Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1059: : Cold Blood Killer

Yejia village.

Because of the emergence of Ye Xiaohu, it has accelerated the progress of urbanization. There are many western-style buildings all over the place, all of which are some urbanization products.

At this moment, in a foreign building with closed eyes, a hint of WeChat sound came from Yejia Village.

"went out."

I saw a Western man who picked up his cell phone and clicked on it to check the text message.

And below the text message, a small video is attached.

In the small video, Ye Xiaohu's picture is very impressive, but the angle is not very good, so the shooting is not very accurate, but Ye Xiaohu's figure can still be seen.

After reading the entire content of the text message, the western man looked up and looked across from himself: "Peach A, what should we do next?"

Every killer has a code name, and Ace of Hearts is his code name.

"Move apart."

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, he suddenly saw a young man with a Western man ’s mask standing up from the sofa and shaking the wine glass in his hand: "You and your China branch, continue to stay Stand by in this place and closely monitor the situation of Yejia Farm. Now the leaders above are very curious about Yejia Farm and want to find out the secret of Yejia Farm. Try to get the formula of Yejia Farm as possible. "


Hearing the command of Hong Tao A, a generous Western man nodded seriously: "But Yejia Farm has an **** team, so I want to plead for autonomy in action so that I can get the formula smoothly."


Hong Tao A nodded, and did not reject the person ’s proposal. He directly agreed: "But I always feel that the water in Yejia Farm is very deep, so I suggest that you better capture one before you know it. People, after making it clear, plan the next move. "

"You can rest assured that this is not the first time I am a killer."

The Western man smiled coldly, then said clearly: "And I have been in China all the year round, so I am more familiar with this set of Chinese people than you."


Hong Tao A nodded, then stood up and walked to the door of a room next door similar to a storage room.


With only a muffled sound, he opened the door.

Inside the door is a family of three, trapped in hands and feet, and looking at Hong Tao A in horror.

One of the adult men had a bite mark on his neck.

The bite marks were deep, and his face was pale, too much blood loss.

"Every time I want to act, I always have some hunger."

Hong Tao AL moved his neck, and then walked forward, kicking the adult man directly, and then picked up the adult woman and said: "The fragrance on your body is very strong, I believe your blood is very delicious."


The adult woman struggled violently, obviously she knew what was about to happen, so she kept shaking her head, eager to break free from the heart of the heart.

But it is a pity that her struggling power is too weak.

And after a few days of torture, she was already weak.

"It's really exciting!"

Seeing the adult woman in front of him struggling, a red light flashed in the eyes of Hong Tao A. Obviously he was very excited now.

I saw him continually dropping his head in the panic gaze of adult women.

As he lowered his head, a pair of fangs continued to stretch from his teeth.


Without any surprises, the fangs of Heart A were stubbornly tied on the neck of an adult woman.


The adult woman felt the pain, so she struggled to shake her body, and kicked Hong Tao A with the greatest strength in her life.

But it doesn't make any sense, because the body of Hong Tao A, in fact, she can be shaken by an ordinary mortal?

I saw Hong Tao A ignored his counterattack, exerted his ability, and constantly absorbed the blood in the woman's body.

Grunt, grunt.

Heart A continuously absorbs the blood of the adult woman, and the bright red blood flows into his body madly.

After absorbing a part of the blood, the face of Red Peach A becomes more rosy, and the whole person becomes smooth.


I saw Hong Tao A let go of his hand, and the adult woman carrying him in his hand immediately fell to the ground, languishing, rolling his eyes, and stopped breathing from time to time.


With one foot kicking the adult woman, Hong Tao A walked to the coffee table, pulled out a tissue, and wiped his lips with blood stains: "Ask, where did Ye Xiaohu go this time."


The Western man nodded, then took out his phone and dialed a number.

After the phone was connected, the Western man asked Ye Xiaohu's purpose in front of the heart.

The other side seems to have a lot of magical powers, but it is really clear to the heart, and gave a detailed introduction to Western men.

So after listening to the report, the Western man immediately walked to the side of Hong Tao A and said: "Hong Tao A, the matter has been investigated clearly, they went to ..."

"Needless to say, I have heard it."

Hong Tao A nodded slightly, and then said to the Western man: "What about the passport I asked you to prepare before I came?"

"Relax, the subordinates have already done it."

The Western man was also a capable person, so he took out a Chinese passport directly from his pocket.

I saw the face of an oriental man in the photo. The western man didn't know why Red A was doing this, but he did it according to the instructions of Red A.

I saw him handing his passport to Hong Tao A, and then asked again: "Adult Hong Tao A, how do you deal with this family after you leave?"

"Do I still have to ask me?"

Hong Tao A snorted ~ ~ The masks he wore twisted and said: "I wear a mask, so I don't care. But they have seen your face, you think they can continue to live ?"

The Western man nodded and said, "Subordinates understand."

"Then the aftermath of this place will be given to you."

Hong Tao A nodded, then directly opened the window not far away, and jumped towards the outside, flew away.

After he flew away, the Western man dragged the adult woman into the storage room and said: "Originally you promised to rent the house to me, then everything will be settled peacefully, but you just don't listen, so you go to die!"

The Western man sneered, then shot it directly, smashing the three spirit covers of a family in the house, and then the Western man left the building, throwing out a flame, and this newly built, but a year old Floor lit.

(End of this chapter)

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