When they walked down it locked just like a normal cellar. The soldiers stood in from of the wall and were seemingly waiting for them.

"Open it up." ordered the Lord.

One of the soldiers went to one of the walls that had strange murals and pressed one of the stones.

With a just a click the wall opened and a long hallway opened up.

But there was no darkness. On the wall stood multiple small fire's that had strange shine.

The Lord's face turned serious. "They used eternal fire for such a thing. I think I really need to know who is so daring and so rich."

The woman chuckled lightly, "don't worry when I get back to the capital, I'll need to clean the palace, just like you did."

Xara was so far quiet and then whispered " what about the poisoning?'

The woman chuckled again. "Did you forget one simple thing?"

They looked at her not understanding what is she talking about. She laughed as she saw their expression.

"No one else was there except the three of us in the holy cave. What happened there did you forget?"

They looked at each other and laughed. Xara breathed out in relief. " I totally forgot the blessing of the ancestors. "

The woman looked at Kendra and smiled. "When you think that you are strong enough, we will send you to the holy cave. Maybe you two can get blessings as well like the three of us got."

Kendra looked at her with interest."Can you tell me more about the cave?"

Xara shook the head. "The cave is mysterious. No one knows who made it. Normal humans can't even enter. Only those with powers."

The Lord nodded."We went there after the war as we couldn't leave just to get blessings. Everyone with powers goes there, but we went secretly. "

Xara laughed. "If someone saw us, they would have taught we are up to no good. We were just curious about the cave. Went in and that's it. Just cave."

The woman chuckled "How disappointed we were. On our way out we suddenly were covered in light and a voice told us that we already are powerful, so he will not give us more power. He gave us protection against all evils. And we just were kicked out the cave."

Kendra imagined an old man that was bothered with them and just kicked them out.

"Maybe person behind the voice was bothered? " she said while laughing. "Think about it, you thee probably were commenting loudly. I bet whoever was there, he liked silence of the cave. Thee of you enter the cave...sigh"

The three people got silent and remembered how they even tried out the echo in the huge cave. Good that the holy cave didn't punish them.

She looked at their bleak expression. " He is maybe annoyed, but he seems to know you. So giving you the protection is his blessing for future. " she tried to comfort them.

Xara smiled. "Maybe that is the reason he gave us protection blessing."

The Lord and the woman nodded with a smile.

They walked for quite a while. The way winded slightly and went deep down under the city. It was wide and high enough that carriage could fit inside.

After a very long walk, they arrived again at some sort of door. The soldier there pressed one of the stones again and this time the wall opened from middle disappearing into the walls.

Kendra remembered the double doors at malls. Who made such construction?

But that was not important now. What they saw took their breath away. Humongous, it seems natural cave, was filled with mountains of gold. Literally. They stood next one of such mountains and couldn't see the top of it.

''Wahhhhhh'' Kendra opened mouth and looked up. ''Is it even possible to have so much gold on one place?''

The other three nodded as well with big smiles on their faces. Kendra looked at them surprised.

''It seems you saw such thing before. Oh yeah. National treasury. Is it so big?''

Xara laughed.''Bigger. We fought for 20 years. Do you think we came back with empty hands?''

Kendra couldn't imagine the amount and then remembered. the national treasury of some countries seemed as well to be filled with gold. Only that one was solid gold in bars. She nodded. It seems to make sense.

They saw her face was stunned but not impressed. So they got curious.''Why are you not surprised or in awe...This is a humongous amount of money.'' said Xara while pointing at hills of gold.

Kendra nodded.''It is a huge amount, but what does it have to do with me. I do not own it and I am not greedy for other people belongings. I taught you knew that so far. I get excited only when people offer me gold that will be mine. That makes me happy. If these were mine I would probably be as happy as you are. The country needs so many things...''

She remembered how they teased her in the carriage and she smiled widely.''I have ideas about what you have to do with money to make the country safer. I will send you a list, no I will send you a book with lots of ideas. I think it's possible to handle them all in another 10-20 years .'' she blinked her eyes as she looked at them cutely.

Now even woman stepped back. But suddenly Kendra turned serious.''Let's stop joking. I think this time you need to change tactics.''

They looked at her with interest.''You must have some wicked idea.'' said the Lord and earned big hit on his head from Xara.''Why are you hitting me...'' then he saw the annoyed expression on Kendra's face and froze.''Eh, Kendra. I didn't mean it that way.''

She just gave up and everyone relaxed.''I know, but could you please behave like grown up. Why do I have to reprimand you? I am just a little child, please get yourself together...sigh''

Xara came to Kendra and hugged her.''Sorry that we are so bothersome. Please, tell us your idea.''

''Make it big. Use this gold to make everything big. First, get written consent from the King for it. Then use this all money to make a school for the power children. The soldiers can turn into teachers and trainers. You told me there are not enough powers children. I think they might be, but maybe they are under peasants. How do they know its something good? Make tests trough cities and villages once a tear. All the people in the village should test their abilities and see if they have power. If they do, grade powers by strength accuracy and other things you can come up with. The families from children with powers should be given a certain monetary amount as compensation. ''

She stopped at taught about other ideas.:''If you do it big, the powers might move and you might be able to kill two flies at the same time. You can gather more of those with powers as country protection and maybe some of those rats might show their tales and you can catch more of them.''

Then she looked at their amazed faces and scrawled.''But there is something you should do definitely. You can't tell anyone about me and Isaa. And if you find that some children from teh city or your villages are as well with powers don't tell anyone. Give them special training and the water from power well. Just to them. They will become a secret army they will protect the kingdom when everything else fails. I will try to learn more about our powers. For now, I don't want you to know too much about them as well. But I can tell already that I am definitely stronger than all three of you already. Yes even you, your Royal Highness.'' she looked at the woman seriously.

The woman smiled at her.''Smart child. Since when did you know who I am?''

Kendra rolled her eyes.''You look like Xara's relative...''

They laughed and turned their heads to look at teh mountains of gold. It is indeed a good idea...

A new power army ...

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