She transmigrated and started different life

Chapter 560 - 560. You were the one

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

"Breathe... Kendra... Breathe..." Marcus could see anger seeping out of her pores. "It was the only way to save her life!"

The darkness completely disappeared and left her whole group stare at a bawling young woman kneeling on the ground. Like all rivers went through her, she cried so much that Marcus and Take could only look at each other as they didn't know how to help her.

Bess was furious this time. "You idiots! She is petrified. What the hell have you two done to her?"

Kendra bawled so much that her eyes and face became puffy and she even got a hiccup. Something she never had even as a normal human being.

She tried summoning cold and hot water, but nothing stopped hiccups. The problem was, the more she had hiccups, she started bubbles to release. 

Everyone stopped back as some bubbles had suddenly different powers. Some got burned, some froze as they got touched by the bubbles.

Kendra stopped crying and watched the dangerous things flying around. But no matter how much she tried, the bubbles got worse by second. She knew there was only one option. 

"G...hick... gate... Hick, hick...quick... ly... Hick!"

Tak became serious and looked at Marcus. "Take her friends back to school. I think her body knows more than she knows."

Kendra could only roll her eyes and hold her mouth that still bubbled. Those bubbles broke in her mouth, but luckily nothing happened.

With a flick of his finger, Tak transported her to the strange split that seems to grow larger by minute and she closed her eyes.  With a cough, a large bubble started coming out of her mouth and covering the whole sky and the split in space. 

Suddenly sky over the world turned into rainbow colors and people, animals and plants felt invigorated, stronger and healthier. 

But not only that. Those that started pulling their power around and started moving things that shouldn't be moved, got harmed.

Screeches around the world could be heard, like a protest, but she didn't hear or care at this moment. The bubble had strange runes on it and the more it spread, the darker world became.

The day became night and suddenly hundreds of millions of strange tiny lights covered the sky and she chuckled. ''Show yourselves or I will kill all your people and all intruders.''

A chuckle could be heard and various stars started descending from the sky and glanced at her with curiosity. A man in simple villager clothes came forward and saw her furious expression. ''Stop frowning. We saw your world as a test subject and saw that various creatures live together without big wars or problems. We just wanted to see how long it will last if we make trouble...

She slowly came forward and suddenly flashed the brightest smile ever. ''Oh? Really? Should I show you what happens to the worlds when Gods and Immortals become bored?''

Marcus was calmly looking at them and rolled his eyes. ''You Gods forgot a tiny little thing...''

Group of Gods looked at him in wonder. What could they have forgotten?

''This is my world and my reality. I and you dared to enter without my permission. You let me clean the worlds from those creatures alone, even though you are stronger than I am? You must be kidding? If my little sister gets harmed because of you, I will go to the Gods realm and start cleaning up. But first, let's talk about your punishment! Tak!'' She glanced at the creatures that suddenly had a strange feeling of fear and backed off.

''W...what?'' Something told him he should run away, but where? He was certain that if she got angry, she might as well punish the whole line of Constructors with him.

''Stupid idiot!'' She literally could read his mind. ''Why would I include the rest of your kind into your punishment? Only you did wrong. Not others.''

Only him? From one side he relaxed as others won't get involved, but from another side, he saw her cruel side long before and knew that she might really skin him alive.

Kendra rolled her eyes. Skin him? That is not enough... ''As these Gods are bored, then I shall grant them one lifetime of commoner human. The memories of their godly existence will be erased and only when they pass away naturally will they regain their powers. Maybe then they will be less bored, right?''

''Wait! We worked hard not to be commoners! You can't do that to us!'' The man paled and suddenly saw her smiling sweetly at him, but her eyes were ice cold. ''Wait...''

But Kendra was already so furious that nothing would have stopped her. She waved her hand and suddenly a bunch of Gods turned into babies. She then looked at Tak that shook in fear and pointed at babies. ''Your punishment is to turn into humans and find proper families for them. Not rich families. No. Simple commoners that live hard life but love their children. You won't be able to use your powers until they grow to old age and die naturally. Do you know why I am punishing you?''

Tak felt dizzy. He was immortal that lived a few millennia in various worlds, but hearing that he has to live a life of a human was true punishment. Hey, they didn't even have wings! He literally didn't hear her question and just stared at her blankly. 

Kendra looked at a couple of shiny dots hiding amongst the trees, looking at the happening and spoke loud enough for them to hear. But what she said next made them all shake deep in the core.

''You were the one to open the gate...''

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

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