Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1036: : Meet up at the end

In the island port city, there are many landmark buildings.

Among them, Huojia Hotel is the most magnificent building among these landmarks, and it is located in the center of the city.

Standing on the top floor of Huojia Hotel, you can look out over the whole island and port city.

At this moment, the top floor of Huojia Hotel has been blocked by Huojia.

Because Ye Xiaohu and Huo Sizhong sat together on the top floor of the hotel and tasted the fragrant tea from Yejia Farm.

"Xiaohu, will she really come?"

After taking a sip of Yejia tea, Huo Sizhong said cautiously: "After all, she is a person, not a creature, and you can let Zhou Yuanju decide."

"Reassure she will come."

Ye Xiaohu recalled what he had heard before.

Therefore, he can judge that Wang Juan is definitely not an ordinary person, so she always appears in the country. Joining the Zhou Group to deal with the Huo family must not be an action for no reason. This shows that there must be some mystery.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu believes that Wang Juan will not give up all his previous hard work, so Ye Xiaohu said easily: "Huo Lao, let's just taste tea slowly."

"I admire your mentality, and I'm not afraid of anything, but I'm not worried."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s decision, Huo Lao shook his head involuntarily: "But sometimes, we still have to make some preparations to avoid their dogs jumping into the wall."

"If they dare to run, then Ye Xiaohu can catch them no matter where they go."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, because he left a mark on Zhou Yuanju's body.

Under such circumstances, he did not worry about Zhou Yuanju's escape at all, so Ye Xiaohu continued: "Not to mention that they have already come."


Huo Sizhong froze for a moment, wondering why Ye Xiaohu said so.

Just when Huo Si was surprised, there was a rapid footstep outside the door of the box, and Huo mainland came in from the outside and reported: "Father, Mr. Ye, they are here."

Hearing his son's words, Huo Sizhong looked at Ye Xiaohu, feeling that Ye Xiaohu had a layer of mist all over him, and he would never be able to see through.

Just as Huo Si looked at Ye Xiaohu, Zhou Yuanju, with Wang Juan and the western knight, appeared in the box where Ye Xiaohu was.

I saw Zhou Yuanju said with a sullen face: "People and I have brought it, then the transaction between you and me has been completed."


Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not stand up and said: "Now you can leave."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Zhou Yuanju felt some anger.

But in the face of the angry Zhou Yuanju, Wang Juan beside him shook his head and said: "You go with him first!"


Zhou Yuanju wanted to refuse at first, but when he saw the sharp eyes in Wang Juan's eyes, he suddenly swallowed a spit and left the box in a Western way.

In this way, only Ye Xiaohu and Wang Juan were left in the box.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu quietly looked at Wang Juan and said: "You are very courageous, alone in this place, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"You won't kill me."

Wang Juan said proudly: "Because I know why you want me."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "Why?"

"Because of it."

Wang Juan pointed to his brain, and then said calmly: "A year ago, when I was still in college, I went to Songjiang City with my boyfriend to play, but was sold by my boyfriend to a local trafficker who wanted me Go to the nightclub to sell. But ... he did not succeed, because when he sold me to the traffickers, a terrible thing happened in the local area, the entire prison cell was destroyed, and I took the opportunity to escape. "

Wang Juan said a secret, that is what Ye Xiaohu did not know.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't intervene because he knew Wang Juan hadn't finished.

Sure enough, Wang Juan calmly said next: "After I fled to heaven and returned home, I stayed in the hospital for a long time. During the time of the hospital, every time when I was sitting alone in the room , I always have a voice in my head, as if I were talking alone, which made me wonder if I had a mental illness. For this reason, I disregarded my family's persuasion and went to see a psychiatrist many times. As a result, there was still no cure. Let my mentality collapse more and more. "

"Unfortunately, in order to let me change the environment, my parents exhausted their wealth and sent me secretly to a country in the West."

Wang Juan recalled the things he experienced in the past year, and then said lightly: "In the process, my mentality gradually became more balanced, and at the same time I accepted my second personality Xiang Qing . Immediately afterwards, I met Master, who guided me to practice, became a power person, and helped me assimilate my personality, giving me the status I have today. "

While Wang Juan was talking, his eyes had been staring at Ye Xiaohu.

Wang Juan can clearly see that when Ye Xiaohu heard the words Xiang Qing, the whole person's brows were frowned.

So she knew she was right. Ye Xiaohu was only because of Xiang Qing, so she found herself.

Ye Xiaohu knew that Wang Juan was looking at his expression, but Ye Xiaohu didn't care about it, but asked calmly: "So why did you go to Songjiang City last time?"

"If I didn't become a power person, then I wouldn't go to Songjiang City. But when I became a power person, I realized that everything in the world has a fixed number, such as the many personalities in my mind?"

Wang Juan smiled and said, "So I'm going to Songjiang City to make sure of one thing, and see that person named Xiang Qing."


Ye Xiaohu suddenly thought of something ~ ~ Yu replied: "You should go to Songjiang City not only once, but at least twice, otherwise when you appear in Songjiang City for the second time, you cannot It has become the face of my sister Xiang Qing, and it's not bad. "

Sure enough, his whereabouts had already been exposed, and Wang Juan, aware of this, could put down the boulder in his heart.

"Yes, I have been to Songjiang City many times."

Wang Juan smiled faintly, and did not deny this. I saw that she looked at Ye Xiaohu frivolously: "Actually, every time I go, I want to see you Ye Xiaohu. The result has never been seen, but that's not true either. What, because we finally met at the island port. So now, I want to talk to you Ye Xiaohu about a cooperation. "

"I don't like people who are too frivolous, so put away your frivolous expression, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind."

Ye Xiaohu frowned, obviously Wang Juan's expression just made him slightly dissatisfied, but Ye Xiaohu didn't get entangled in this matter, so he continued: "And what do you want to cooperate with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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