Chapter 560 Can You Tell Me About Being Green?


Deathly quiet!

Zhou Yongcheng’s sudden move directly caused Zhou Chen and Zhao Qiuyan to stay in place.

At this moment, their faces were pale.

The whole body trembled violently like chaff.

A sense of despair arose in their hearts unanimously.

They know, they are exposed!

Zhou Yongcheng already knew that Zhou Chen was not of Zhou’s blood.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…


After a long while, Zhou Chen swallowed, which was regarded as breaking the silence of the scene.

“Mom, it looks like Dad already knows, what should we do next?”

Zhou Chen looked at Zhao Qiuyan and asked tentatively.

How to do?

I want to know what to do, that’s fine.

Zhao Qiuyan was so crazy.

Just now, she vowed that she would not be exposed, but after only a few minutes, the cruel reality gave her a slap in the face.

Zhou Yongcheng knows everything!

However, Zhao Qiuyan didn’t understand why Zhou Yongcheng knew about Zhou Chen.

Now, Qiu Dongsheng has left Yanjing.

He has erased all the evidence that should be erased.

How could Zhou Yongcheng know?

Is it hearsay?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Zhao Qiuyan’s mind, and then it was out of control.

Yes, it must be so.

Zhou Yongcheng must have heard some rumors that made him go crazy!

“Go, son, let’s go to Zhou Yongcheng.”

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Qiuyan said.

Although Zhou Yongcheng has not cleaned up them now, Zhao Qiuyan knows that Zhou Yongcheng is preparing to settle accounts after the autumn.

He must not sit and wait for death.

Looking for Zhou Yongcheng?

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Chen was stunned.

Now Zhou Yongcheng is getting angry, and now he is going to find Zhou Yongcheng, isn’t he hitting the edge of the knife?

“Mom, did you make a mistake? Let’s go find him now. Isn’t this hitting the edge of the knife?”

Zhou Chen smiled bitterly.

He felt that Zhao Qiuyan was mad and had lost the most basic logic.

Hit the knife?

Ha ha……

It’s okay now.

If this hurdle is not passed, then it is a knife edge.

“Son, remember that you have always been Zhou Yongcheng’s son, and the rumors outside are all rumors.”

“And I haven’t derailed from start to finish!”

Zhao Qiuyan said seriously.


Zhou Chen hesitated, he was worried that Zhou Yongcheng would slap him again.

“Son, if we can’t pass this level, we will both be finished.”

Zhou Chen still wanted to refute, but Zhao Qiuyan didn’t give him this opportunity and directly interrupted it.

“Today, Zhou Yongcheng can ban our feet, and tomorrow he can make us disappear.”


Zhou Chen’s body shivered suddenly.

“Mom…should…probably not.”

Zhou Chen asked tremblingly.

“It doesn’t look good.”


Zhao Qiuyan’s face sank slightly.

“Madam has something to say, I don’t know if it should be said.”


“Everyone is a family, so just let it go if you have any contradictions…”

Talk about it?

Zhao Qiuyan wanted to talk about it, but he couldn’t talk about some things.

She could never admit that she gave Zhou Yongcheng green in front of Zhou Yongcheng, right?

Without speaking, Zhao Qiuyan led Zhou Chen to the study.

“Yes, mobilize all the funds for me to attack Brother Media’s stock price!”

“There is no reason, I am so upset, I want to snipe him.”


Before Zhao Qiuyan opened the door, Zhou Yongcheng’s anger came from the room.

He is mobilizing the resources of the entire Zhou family to deal with King An.

Zhao Qiuyan frowned slightly, her expression ugly.

Nowadays, brother media is at the center of public opinion, which is very difficult in itself.

Now that Zhou Yongcheng is added, I am afraid that the situation of Brother Media will be difficult for the family.

This is not a good thing for them.


Taking a deep breath, Zhao Qiuyan pushed open the door.

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