Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1015: : 2 people like each other

"I didn't want to say it originally, but since you asked me, let me say one thing!"

Liu Yifei hesitated, and finally gritted her teeth: "Do you believe it? There are really two people in this world, exactly the same without any difference."

"I believe."

Yi Xiaohu smiled slightly, and did not mind: "After all, this kind of news often appears in the news."

"No, the person I just said is not a twin."

Liu Yifei hesitated and said cautiously: "but two completely strangers."

"That's OK!"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a while and added: "Don't those martial arts stars have some substitutes that look like them?"

"If this is the case, then I will not be entangled."

Liu Yifei shook her head in a headache, and then said distressedly: "But the two people I said are not only similar, but also their names and living habits ... basically they are exactly the same, no difference.

"What? There are people in this world who are so similar?"

Ye Xiaohu was also shocked. At the same time, he looked at Liu Yifei and couldn't help but frown and said: "Who is this person you said to the ground, does he have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, because you are familiar with one of them."

Liu Yifei took a deep breath, and then said seriously: "This person is Sister Xiang Qing."


Ye Xiaohu said incredulously: "Are you sure she?"

"It's not wrong."

Liu Yifei nodded firmly, and said seriously: "After all, in the past year, I have had too many deliveries with Sister Xiang Qing, so I can't admit her wrong, and they are so similar."

"Although I can believe you have words, I don't think there is any difference between them."

Ye Xiaohu said with a solemn face: "So the two of them must be different, you should take a closer look."

"Are there any differences?"

Liu Yifei saw Ye Xiaohu's cautious expression, and was afraid to carelessly, so she carefully recalled the picture when she met sister Xiang Qing No. 2.

After a long time, she said lightly: "If you must let me find out the difference, it is not the same. For example, sister Xiang Qing is gentle, but that sister Xiang Qing has some tyranny and cruelty."

"Just say they have different personalities?"

"you could put it that way."

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and all the horror in her heart was replaced with a satisfied expression.

Because of this sister Xiangqing No.2, Ye Xiaohu has been struggling to find a target.

Sister Xiang Qing was hit by disaster. Although Ye Xiaohu was very angry and went to rescue herself, she was still a step behind, so that part of Sister Xiang Qing's soul left her body and entered the universe.

Since then, Sister Xiang Qing has been treated like Ye Xiaohu.

Fortunately, Kung Fu does not take care of people, and sees that the relationship between Ye Xiaohu and Sister Xiang Qing is compounding.

But Ye Xiaohu still did not give up looking for Miss Xiang Qing ’s lost soul, but fortunately, there is finally news today.

I saw Ye Xiaohu stopped, and after a moment of contemplation alone, his expression muttered cautiously: "Strange, even if sister Qing Qing has found a soul again, it is impossible for two people to have the same chance?"

"what did you say?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's mumble, Liu Yifei said in shock: "Is they really one person?"

"I'm not sure, but judging from the information you said, at least you are a person."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, and then said cautiously: "Yes, where is this sister Xiang Qing No. 2? Can I see her?"

"If a thing has a similar chance, then it can basically be determined to be a person."

Liu Yifei solemnly said: "But sister Xiangqing No. 2 is not currently in the country, it seems that he went abroad to participate in a huódòng."

"Going abroad to participate in huódòng?"

Ye Xiaohu was slightly disappointed, and then he commanded again: "Then, you give me a copy of her information first, and I will ask someone to investigate it in detail. At the same time, please help me to contact her and see us When can I meet? "

"No problem, I will help you with her."

Liu Yifei also realized the importance of this matter, so she quickly guaranteed it, and helped Ye Xiaohu to sort out what she knew on the spot, but she was very satisfied with these Ye Xiaohu, after all, Liu Yifei did not know the direction Sister Qing's situation.

So he drove through the information and made sure that he had memorized it. Ye Xiaohu passed this information to Wang Yalou and asked him to help him investigate the matter of No. 2 Xiang Qing?

After the command was finished, Ye Xiaohu continued to drive, and finally came to Liu Yifei's site.

"You guys, měinǚ, you see who I brought?"

As soon as Liu Yifei returned to her site, she immediately brought out Queen Fan: "Don't you always want to see our big boss? Today, our big boss finally came to us ~ ~ Please Everyone warmly welcomes his arrival. "

"Welcome, warm welcome."

"I didn't expect our boss to be so young, I was really surprised."

"Boss, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Boss, why have you been haunted all the time, come to our company only once so long, do you not pay attention to us?"

The entertainment stars gathered by Liu Yifei distributed their questions.

"There was always something before, so I had the opportunity to see everyone, but I believe we will meet more in the future."

After a brief response from Ye Xiaohu, he said to everyone: "I wo n’t do that again. I have one thing to announce, that our newly formed entertainment company will be under Liu Yifei ’s name, so I hope you can Around Liu Yifei, work hard to create more excellent works. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, everyone applauded.

Some people are envious, some are congratulations, some of me are more lost ... In short, everyone's mood is different, but on the surface, everyone can pass.

Next, Ye Xiaohu personally played a diànhuà, and in the city's most famous Yejiacai restaurant, invited these artists who invested in his company.

At the dinner table, Ye Xiaohu made a series of commitments, so they were enthusiastic and long.

After the dinner, Ye Xiaohu listened again, the company's shooting opportunities in the second half of the year, and gave them some suggestions.

After solving these things, Ye Xiaohu could not wait to return to Yejia Village.

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