Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1002: : The Fairy Cultivation

Chapter 1002

Old Lao left.

Leaving the elders of Baishanmen, and Bai Zhongyi.

"Master, I still feel this is a bit alarmist."

"That kid is only in his twenties. If Elder Liang said, wouldn't it be talented?"

"Such a talent, it is estimated that only the ancestors can do it?"

"Impossible, the ancestor was an immortal. How could a mortal from another area be the ancestor of an ancestor?"

"But on the land of China that year, the ancestors' talents are not the strongest. People who are more powerful than the ancestors are everywhere!"


Several elders at Baishan Gate quarreled with each other, and there was still no result.

Boom Boom Boom.

Under such circumstances, the master of Baishan Gate, Bai Zhongyi, said seriously, "Look at this."

Bai Zhongyi took out his mobile phone and ordered his WeChat and a conversation with a friend.

After the transfer, Bai Zhongyi handed over his cell phone to the elder who was closest to him.

"What the **** is he doing?"

The first person to see Bai Chongyi's mobile WeChat jumped from the chair on the spot.

"what happened?"

Others were shocked, so they directly surrounded and looked at the content on WeChat together, and their faces changed greatly.

"What does the official mean, actually help a person from the rivers and lakes as a speaker?"

"There is this Ye Xiaohu, why did he convene this grand event and let all of us attend?"

"Don't he know that everyone is now peeping at his Yejia Farm? If our Baishan Gate is not suppressing, it is estimated that his Yejia Farm is already being contended for the repair of immortal forces."

"I originally thought he was a smart person, but now, he is just a maddening thing when his mind is hot."

After reading the elders of Baishan Gate, they frowned one by one, obviously they felt something strange.

Under such circumstances, they thought for a long time and did not understand what medicine to sell in Ye Xiaohu's gourd.

"Three elders."

Under such circumstances, after thinking about Bai Zhongyi for a long time, he said to an elder: "You contact me immediately, and have a close relationship with Xiu Xianjing Realm, and ask them what they think and plan to do."


The three elders nodded, so they took out their mobile phones and quickly contacted the friends of the familiar fairyland.

After an exchange, the elders got the information they wanted.

So the three elders took a deep breath and looked at Bai Zhongyi's translation: "Ye Xiaohu contacted all the people in the mysterious realm of immortal cultivation through the official means."

Bai Chongyi quickly asked: "How do they think?"

"Some don't participate. There are others, but only some small delegates are appointed."

After a brief summary by the three elders, the truthful report: "Some of the meaning of repairing the fairyland, I am afraid that with this opportunity, I also want to **** the control of Yejia Farm."

"Yejia Farm is a bite of fat, so it is normal for them to be moved by it."

Bai Zhongyi's brow furrowed and thought for a moment: "But Ye Xiaohu can cultivate to such a point at such a young age, then he must not be a stupid person. So we can guess this, also Can verify that other forces will use the idea of ​​annexing Yejia Farm to go to Songjiang City to attend the conference. Ye Xiaohu can naturally predict this, so why should he do this? "


He could guess, why did he do this?

There must be a way.

Bai Zhongyi's words made everyone think.

One of the elders, after thinking for a while, suddenly raised his head and said: "Do you say there is a possibility that Ye Xiaohu wants to borrow this opportunity to stand up and completely solve our problem of their Yejia Farm Heart of annexation. "

"Never possible."

Hearing the elder ’s words, one of them immediately jumped out and said, “He Ye Xiaohu is even more powerful, but he is only one person. How can he deal with so many of us?”

"Do n’t forget, our secret fairyland has just recovered, and cultivation has been suppressed by the avenue, and it has not returned to its peak. It is relatively vulnerable."

The elder who put forward his opinion continued to add: "And Ye Xiaohu's cultivation base, since he can reach such a point in such a short time, do you think there is no one behind him? Beyond Baishan Gate, other Xiuxian forces have not touched him, so they will certainly be underestimated, which will create a chance for him to stand up. "


When I heard this, everyone, including Bai Zhongyi, shined.

I saw that they thought about it a little bit, and they really could make sense of it.

So Bai Chongyi walked back and forth a few steps ~ ~ and finally faced the many elders present: "Clean up the bags, we will go to Songjiang City now."

"How do we do things after we pass?"

An elder asked curiously, "Do you want to use other secrets to conquer Ye Xiaohu, or to find Ye Xiaohu to negotiate and cooperate?"

"Let's watch it change."

Bai Zhongyi shook his head and said with a very serious expression: "I feel that this Ye Xiaohu always has a kind of mist shrouded in it, which makes me unable to see through."

After five years of disappearance, he became a master of cultivation.

Another year of disappearance, when I came back, I went beyond the realm of infanthood, and the cultivation is unfathomable?

Such a person cannot be categorized as usual.


At the same time, other schools were also contacting each other.

Some people want to take advantage of this opportunity to announce that they are back.

There are also some people who plan to show their face at this opportunity to let everyone know their tyranny.

There are also some people who discount the idea of ​​annexing other forces.

In short, everyone's ideas are different, but one thing is the same, that is, they will all go to Songjiang City to participate in this event.

Ye Xiaohu, who was in a vortex, seemed to be fine.

Driving his own car, came to the airport.

After waiting here for a while, Ye Xiaohu saw a group of people, including two old people, who were familiar with Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, sorted out his clothes briefly, and then walked toward the humane who walked out of the airport gate: "Chen Lao, Grandma Hua, I hope for the stars, and hope that the moon finally hopes for you. This time you must be in Our sanitarium at Yejia Farm stays for a while and enjoys a fairy life, so do n’t worry about going back to work. "


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