Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 958: : 2 Lengzi is a genius

"I'm fine."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, stretched out his arms as he used to, and stroked Erzongzi's hair: "How are you feeling?"

"I feel particularly good."

Erzengzi had been desperate before, and had some feelings of despair.

But just as Mo Jie was about to devour Er Leng Zi's soul, Ye Xiaohu appeared like a heavenly soldier, saving Er Leng Zi's life.

This scene can be observed by Erzongzi, but he can't open his eyes to express his emotions.

But after refining Mo Jie's soul, he immediately approached Ye Xiaohu and protected Ye Xiaohu.

So when Ye Xiaohu asked him how he was doing, Erzun directly smiled slightly: "I feel very good now, and I feel very cool all over my body. There is even a feeling that I can do anything. If I were asked to go back to school now If I do, I feel that I can become the national champion of the college entrance examination. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded and asked again: "Is there any sequelae?"


Er Leng Zi thought about it, and shook his head again: "There was no adverse reaction."

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu was relieved.

Ye Xiaohu had some worries about refining Mo Jie's soul.

But looking at Er Leng Zi's reaction now, there must be no problem, so Ye Xiaohu took out the congenital stalactite and handed Er Leng Zi a drop: "This is congenital stalactite, you take one drop first."

Er Leng Zi didn't extend his hand, but asked: "Should Brother Xiaohu be precious?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded: "Yes, priceless treasure."

"Then keep it for yourself, Brother Xiaohu!"

Er Lengzi shook his head and refused Ye Xiaohu's kindness.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "Relax, I still have it."



Seeing Ye Xiaohu didn't seem to be lying, Erzong nodded and swallowed the innate stone milk that Ye Xiaohu passed over.


Erzongzi felt a hot feeling all over his body and couldn't help but ask Ye Xiaohu: "Brother Xiaohu, I feel like I have a fever, and my stomach has some bloating, just like the little daughter-in-law in the village is going to have a baby."

"That's right."

After all, Erzongzi has just practiced, and naturally it is impossible to swallow congenital stalactite like Ye Xiaohu, and there are no side effects.

Also because of the obvious side effects after swallowing Erzongzi, congenital stalactite has proved effective.

So Ye Xiaohu patted Er Lengzi's shoulder, and conveyed into a trace of fairy air, helping Er Lengzi straighten out the innate stalactite energy in his body.

Immediately, Ye Xiaohu said to Erzongzi: "If I am not wrong, it will be easier for you to seize your flesh in the future, so those who teach the magic should teach them a recipe that communicates with their origins?"

The corner of Erzunzi's mouth twitched and said, "Yes."

"Then it's okay."

Ye Xiaohu knew this group of demons, but the orthodox descendants of Kunlun Immortals, so the recipe for cultivation is naturally the recipe left by Kunlun Immortals.

So Ye Xiaohu said to Erzongzi: "From now on, you embrace Yuan Yuan Shou Yi, practice the law they teach you, and refine this energy in your body."


Er Leng Zi knew that Ye Xiao Hu wouldn't harm himself, so Ye Xiao Hu instructed himself what to do, then Er Leng Zi would do it.

So Erzunzi held Yuan Shouyi and silently operated the inborn stalactite in the body.

Under his refining, the energy of the inborn stalactite was absorbed by him into the body and limbs of the body.

Soon Erzongzi completed the first layer of training, and rushed towards the second layer.

"It's worthy of excellent cultivation physique."

"It's just a drop of congenital stalactite, which will allow Erzunzi's cultivation behavior to make such great progress."

"Straight from the mortal, to the point of cultivating genius."

"It's a pity that I came back late, so the time to help Erzunzi lay the foundation is also short. This time he forcibly tempered his progress, and I don't know if it will hurt him in the future."

Ye Xiaohu's talent is not worse than Er Leng Zi, but when he was in heaven, he was still growing step by step. Which is like Er Leng Zi, has been devoted to the cultivation of the Demon Cultivation and himself, and cultivated into rapid progress.

But in other words, Er Lengzi also has this condition.

Like Ye Xiaohu when he was in Heaven, he didn't grow up with this condition.

Until they are familiar with the gods, they will not give Ye Xiaohu any help at all, so Ye Xiaohu can only rely on himself.


In this way, another quarter of an hour passed, and with the help of Ye Xiaohu, Er Lengzi completed the final refining and will be repaired in the early stage of Yuanying.

So Erzunzi woke up from entering Dingding and looked at Ye Xiaohu said: "Brother Xiaohu, I feel that my body is full of power and can almost kill a cow with one punch ~ ~ A tiger, you can stab him with one finger. "

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly and patted Er Lengzi's shoulder and said: "If you cultivate like this, it's a king on earth. It's also a peerless genius in Kunlun, and only those old antiques can be stronger than you. Something. "

"is it?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's praise, Er Leng Zi was a little dazed, and obviously he was also somewhat incomprehensible about his progress.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu did not continue to discuss this issue with him, but instead pointed to Mo Jie ’s space ring: “Now Mo Jie has died on the spot and his soul has been wiped out, so his space ring is an unowned thing. You have to pull out his space ring and put it on your hand to recognize the Lord with blood, then the resources inside are yours. "


Er Xiaozi never refused what Ye Xiaohu had ordered.

So he walked directly over, put Mojie's Mojie space ring on his finger, and at the same time completed the process of identifying the Lord with blood.

After finishing all this, Erzunzi checked the materials in the space ring and said to Ye Xiaohu, "Brother Xiaohu, do you need these materials?"

"No, you keep it."

Now that Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice has reached the peak of enlightenment, it is the state of enlightenment from above, and ordinary cultivation resources do not help him much.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu will not continue to waste resources, so Ye Xiaohu patted Erzongzi's head, and turned to the aisle: "Okay, hurry up and collect your things, and then leave this place with me. My pet , Still fighting outside life and death, if we delay one more minute, he may be more dangerous. "


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