Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 966: : Flawless Body

Chapter 966 Flawless Treasure

"What is a ground monster?"

"You don't go out hunting, so you don't know the life of earth ghosts and beasts. According to our outing squad squad, through the information in the Hunter Handbook, this earth ghosts and beasts are a very expensive monster with amazing lethality. "

"How amazing?"

"It is said that they are not flesh, and the evil spirits cultivated through the bones. Therefore, the bones of the ground ghosts and beasts, the forged weapons of the gods are not harmful."

"With this, why haven't we heard it?"

"That's because the ground monsters are now invisible. But you must have heard of the magic weapon that their bones forged."

"Is there? Why don't I seem to have heard it?"

"You don't know, it's because they all changed their names. As far as I know, the medicine Wanggu has a medicine clock, which is one of them, and a white jade armor in the fairy city, of course, the most famous **** among them The weapon is the Kunlun sharp gun in front of me. "

"So it turns out."

Everyone suddenly realized that in the eyes of Kunlun Xueyuzi, there was a hint of curiosity.

Just when they were curious, Kunlun Xueyuzi held the Kunlun sharp gun and stared at Ye Xiaohudao with a staring eye: "Last time, a boy like you who did n’t know how to challenge me. As a result, I was stabbed to death with five shots, I hope You can stick with it for a long time, otherwise it will be too boring. "

There was a loud noise.

The spear in Kunlun Xueyuzi's hand directly chiseled towards Ye Xiaohu.

The first shot was obviously a gun of temptation, so Kunlun Xueyuzi did not show his full strength.

But after instilling mana and entering the spear, the spear forged by the ground monster immediately exhaled a breath of soul and soul.


Along the way, the crowd watching the Kunlun sharp gun breath can feel a breath of death. No matter how they resist or struggle, it doesn't make any sense.

Under such circumstances, they felt very decadent, as if they would die at any time.

Even those standing next to Kunlun Xueyuzi can feel a huge pressure.

I saw the masters of Kunlun's ten cities, looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly, because they finally understood the gap between them and Kunlun Xueyuzi.

The two sides are no longer in the same grade. With this development, Kunlun Xueyuzi may be the first to become enlightened.

Just when they sighed, Ye Xiaohu was shrouded in Kunlun guns.

Undoubtedly, the pressure I felt was the strongest, but Ye Xiaohu was not scared, but instead looked calm and took a step forward.

Don't underestimate the step, because people who reach Ye Xiaohu's level can take one meter or one hundred meters or one kilometer.

So Ye Xiaohu took a small step, but it was a step of hundreds of meters, so he came directly to Kunlun Xueyuzi's side.


Ye Xiaohu carried a big sword, and a sword was cut on the Kunlun sharp gun.

A loud noise really made everyone's ears dark.

But it also allowed them to escape from the Kunlun sharp gun, the disintegrating heart, and then they heard Ye Xiaohu's voice, with a sneering expression: "I didn't expect that you people in Kunlun City will use the land quite a bit. The talent of ghosts and beasts knows the mind that confuses people. But this little method, in front of me Ye Xiaohu, is completely vulnerable. "

Others don't know, but Kunlun Xueyuzi is very aware of the terrible shot he just made.

At least forty-five percent of his cultivation base, but in front of Ye Xiaohu, was so easily defeated, which made Kunlun Xueyuzi formally observe Ye Xiaohu for the first time: "You really have some weirdness, but this is also good, you can let I am more excited. "

No one knows Kunlun Xueyuzi, the kind of invincible loneliness of a master.

So in the face of Ye Xiaohu's rival, Kunlun Xueyuzi had the feeling of meeting his opponent for the first time and would meet Yu Liangcai, so Kunlun Xueyuzi faced up for the first time, and made every effort to face Ye Xiaohu.

"Take me another shot."

Kunlun Xueyuzi roared and quickly displayed a cold-blooded sharp weapon.

I saw the Kunlun sharp gun under the Kunlun Xueyuzi's display, obviously there was only one gun, but it turned into thousands of sharp guns.

Ten thousand sharp guns descended from the sky like rain, sweeping towards Ye Xiaohu.

"A good shot, there are some ways."

Even if Ye Xiaohu had been to the heavenly court, when he saw this trick, he still felt so blessed.

But he also knew that a sharp gun like this.

Although it looks terrible and makes nowhere to hide, it also weakens the individual's attack power.

With only a one-thousandth attack, Ye Xiaohu has no pressure at all.

So Ye Xiaohu gave up the defense, and there was only one thought, that is, offensive.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Without defense, Kunlun sharp shot stab Ye Xiaohu.

However, Ye Xiaohu's body did not retreat in the slightest way ~ ~ and there was no injury. Instead, there was a sound of copper bars and bones.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked at it curiously and couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is a method of forging body?"

"Ye Xiaohu's physical body has reached the extreme of the human body, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to hurt."

Everyone was shocked. In the face of such flawless treasures without weakness, they could only sigh.

Just when they were shocked, Ye Xiaohu had broken through the heavy siege and came to Kunlun Xueyuzi's side, and took the lead in the sword: "What Kunlun Xueyuzi, what is invincible in the world, what master is lonely ... If you don't have other magical powers, then If I cut this sword, you will be in a different place. "

With a loud bang, Ye Xiaohu ignored the attack of Kunlun sharp gun.

Holding the big sword in his hands with both hands, and one sword split towards Kunlun Xueyuzi's head.

Kunlun Xueyuzi obviously did not anticipate this scene. Even he still does not believe that Ye Xiaohu can break through his Kunlun sharp gun and come to this place in one step.

So he reacted slower by half a beat, and the result was so half a beat that he could only stare at Ye Xiaohu with a sword, and cut off his head with a sword.


I saw Kunlun Xueyuzi opened his glasses and rolled down from his body to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu frowned and said, "I'm so weak that I have no defense in my body, and I was killed by a sword?"

Looking at Kunlun Xueyuzi's remaining body, Ye Xiaohu felt it was a little unreal.

"It's weird, I seem to have overlooked something?"

Ye Xiaohu had a quick brain, and quickly thought of a possibility, so he quickly retreated towards it, and then said with a serious expression: "Unexpectedly, you actually practiced such a supernatural power."


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