Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 975: :International situation


Hearing Wang Fangfang's explanation, Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised: "Even if someone wants to seize the spirit of the world, then it should be my Chinese Immortal Cultivator. Why can't I get a foreigner like Zheng Shi Guo? "

"It was originally like this, but there have been some changes in recent months."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's doubts, Wang Fangfang smiled bitterly: "We Tianda Real Estate, after the change of heaven and earth, turned to a good force for repairing immortals, so we will always occupy this place and continue to develop real estate and sell it to ordinary people. People. But a few months ago, when our Tianda Real Estate invested in a force, it lost to some foreign power organizations in a contest, and the results were so bad that it lost control of some small places. That ’s why, The reason why I want to leave Kunlun. "

"Those power organizations are so strong?"

Ye Xiaohu said in surprise: "But I don't have any skill in seeing that Zheng Shiguo?"

"Zheng Shiguo is just a small person."

Wang Fangfang snorted coldly and said indifferently: "In fact, in my memory, there are many powerful power organizations in foreign countries, and everyone can turn them over if they take them out. That is the fearful force of domestic immortal organizations."

"What forces are there?"

Ye Xiaohu has just returned to the earth, so he wants to make up for the changes in the earth to avoid any problems in the future, but he looks ashamed.

"The boxing club in Han Island, the Ninja Legion in Sun Island, the Naval League in the Americas, the Holy Palace in Europe, the blood-sucking family ... and so on are all relatively well-known organizations I have heard."

Wang Fangfang briefly introduced what he knew, and then added: "Zheng Shiguo is from the boxing club in Han Island, so after killing him, you must pay attention to the revenge of the boxing club in Han Island."

"Let him come."

After listening to Wang Fangfang's introduction, Ye Xiaohu had a certain understanding of the world power organization.

Although there are still some unclear things, for Ye Xiaohu, to be able to understand these contents is quite satisfactory.

So Ye Xiaohu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hello, is it old Chen?"

"it's me."

Chen Lao's voice was slightly excited: "Are you a tiger?"

"Yes, it's my little tiger."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then said to Chen Lao: "Chen Lao, I will call you today, I would like to ask you to do me a favor!"

"Did you get me into trouble as soon as you came back?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Mr. Chen could n’t help but laugh and scold: “Speak! As long as you do n’t poke the sky into a hole, then I will help you solve it.”

"Relax, this time did not poke the sky into a hole."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and immediately added: "Isn't it just that I came back? As a result, near Kunlun, I met an inconspicuous Han Islander, so a series of battles took place, so he was killed by me, so I Xunsi should report it to you to avoid any misunderstanding. "

"Handao people?"

"I know the matter, I will arrange for someone to deal with it later."

Mr. Chen nodded and said that he knew it, and said with emotion on the phone: "Recently, these abilities from other countries have indeed been arrogant and excessive. It seems that it is also time to crack down on their arrogant sharpness."

"Old Chen, you are right. Those outsiders, who dare to do evil in our China, must be severely punished."

Ye Xiaohu climbed the road and said: "If you need help, Mr. Chen, then you can call me, and I will help you solve these problems yourself."

"Football, your kid doesn't cause me trouble, I'm thankful."

After Lao Chen shouted a few words on Ye Xiaohu's phone, Chen briefly politely talked to Ye Xiaohu, and then said again: "Yes, haven't you arrived yet?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded and said: "Isn't this the first flight that I have booked to go home after I made a report with you."

"That's it!"

Mr. Chen nodded, and then added: "Since that is the case, the old man will not waste your time. We will talk to Yejiacun someday."


Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to Mr. Chen, then hung up his phone, and then said to Wang Fangfang: "Could you please help me book the fastest plane to Songjiang, I want to rush back today."

"no problem."

Wang Fangfang did not reject Ye Xiaohu's proposal, so he directly took out his phone and dialed a number.

I saw that she gave a simple command, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Done, let's go to the nearby airport now, then we can return to Songjiang City."

"What are you waiting for, let's go now!"

Ye Xiaohu couldn't wait to say: "Go."

"Wait a moment, I'll tell the people in the company ~ ~ Wang Fangfang quickly ran back to his store, and after a brief explanation, he returned to Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu asked about the specific location of the plane, and then took Wang Fangfang, who could not fly, to the nearby airport and went straight to Songjiang City.


Shortly after Ye Xiaohu left the Kunlun Mountain, Zhou Pride and others who had been thrown away by Long Yi finally limped back to their home.

"Master Proud?"

"Master, lord, you come out quickly, the proud master seems to have been beaten."

"Oh my god, what kind of **** is it that you are so proud of Master Pride?"

"Master Pride, you tell me that I will help you get revenge."

The thugs of the Zhou family rushed up one by one and helped Zhou proud proudly into his living room.

"Oh hey, you lighter."

Just flying into the air, Zhou Pride was almost killed.

Fortunately, he had better luck and hung on a tree branch, so he survived barely. I saw Zhou Pride sitting on the chair with scars all over his body and said, "Come on me, I'm going to Tianda For real estate, find the stinking bama to settle the bill. "

Tianda Real Estate?

Hearing Zhou Pride's instructions, everyone in the Zhou family took action.

In a few moments, dozens of people were obtained.

These people are full of temples, obviously not ordinary people, many times stronger than Zhou ’s proud younger brother.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Pride was very satisfied, just when he was going to ask these people to set off together.

"Wait a minute."

A majestic figure appeared in Zhou Pride's sight. I saw him stop Zhou Pride's men, and then walked across to Zhou Pride and asked, "How come you came back alone, Master Zheng Shiguo?


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