Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1064: : Biyue College

(Girls literature) mobile phone reading

Biyue College.

This is a big secret fairyland in Zhengzhou, and also a partner of Julingmen this time.

Those who go from Zhengzhou to Juling Gate of Songshan Mountain will basically have to pass the verification and certification of Biyue Academy, otherwise there is no way to get a mountaineering token.

If there is no climbing token, there is not even a way to find the place where the Giant Spirit Gate is located.

"Shanchang, thanks to your help this time, our secret realm has only obtained the quota for this time to enter the Julingmen Cultivation Fair."

I saw a man in Tsing Yi robes at the entrance of Biyue College, turned to the human behind him: "If you don't take care of the mountain leader, it is estimated that we will completely fall into the abyss of repairing the fairyland."

"This is what I should do."

The man behind the man in Tsing Yi robe slightly arched his hand and said: "You and I have been repairing the secret realm of immortals. Since ancient times, we have been allies, so we should take care of each other."

"Shanchang, you are right."

The Tsing Yi man said happily: "If there is any difficulty in Biyue College in the future, you can contact me at any time."


Shan Chang nodded, and then watched the Tsing Yi man leave.

Looking at the back of the man in Tsing Yi, the mountain leader of Biyue College couldn't help but sneered: "If it's not for the sake of giving you a ten-year-old ginseng, the old man is too lazy to help you."

Shan Chang turned back and walked back, and just walked into the middle courtyard.

A person in charge of the hospitality in front ran in quickly, calling from across the distance: "Mountain leader, there is another wave of guests outside the door."

"Come here, what's the fuss?"

Biyue Academy has been accustomed to receiving guests from all over the world for a while, so the mountain leader of Biyue Academy stroked his respiratory tract: "Who the **** are you, so that you are so disoriented?"

"Shanchang, the people who came this time are very small, and the little old man doesn't dare to call the shots."

Hearing Shan Chang ’s inquiry, the person in charge of the front yard smiled bitterly: “Because this is Ye Xiaohu, that is Ye Xiaohu, who defeated the heroes of all directions in Songjiang City a while ago.”

"It's him?"

If Ye Xiaohu had just returned, these people who cultivated the fairyland still looked down on Ye Xiaohu.

However, after the fire of the last match-making in Songjiang City, Ye Xiaohu's famous name penetrated the entire land of Huaxia, which can be described as thunderous, making everyone fear three points.

Under such circumstances, the mountain mayor of Biyue Academy immediately swallowed a spit after hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s name, and then cautiously said, "What is he doing in Biyue Academy?"


The person in charge of the front yard said with a bitter smile: "Juling Gate doesn't know how to get on the heaven and earth line with him, so they are invited to participate in this time's Juling Gate Cultivation Conference. Now they fly directly from Songjiang City and plan to come from us The site of Biyue College, go to the place where Julian Gate holds the Immortal Cultivation Conference. "

"It's the same thing!"

Hearing the person in charge of the front yard and confirming that Ye Xiaohu was not here to trouble, this made the mountain leader of Biyue College relieved.

Because Ye Xiaohu is too fierce, Biyue Academy is not Ye Xiaohu's opponent at all, and he dare not offend Ye Xiaohu.

So when he heard Ye Xiaohu coming, he was terrified.

Fortunately, after introducing the situation, the person in charge knew that Ye Xiaohu was not in trouble, so the mountain leader was relieved and slowly said: "The visitor is a guest. Since he has already come, then invite him come in."


Upon the command of Shan Chang, the person in charge of the front yard quickly turned to meet Ye Xiaohu.

After a while, the person in charge of the front yard carried Ye Xiaohu and his party, and walked into the inner courtyard of Biyue College, Shan Chang's reception hall.

Under such circumstances, the mountain leader of Biyue College quickly stood up, and Bi Gong said respectfully: "Mr. Ye, you come from afar, please forgive me for not being able to welcome you."

"I also decided to come by accident."

Ye Xiaohu also knows that the other party is in a polite setting. After all, the two parties met for the first time and never had any past.

So Ye Xiaohu responded briefly, and then said lightly: "Shanchang, this time I came here, I mainly want to ask the Shanchang, we need to prepare something to participate in this time the Julingmen Cultivation Conference, so as not to When going up the mountain, something unpleasant happened. "

"It turned out to be this thing!"

The mountain leader of Biyue Academy nodded, and then said with a light face: "Mr. Ye must have received the invitation letter, so he came to my Biyue Academy for inquiries. So if there is an invitation letter, as long as he can Get the token of Ju Ling Gate, determine the location of Ju Ling, you can calmly climb differently. "

"So it turns out."

Although there is no climbing token for Julingmen, Ye Xiaohu can still find his destination.

However, it will take some weeks and it will waste time.

Instead of that, it is better to ask Biyue College directly for a mountaineering token at Juling Gate ~ ~ So Ye Xiaohu said directly: "I would like to ask Mountain Changfen to give me a mountaineering token for Juling Gate. "

"no problem."

The mountain leader of Biyue Academy did not dare to offend Ye Xiaohu.

Otherwise, change to other secret fairyland, if you want to take a mountain climbing token of the Giant Spirit Gate, then it is impossible.

Under such circumstances, the head of Biyue Academy motioned the butler to go to the token, and he accompanied Ye Xiaohu to drink tea, while facing Ye Xiaohu: "Mr. Ye, I do n’t know what you plan to stay in. local?"

"My entourage has arranged for me to stay in the Hanlin Hotel."

Ye Xiaohu gestured to the people of Kunlun Holy Church who were standing behind him, he had prepared a place to stay for himself, and then communicated with the head of Biyue Academy for a while.

In the process of communication, Ye Xiaohu learned that the mysterious realm of Immortal Cultivation in China has basically come to Songshan.

Among them, this place in Zhengzhou was received by Biyue Academy.

At present, Biyue Academy has received no less than dozens of persons in charge of Xiuxian Secret Realm. These people have stayed in the hotels of Biyue Academy, and some people live in their own sites, so the mountain leader of Biyue Academy has this. ask.

However, Ye Xiaohu found a good place, then Biyue Academy will not continue to struggle with Ye Xiaohu.

Just when they were chatting, the person in charge of taking the mountaineering token came back with the mountaineering token.

So the mountain leader of Biyue College, the result token and handed over to Ye Xiaohu Road: "When Mr. Ye wants to climb, he directly sends some mana into the token, then he can climb."

"Thank you, I know how to do it."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, saying that he understood, and then said again: "If Shan Chang has nothing else, then I will say goodbye first."

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