Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1074: : Xiaguang 0 million


Jaylen Su returned to his place of residence, opened the blood-red wine and drank: "It's really a hot person. When he first came to Zhengzhou, it caused such a storm."

"But I like this character."

I saw Jaylen Sue licked his lips and said excitedly: "Now I can't wait to meet him and let his blood shine."

Just as Jaylen Sue spoke, the door was pushed open.

I saw Jaylen Sue's men walking in from the outside and said, "Adult, the identity you want, I've got it done for you."

"let it go!"

Jaylen Sud nodded, and then asked again: "I asked you to investigate what happened to you?"

"The informer under him sent the latest news a few days ago."

Hearing Jaylen Su ’s words, the peripheral member of the Satan group immediately said cautiously: “According to the informant ’s description, there are Xiaguang everywhere in the back hill of the Shaolin Temple at present. Obviously, there ’s something different to be born. But this one is different. Bao, is n’t it the secret treasure you said, the subordinates do n’t know. "


Hearing this person's report, Jaylen Su couldn't help but scolded, and then asked again: "The **** food I got you, did you prepare it for me?"

"Getting it."

Hearing Jaylen Su's words, the man could not help shaking slightly: "But pure blood is not easy to find, so my people are still trying to buy."

"Stupid, as a power man, you actually go out and buy blood food?"

There was a glint of blood in Jaylen Su's eyes, and he saw his body leaping forward suddenly, and came to the man's side and said: "Since you are waste, what are you doing in this world?"

"No, no!"

"Sir, please, let go of your subordinates!"

Jerensu's men were trembling and begging for mercy, struggling.

But his struggling and begging for mercy seemed like a stimulant in Jaylen Su's eyes, which made him particularly excited. Only Jaylen Su proudly said: "You weak members of peripheral organizations are members of our Satan group. Blood food, so you should feel excited and happy in order to become the blood food of the lord. "


Before Jeren Su's men sent any response, he saw Jie Lun Su's vampire fangs, which were directly tied to his neck.

Grunt, grunt!

A sound of drinking water sounded, and the body of Jaylen Su became a little dry and old.

Because this is a sequelae of massive blood loss and vitality in the body.

A few minutes later, Jaylen Su belched, and then put his body under the ground, and then took a paper towel, wiped his lips and said: "The blood of the powerless person is no worse than pure blood. , The same thing as Dabu. "


Tossed the paper towel in the wastepaper basket next to it, then Jaylen Su walked to the window and looked at the direction of Songshan Shaolin Temple, muttering: "According to the clues I got before I self-styled, the Dharma sticks behind the mountain It should be born in the near future, as long as it can be obtained, then my combat power can at least overwhelm the only king and become the first master of Satan.

The Bodhidharma stick at the back of the Shaolin Temple is the weapon of the gods brought along by Bodhidharma.

After the Shaolin Temple has been moistened for so many years, it has at least reached the level of a half-step fairy.

Therefore, in addition to killing Ye Xiaohu, Jaylen Su came to China this time. Another important task was to find the Bodhidharma.

"I can't wait any longer. I have to go to the Shaolin Temple and wait behind the mountain."

After counting the time again, Jaylen Su felt that the time was getting closer.

The Dharma stick may be born at any time, so Jaylen Su directly opened a window, then flew away like a bat, and went straight to Songshan Shaolin Temple.


Songshan Shaolin Temple.

At this moment, the enemy.

Because the informant from the mountain has called them, telling them that Ye Xiaohu is going to take Erzunzi and Sun Ying to the mountain.

Shaolin Temple has a lot of contacts with Ye Xiaohu. The two sides have cooperated and contradicted before. Ye Xiaohu also made a lot of things in Zhengzhou under the mountain.

Therefore, the Shaolin Temple was afraid that Ye Xiaohu would come to trouble again, so he waited for each other and did not dare to relax.


When the abbot saw Ye Xiaohu who came to the mountain next step, he shouted the Buddha's trumpet directly: "Yes donor, it's been a long time."

"long time no see."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said: "But you don't have to look like a big enemy, because this time I came to do things with Sun Ying, not trouble you Shaolin."


When the abbot of Shaolin Temple heard Ye Xiaohu's words, he was relieved. I saw him chanting Buddha's words, and then turned around and asked Sun Yingdao: "Ms. Sun, what are you doing looking for this temple?"

"Ask for a relic."

Sun Ying took a deep breath, and then fixed his eyes on the monk of Shaolin Temple: "I am the representative of the Sun family in the East China Sea and the descendant of the East Sea King."

"I understand."

The abbot of Shaolin Temple glanced at Sun Ying, then turned around and commanded the monks behind him.

The monk glanced reluctantly at Sun Ying, then Ye Xiaohu, then nodded, and left the place where everyone was, obviously he went to get the relic.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu and others did not speak, so they stood still and waited.

For about ten minutes, the monks who had left before were covered with incense ashes, and came out carrying a wooden box, and handed Sun Ying with a black face: "Here, this is the relic you want."


Hearing the words of the monk ~ ~ Sun Ying has some surprises.

After all, this is the legendary relic, but he gave it to himself so plainly, without wasting any tongue.

"Why don't you?"

Seeing Sun Ying's expression, the monk said dissatisfiedly: "If you don't want it, then I'll take it back."

"Why, why not?"

Sun Ying looked at the monk's expression, and then looked at Ye Xiaohu and Shaolin Abbot, who had always been in the breeze. They suddenly understood that it was all because of Ye Xiaohu's existence, so Shaolin abbot wanted to send Ye Xiaohu away as soon as possible to avoid it Bi Yue College matters.

Having figured out these joints, Sun Ying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and reached out to take the relic.

But at the moment when the relic started, a deafening roar came from the mysterious realm of the back hill of the Shaolin Temple, followed by the release of colorful rays of light, and the whole temple was transparent.

(End of this chapter)

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