---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

A tiny bug broke through his skin and with shivering eyes he saw more of those creatures trying to escape. But as soon they came out, they dropped dead as soon they were touched by Kendra's aura. 

More and more started gushing out of his skin and he realized that thousands were hiding under his skin. But not only that. He felt strange, excruciating pain that he never felt before and wanted to scream but couldn't.

He could feel his power almost escaping as the creature in his power void tried to escape as well. At first, it tried to hide in his void, but Kendra's purifying power reached that endless place and it started making its way out.

Almost like one of those horror movies, the creature slowly opened his belly and spread out its dark feet. Yes, dark. This time it was black and it had as it seems leeched on Marcus his power for a long time so it was quite powerful.

Unfortunately, this was not the outer world, then her own. She knew she couldn't fight it so she glanced towards the nearby gap in the world's essence and just waved her hand. 

Before the creature could react, it was thrown out and the gate slowly started closing, almost like it was healing. This time she saw thousands of humans rushing from nearby settlements and turning into various creatures, but it was too late. She just swept them in one go while still in human form and threw them into the black void.

With a smile, she waved at the black spider as she closed the gate. ''Soon I will come to you. Wait for me.''

Her words made various creatures that were kicked furious, but she already closed the gate and erased any connection to her world. She already now knew their essence. Now it is easier for her to find them. But first, she must clean God's realm.


My foot!

Those lazy creatures call themselves Gods and do literally nothing. It seems it is time she messes up their realm a bit. ''Isaa, what about two of us have some fun in God's realm?''

Isaa saw sparkles in her eyes and started laughing loudly. ''My dear sister, it seems you grew up, but didn't lose your quirkiness.''

''Hah. Your big sister has no plan to change.'' So what if she grew up? Should she lose her inner self for the sake of others? She has absolutely no plan to change and the others can just accept her as she is.

Isaa stretched and glanced at Marcus that zoned out as he glanced at the peerless sky. A bunch of tiny creatures appeared in front of Kendra and bowed. ''We are sorry about Tak.''

''Immortality made him feel like his everyday life is boring. So while his duty is to take care of their safety, he might as well live an adventurous life. If he likes it, ill give him more tasks that will give him life sense. I know that constructors should construct, but not everyone can handle the same job into infinity. I was quiet as I wanted to see how they planned to abuse his innocence. They didn't dare to control him directly and just promised him various fun.

After all, Tak could be considered a teenager in the Constructor clan. A bit rebellious and filled with adventurous energy, he thought Kendra had it already set it all safe and nothing big could happen if he brings in a couple of people. Little did he knew that his action actually caused the people to see through her protection formation and they opened a gate for others to enter.

What curious Gods didn't know is that the other creatures came in and connected the Dark Realm with her world so those creatures could enter her world without problem. nd worst of all, the creatures were good at hiding their true appearance so they didn't see and even if they did see, they didn't care.

She flashed a smile at Marcus that realized he could move now and unconsciously moved his hands toward his belly, but Kendra already healed that a while ago. Only broken clothes were evidence that this really conspired. ''Is it all gone?''

Yes, for the first time since he realized his own existence, he was truly and utterly petrified. 

Seeing his expression, Isaa smirked and rolled her eyes. ''You know fear now, but when your people put me into her sea of powers, did they think we would destruct each other?'' 

Kendra didn't cross that possibility and saw Marcus avoiding her eyes. With a smirk, she grabbed his chin and made him look at her enchanting multicolored eyes. ''For centuries I found you quite attractive and was almost close to falling for you. But you made a big mistake recently that made me snap out of my own stupidity. Did you think Cethin's clone could make me feel annoyed? That poor creature thinks he is Cethin himself. I guess you found the realm where my original soul came from, so you could do such atrocity. I need to find the gate to that realm and close it. Isaa, should I kill him?''

Isaa was stunned. ''Kill who?"

''He is not Marcus than one of his clones as well. Marcus had humongous power and wouldn't have let those creatures in no matter what. I fear that our adventure into other worlds just started.'' She waved her hand and his true appearance came out.

With a hiss, Isaa jumped back as she saw a huge creature staring at her with muddy eyes and gaped. ''What is that?"

''Tail of the snake. It seems they really tried their best. Unfortunately, they made a mistake.'' Kendra waved her hand and the creature suddenly turned into a tiny thing on the ground. ''They forgot that even though they have big powers, but in my world, I am absolute ruler!''

She actually let the other creatures escape his body as this creature was actually killing them and not the other way around. The so-called black void in his belly was nothing else than a trap to extinguish their lives as soon they enter. So when the black creature came out, it actually didn't attack her as it was grateful for saving their own lives. 

And those thousands of bugs that left his body were already infected by darkness so they got annihilated by the light. She started at the creature with icy-cold expression and smiled.

With a screech the creature lit on fire and burned into nothingness, not leaving even soul complete...

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

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