Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1066: : Sun Ying has an accident


Since Donghai saw it, Sun Ying disappeared completely, and even Wang Yalou's elder brother didn't know much about it.

This has made Ye Xiaohu puzzling, but now that Sun Ying is encountered in this place in Zhengzhou, it has to be said to be a trace.

Therefore, as a friend, Ye Xiaohu naturally wants to see Sun Ying.

"Where is she?"

So Ye Xiaohu suspended practice and asked Er Lengzi: "You and let me go and see."

"He is in a room downstairs."

Er Leng Zi was clearly inquiring about it, so he came to report to Ye Xiaohu.

This made Ye Xiaohu very satisfied, so Ye Xiaohu took Erzongzi and went directly to the room rented by Sun Ying and others.

But when they walked to the room where Sun Ying was, they suddenly found that two black men stood at the entrance of their hotel, and their temples were raised, obviously not ordinary people. They should be a practicing family.


Ye Xiaohu whispered and said again: "It's not right. Although the breath is hidden, I can still notice the traces of mana. This is a fairy repairer."

"Brother Hu?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's nagging voice, Er Leng Zi hesitated and said, "Do you need me to ask?"

"Alright, you try it."

Ye Xiaohu frowned and thought for a while, then added: "Remember that you are a strong man, if someone offends your majesty, then don't be polite with him."


Er Leng Zi nodded, so he took a deep breath and took the previous step to ask: "Hello, does Sun Ying live here?"

"Sun Ying?"

The two men in black standing at the door looked at each other and then said fiercely: "I don't know the Sun Ying you said, I guess you are in the wrong place, so ask another place."

"its not right!"

If it is the past stunned, then it is estimated to be dissuaded.

But after being tempered by the Kunlun world, Erxunzi's mentality has also been tempered, so Erzunzi frowned: "No! I asked the customer service downstairs. Sun Ying does indeed live in this room. The bodyguard, so it ’s impossible not to know her right? "

"I don't know, I don't know."

A bodyguard at the door, seeing Er Lengzi not retreating, immediately said with dissatisfaction: "If you don't leave, don't blame me for being unkind to you."

"You're welcome to me?"

Erzengzi had some doubts about the two black bodyguards in front of him.

Because they do not know Sun Ying, but guard Sun Ying's room.

But when Erzongzi heard the words just now, he was basically certain that the two bodyguards in front of him were not a good person, and even they might have shot Sun Ying.

So in order to complete the task explained by Ye Xiaohu, Er Lengzi smiled coldly: "I'm going to take a look at how you are not polite to me."

"You are looking for death."

Seeing Er Lengzi look like he would die, one of his bodyguards suddenly rushed in dissatisfaction, directly clenched the fist of the bowl, and chiseled fiercely towards Er Lengzi's head.


Seeing this scene of Er Leng Zi, there was no fear at all, but he directly volleyed a punch to greet him back.


After a punch, the bodyguard who shot Erzongzi was beaten and flew out on the spot.

After falling to the ground, there was no way to stand up, because his body had been destroyed by Er Leng Zi.

If it was n’t Erzunzi ’s kind-heartedness, and he still had n’t thought of killing him, then it was estimated that in a collision just now, the bodyguard was going to die on the spot.

"Damn, you are a cultivator."

The remaining bodyguard glanced at his companion, but knew that the situation had become tricky, so he said cautiously, "Boy, do you know that you are fighting against our Biyue Academy?"

"Biyue Academy?"

Er Leng Zi froze for a moment, because he had just returned from Biyue College, did not expect to be so hostile, so he looked back at Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu gave him a stern look.

Receiving Ye Xiaohu's eyes, Erzhuang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said again: "I don't know what you have to do with Biyue Academy, but in short, it prevents me Xiaohu from seeing Sun Ying, so I have to accept my punishment. "

"It seems that you are toasting and not drinking fines."

The only black man sneered, and then pulled out a paper fan, then chiseled towards Erzongzi: "Since that is the case, then you die for me."


I saw the black man's mana, and chirped towards Er Leng Zi through a paper fan.

Facing this scene of Er Leng Zi, there was a little confusion at first.

But when he realized that the black man was nothing more than nothing, he calmed down, and turned around one spot, then kicked back sideways, kicking the black man out on the spot.

Seeing this scene of Er Leng Zi, he was a little relieved.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu took a step forward and came to Erzunzi's side: "Combat is the best way to improve experience, otherwise no matter how you practice, it doesn't make any sense ~ ~ Yes! "

Er Leng Zi nodded quickly, and then said: "I know what to do, go back and let the masters in the Holy Church play against me."


Ye Xiaohu nodded in satisfaction, so he went on.

Seeing this scene, Erzhuang quickly followed, and took the initiative to help Ye Xiaohu open the door of Sun Ying's room.

As a result, the moment the door was pushed open, Ye Xiaohu and the two saw people who were **** and covered in dust.

One of them, Ye Xiaohu also knew, was a core member of the Sun family in the East China Sea.


When they saw Ye Xiaohu, they immediately whined.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu motioned to the second stunner to loosen them.

So Erzhonzi nodded and took the initiative to untie the rope.

Soon one rope after another was untied, and the person who had a relationship with Ye Xiaohu came to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Are you Mr. Ye Xiaohu?"

"it's me."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and did not deny his identity, then immediately said: "I heard Er Leng Zi said Sun Ying is also coming, may I ask where he is now?"

"My eldest girl was seen by the eldest son of Biyue College, and now he was arrested by the person he sent to the club on the third floor."

When I saw Ye Xiaohu asking about Sun Ying, the core member of the East China Sun family immediately asked with anxiety: "Mr. Ye, you have a close relationship with our elder sister, and you are the brother-in-law of Wang Yalou. Therefore, the little old man also asks you to take the initiative to rescue our elder lady from fire and water. "

"Relax, leave it to me!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then turned and walked away: "Erhu, let's go to the third floor."

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