt that the whole sky had collapsed.

My own past days, my pride in my past, at such an age, such a body ... but I am helpless, I can only watch him lying down, there is no way to move my body.

So Ye Xiaohu took a long vacation and started to take care of his sick dad at home.

day to day.

But Dad, whose vitality has been dissipated, cannot finally hold on for too long.

So in the third month after the card fell, my dad lost his breath and could no longer open his eyes, and could no longer look at Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu didn't know what his dad thought before he died, but he knew he must be reluctant, and he must be reluctant to leave without saying a word.

But there is no way to save everything, because Dad has left.

Fortunately, my father fell ill for three months, so my mother was already prepared for it, so she let Ye Xiaohu take a look, and quickly finished the aftermath.

Next, Ye Xiaohu was at home again, staying with his mother for a few days, and even traveling together to relax.

It wasn't until the mother was bored with Ye Xiaohu that he drove him away, and Ye Xiaohu left with confidence and returned to work.

So Ye Xiaohu went to work during the day and went home to accompany his mother at night.

Spring comes to autumn.

Ten springs and autumns passed in the blink of an eye, and Ye Xiaohu returned home as usual.

As usual, my mother should have prepared her meals and waited for her to go home for dinner.

But not today, my mother is alone, sitting on the soil kang blankly, wiping the portrait of my father.

"Mom, do you miss my dad again?"

Putting on slippers, Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to walk to his mother and said, "If that's the case, let's go to the grave tomorrow and burn some paper for my dad."

"I've been there."

My mother gave Ye Xiaohu a smile, and then said: "Your dad gave me a dream last night. He said he was very lonely and wanted me to accompany him in the past, so Xiaohu I cannot continue to accompany you for the rest of your life, you want Stay strong for yourself. "


Hearing my mother's words, Ye Xiaohu became anxious.

But the mother interrupted Ye Xiaohu's words, and then stood up and said: "Needless to say, I guess you are also a bit hungry. I'll go cook for you first."

"I'll help you."

Ye Xiaohu stood up and came to the kitchen.

So Mom assisted in frying, Ye Xiaohu was responsible for burning wood, as well as washing and chopping vegetables.

The mother and son are chatting while they are working.

Soon a sumptuous dinner was ready, so when the mother told Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu took out a bottle of aged wine and poured it a little for himself and his mother.

Drink some wine, eat some food, and talk about homely.

After watching TV for a while, until late at night, Ye Xiaohu's mother was finally sleepy, so the mother and son went back to their rooms to fall asleep.

That night, Ye Xiaohu always felt upset and could not sleep.

Ye Xiaohu didn't sleep well until early in the morning.

Early the next morning, Ye Xiaohu got up to make breakfast.

As a result, breakfast was done ~ ~ I still didn't see my mother getting up, so Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to knock on the door and called my mother out for dinner.

But no one still responded, so Ye Xiaohu directly opened the door.

As a result, he saw his mother dressed neatly, lying on the bed securely, her body stiffened, and apparently had passed away for a long time.


Ye Xiaohu whispered and fell to the ground directly.

Obviously my mother knew she was leaving, so she said those words last night and lay on her bed in a well-dressed manner.

So Ye Xiaohu cried and cried bitterly.

He cried because he was so careless, he didn't realize this, and he didn't accompany his mother through the last journey.

But crying also doesn't make any sense, because things have happened, so with the help of neighbors, Ye Xiaohu takes care of her mother's back.

(End of this chapter)

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