Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1062: : Plane encounter

Checked baggage.


In one go.

Ye Xiaohu and his party found the position of the cabin crew and quickly found their own position in the cabin, so they put their things along and then sat down one by one.

Because of the relationship between Ye Xiaohu and Er Leng Zi, Ye Xiao Hu sat in a window position, while Er Leng Zi sat beside Ye Xiao Hu.

After sitting down, Ye Xiaohu and Er Lengzi turned off the phone together.

"Brother Hu, do you need something to drink?"

A few hours is nothing to a cultivator like Ye Xiaohu, but drinking water is still necessary.

Ye Xiaohu opened his mouth when he was about to agree with Erzongzi's proposal.

A handsome man walked from the side and asked Erzongzi sincerely: "This gentleman, do you feel airsick?"

"No airsickness!"

Before Er Leng Zi did not practice in the past, he did have some fear, but it was not serious.

What's more, after training, Er Leng Zi also learned some flying skills, often hovering in the sky, naturally there is no fear of heights.

So when he heard the inquiry from the person next to him, he immediately shook his head and said, "Is there anything you have?"

"It would be great if you were not afraid of heights."

Hearing Er Leng Zi ’s words, the young man on the opposite side immediately smiled slightly, giving a smile like spring breeze: "I have some fear, but I happened to be placed in a seat near the window, so I want to change it with you. Check the location. "

While talking, the handsome young man took out his boarding pass, pointed to the number above, and a window seat.

If you switch to travel alone, Erzeng is still very happy to help others.

But now they are traveling in a group with Ye Xiaohu next to them, which makes Erzunzi slightly embarrassed.

Just when Erzong was embarrassed, Ye Xiaohu, who was sitting by the window, suddenly opened his eyes and said to Erzeng: "Change with him! But for a few hours, it's no big deal."

"OK then!"

Erzongzi heard Ye Xiaohu's instructions, and naturally would not continue to struggle.

So Erzunzi, who had always been kinder, did not think much, so he stood up directly from the chair and took the initiative to change his position with the handsome young man.

Fortunately, the two locations are not very far together, so Er Leng Zi can take care of Ye Xiaohu at any time.

What's more, before and after Ye Xiaohu, there are some Kunlun demon ... No, some masters who have been renamed to Kunlun Holy Church can take care of Ye Xiaohu at any time.

"Thank you."

After Er Leng Zi left, the handsome young man sat directly in Er Leng Zi's position and smiled at Ye Xiaohu: "If it weren't for you, I would be terrified today."

"Is that right?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, staring at the handsome young man and looking closely: "But I don't feel that this height can scare you."

"Nothing is impossible in this world."

The handsome young man smiled faintly, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Not to mention in a strange place, it is always better to be safe."


Ye Xiaohu did not continue to entangle on this issue, but continued to ask: "Just now you said a strange place, so sir, are you not from Songjiang City?"

The handsome young man did not deny: "No."

Ye Xiaohu squinted his eyes and continued to test: "Which is the heroic land of China, where are you talented?"

"My ancestral home is the land of Guangdong and Guangxi."

The handsome young man smiled casually, and then adjusted the seat. When the seat reached his request, he continued to add contentedly: "But when I was very young, our family moved away and went to the Western countries. I do n’t know much about many places and things in China. "

Not a native of China, but also from the West?

Hearing this person's words, Ye Xiaohu's eyes became strange.

But Ye Xiaohu did not immediately anger, but smiled lightly: "So sir, what is the specific reason for your return this time?"


The handsome young man said without hesitation: "After all, this is our hometown, so I also want to take a look at the rivers and mountains of the motherland."

"It's good not to forget this."

Ye Xiaohu praised the other party first, and then said again: "This time I intend to climb Mount Tai."

"Not bad."

The handsome young man nodded and said, "This gentleman, are you also coming to Mount Taishan?"


Ye Xiaohu did not deny it and said affirmatively: "Maybe, we can meet by chance when we are climbing."

"That would be great, someone climbing together is also a companion."

The handsome man nodded and smiled immediately: "Yes, my name is Jaylen Su."

"My name is Ye Xiaohu."

Ye Xiaohu did not conceal his name, but said frankly: "I believe we will meet again."

"me too."

Jie Lun Su and Ye Xiao Hu made a smile, all in silence.

Next, Ye Xiaohu talked to Jaylen Su Chang about the differences between the West and China, and the similarities. The two people, like friends for many years, were very speculative and exchanged phone numbers.

Two or three hours later, the plane oscillated and began to descend slowly.

During the descent, the flight attendants and flight attendants came out to appease the passengers and told the passengers that they were about to land at Zhengzhou Airport.

In Zhengzhou, it is not far from Songshan.

But the topic of Ye Xiaohu and Jaylen Su ~ ~ is still going on so far, and it seems that there has never been an end to communication.

Until the plane landed on the ground smoothly, and the flight attendant urged the passengers to get off the plane.

Even Er Lengzi returned to Ye Xiaohu, preparing to summon Ye Xiaohu to leave, Jaylen Su only smiled and ended this conversation.

"Mr. Ye, I will stay in Songshan Shaolin Temple for a while, and appreciate the Buddhist principles. If Mr. Ye is busy with his own affairs, I can come to Shaolin Temple to meet, and then we will visit Songshan together."

After saying this, the handsome young man stood up directly, and carried what he carried with him, and walked towards the outside: "Maybe, there will be some unexpected discoveries."

"Okay, if I go to Shaolin Temple, I will definitely call you."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly and responded briefly to Jaylen Su's words, and then said again: "But I have more time and I don't necessarily go to Shaolin Temple, so if I can meet again, it depends on whether you and I have the chance . "

(End of this chapter)

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