Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1077: : Reject your transaction

"It's you?"

Previously, Jaylen Su's attention was always on the body of the Bodhidharma, so I didn't notice the appearance of Ye Xiaohu.

Therefore, when Ye Xiaohu came over and took the initiative to speak, Jie Lunsu discovered Ye Xiaohu's figure and could not help but look gangstered: "Why are you still in Songshan?"

"For a transaction."

Ye Xiaohu moved his neck and said: "So I won't leave Songshan or Shaolin Temple until the transaction is completed."

"What deal?"

Jaylen Sue frowned: "Would you like to hear it?"

"Dharma stick."

Ye Xiaohu held out his hand and pointed at the Dharma stick held by Jaylen Su: "The monks of Shaolin Temple promised me that as long as I help them guard the Dharma stick, they will give me an enlightenment Bodhi fruit and a few enlightenment Bodhi The seed of the book. "

"Just for this?"

Jaylen Su could not help but stunned slightly: "If this is the case, then can you make a deal with me?"

"You also have to make a deal?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "Let's hear it?"

"Taking your and my cultivation as an example, I believe you know that no one in the entire Shaolin Temple can stop us."

The corner of Jaylen Su ’s mouth slightly raised, and the whole person said triumphantly: “As long as you do n’t stop me from refining the Bodhidharma stick, then after I refining the Bodhidharma stick, I can help you destroy the entire Shaolin Temple and get more Enlightenment Bodhi Fruit, even digging out the entire Enlightenment Bodhi Tree, is not a problem. "

"This way?"

Ye Xiaohu made a state of contemplation, the Shaolin abbot who had just recovered from the injury on the opposite side could not help but burst into the eyes.

Because of this proposal, it is really deadly.

If Ye Xiaohu really promised Jaylen Su, then for Shaolin, it is tantamount to natural disaster.

Under such circumstances, the abbot of Shaolin Temple hurriedly shouted, "Mr. Ye, don't listen to him confuse you. The Taoist Bodhi Tree can't be transplanted at all, otherwise there is no way to feed it. As for the Taoist Bodhi, it's useless. Three, if you need Mr. Ye, then I can give it to you, absolutely not leaving one. "


Hearing the abbot Shaolin, Jaylen Su could not help but contemptuously say: "What kind of garbage do you have the right to negotiate with a master like us?"


When the abbot of Shaolin Temple heard Jalen Sue's refusal, his face was blue and red for a while. Apparently Jalen Sue's words deeply hurt his heart.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Ye Xiaohu at the foot of Jaylen Su couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Two forced."

"Hear no, he's scolding you for two."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Jaylen Su thought Ye Xiaohu agreed with what he had just said, so he laughed directly: "Only you stupid people will take any baby and seduce us like masters."

Under such circumstances, Shaolin's abbot and others' faces turned black. At this moment, they made a fighting stance and were ready to meet the final decisive battle.

But at this critical moment, the figure of Ye Xiaohu, who was originally standing on the ground, disappeared directly in place.

"not good."

Seeing this scene, Jaylen Su changed his face suddenly.

Because he found himself unable to control Ye Xiaohu's whereabouts, as if Ye Xiaohu had never appeared below, this is absolutely untrue.

Judging from Jayen Su's experience of walking in the dark world all year round, Ye Xiaohu must have his own purpose in doing so.

But in this place, someone who is worthy of Ye Xiaohu's careful handling can count the fingers of one hand.

Among them, the golden body Luohan and the red python fight on the other side of the mountain, there is no way to take care of things here, so Ye Xiaohu categorically did not deal with them.

So who is Ye Xiaohu's enemy?

Without guessing, Jaylen Sue can also guess.


When Jaylen Su guessed that Ye Xiaohu was going to shoot himself, he quickly wanted to dodge.

But his movements are obviously not as fast as Ye Xiaohu's.

And Ye Xiaohu started first, directly hit Jaylen Su by surprise.


I saw that Ye Xiaohu's body quickly appeared in front of Jaylen Su, with his right hand clenched into a fist, and with a lightning-fast gesture, he punched directly into Jaylensu's abdomen.


Jie Lunsu did not have any block, and Ye Xiaohu punched his abdomen on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Erzongzi and others on the ground exclaimed: "The abdomen is pierced, even if the human being is tall, it is estimated that there is only one way to die?"

Everyone is happy, and even some people have made it clear.

But their happiness was a bit early, because Jaylen Su floating in the air, life breath did not fade a bit, but gradually became stronger and stronger Ali.

I saw him open his eyes, and a black flame came out of his head: "Why, why do you refuse to join me ~ ~ Instead, help the group of garbage deal with me?"

"It's simple, because you and I are opponents."

Ye Xiaohu did not rush to attack, but instead looked at Jaylen Su calmly: "You are the killer of the Satan group. Isn't the purpose of returning to the country to deal with me? Since you are my enemy and want to kill me, why am I Want to help you deal with Shaolin Temple and be cursed by thousands of people from now on? "


"And I also get what I want now, then your value no longer exists."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Jie Lunsu, who had no breath before, actually spurted blood, and his expression became harsh: "So you saw through me early and have been acting with me?"

"I have to say that you are too stupid. You just realized that you were dead."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, sighed and said, "Forget it, let me give you a ride!"


Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to go on, so Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, his body sprinted forward, and came to Jaylen Su again.


I saw Ye Xiaohu raised his hand, it was a world-famous killing fist learned from heaven.

Under the rolling of a fist of wind, the killing fist bit like a demon towards the head of Jalen Su, and it is bound to kill with one blow.

"Ji Jie, Ye Xiaohu, you really made me angry, but this is also good, I only have pleasure when I kill you."

Faced with Ye Xiaohu's killing trick, Jaylen Su actually waved a Bodhidharma stick directly, chiseling Ye Xiaohu's double fists, and then said proudly: "You thought that I communicated with you before to kill me No? In fact, the reason why I communicate with you is completely to delay time. Only then can I refine the Dharma stick and kill you **** on the spot. "

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