Chapter 585

“You, you…”

The principal’s face is almost eighteen bends on the mountain road.

Become pale, weak, trembling, trembling, twisted.

In short, it is a hundred times more exaggerated than the Beijing Opera facial makeup.

It’s just that the teachers are all awakened now.

The fear in the heart is actually just a fear of the unknown, an illusion that does not exist.

Before this shackle is broken, it may still be like a devil and become a hindrance to people.

But once it is broken, people will probably know.

Wherever there is so-called stress, you are riding on your neck and shit, and you are used to your stinky problems!

“Report him!”

“How much has been deducted from my salary over the years!”

“Deliberately suppressing, not giving promotion opportunities or giving explanations, it hurts me miserably!”

“I use teaching funds indiscriminately, do not start the school committee procedures, I just do things indiscriminately, treat our teachers as decorations, and ignore our collective interests!”

“You should have stepped down long ago!”

Many teachers are extremely angry now.

At this time, the principal suddenly covered his chest, and the big beads of sweat rolled down like a curtain of beads.

Soon it fainted like a hard statue.

The teachers are terrified!

The frantic didn’t know what to do.

It was Zhang Fan, who hurried to check at this time, knowing that the old principal couldn’t stand the excitement.

I also know that over the years, he has done things too unfairly, taking people improperly.

Even many, many things are not in compliance with the rules.

Therefore, once it is reported collectively, it is estimated that the school committee will not approve of him.

Even if he is not removed from his post, it is estimated that his sense of presence in the future will be greatly reduced.

In this case, for him, it is no different from the roots, giving a round of salary from the bottom of the pan.

This is simply unacceptable!

“It’s a sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, fast, fast…¨…”

Zhang Fan hastily reminded me now!

The principal had no major problems because of the timely rescue.

It is a pity that I still need to stay in the hospital for observation for three months.

After all, the elderly have poor physical fitness. It is understandable that the school also appoints a special person to check on the situation and give condolences to the body.

Within the school, the talent team that has been cultivated over the years has no problems in all kinds of functions.

How to do the job, or how to do it, it seems that the departure of the principal does not matter much.

Due to his arrogance in high school, Du Zhiming was recorded in a video, which was quickly approved on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, the education company, which has been operating for more than ten years, will be cast aside by everyone overnight, and the business myth will collapse.

People learned later. What kind of top 100 companies are this kid? It’s nothing more than a fake dog, a dog for foreigners.

After failing to start a domestic business, he went back obediently. Later I heard that after losing his domestic career, this kid didn’t mix well abroad.

He even went to the restaurant to wash dishes for a living, and was often beaten, although he was staring at the title of returnees.

But among Yunyun (the one who got Zhao’s) beings, he has no privileges.

Once the halo disappears, it’s just a bunch of cells that are still alive. Could it be more expensive than anyone else?

The school is currently arrogant and empty, and the decision-making body is temporarily managed by a group of five people.

This is a vice president transferred from Kyoto University. The other three are members of the school committee and have high prestige in the school.

However, it is currently necessary to recruit a teacher to preside over the daily work of the school. This place is naturally extremely hot. .

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