Can someone tell me how much did they set the VIP...I can't see it in the phone. I wanted just 3-4 stones...Please let me know. Grateful the worried authorThe night was quiet and silence slowly arrived at the small city. Kendra and Isaa went to sleep again. Kendra got used to watching at stars before sleep since she arrived in this world. She sighed at how will she do that when winter comes. Sleeping under the sky makes only fun when you can look at the stars.She could clearly hear Isaa's even breaths. Since she met Isaa, Kendra felt like she had someone in her life who cared about her and who she cared about. She didn't feel lonely anymore. The sounds of people quieted down and just sounds of water and sea in the background could be heard.She suddenly opened eyes. Water sounds? How comes she never heard such a thing before? She slowly sat up and saw Isaa in deep sleep, with one foot hanging out the hammock.She slowly got out and as silently as she could she went to Isaa and got her foot back under the thin blanket. Then she looked at the pig like posture...sigh. It is ok to live like that, sleep as she wanted, eat what she liked and just be happy. She stroked Isaa's head and turned to go back to sleep.But she remembered the sounds of water and she looked at the door to the well. It was slightly open and the sounds came from there, definitely.She checked one more time Isaa and saw that she slept deeply. She wanted to explore the well sooner or later anyway. It is better this way. When Isaa is sleeping. At that time Isaa said something was scaring her and she felt cold. She didn't feel anything but she definitely felt a stare on her back when she came out. There is someone or something inside. She didn't feel any hatred or terrifying emotion from that thing. It seems it doesn't want them to be harmed. She went down the stairs slowly and through the gap of the door, the moon shone directly on the water surface. And it was so still like glass. She thought about it for a moment and slowly entered the water as she didn't want Isaa to hear the splash in such quiet night.She looked one more time towards doors and dived in. She didn't know one thing at that time. She could see in darkness. She thought that is natural because of her ability. But that is actually...something else she can do.She dove down deeper and deeper. While diving she lost the feeling of time. She didn't know how much time it passed but suddenly she saw something strange in water. It had a strange shape. Like an oyster but much much bigger.She got closer and saw it partially open. She saw a huge pearl shining inside. She wanted to use her powers to get those pearls out but it seems that her waterpower doesn't work on this thing.Suddenly she heard someones voice.:''Do you really like it that much? If yes just offer something that you can exchange with this oyster.''Exchange?''she didn't panic or think too much about it. If she were in danger she would have been dead a long time ago.She thought about it. She didn't take anything with her to exchange. "I will do that then next time. I have nothing on me to give." She looked around the bottom and there was nothing she could exchange. Just flat surface not even one stone. "If you give me something I need, I will give you something as well." the voice sounded."Hmmm. No. I will just go up and find something and come down another day." she was not stupid. Who knows what he wants."Of course you are not stupid. Why would I choose to talk to you? I am this old already and was waiting that finally, someone with such powers come. I just need one thing from you. A string of power so I can have a body again.''The voice sounded tired." You are strange. The Lord's family lived here for so long, why didn't you ask them?" she asked trying to understand him"Those stupid people? I made one of their wells an energy well as I wanted to help them a long time ago. But only the young one had powers to help. After a long time, they forgot about their promise as most of them died before they could even tell about me. And the young one is a way to cautious. He probably would have sealed me. " he sighed in desperation. "By the way, why are you not scared? I tried before to contact others with powers but they got scared and stopped living around here.''" I am someone who saw and experienced so many weird things. I couldn't feel any malice from you and thought about it. There are two answers. One is you don't want to harm me. Another is you can't. So either the way I was safe." she stated matter-of-fact.He chuckled. ''A small child is smarter than those fools. So let's make a deal. I have almost wasted my energy now to contact you. I can't give you anything now. But when my powers come back I will help you." "Hmmm. Let's do that after I get out the water. I still have a long way to understand and train my powers. I am not sure how my body will react. What if I faint or lose control. Let's go up." she was about to start swimming but suddenly felt a big push up."You are after all child. Did you forget what powers you have? Why do you swim if you can use water power to just push you so your speed can be multiple time faster."Kendra was astonished. How did she forget that, but then remembered. "It's not that I don't want. Its that I am a child and my powers are just used for a short period of time. ""It seems that power children are getting weaker with time. I made such good well and they didn't use it. When I see that fool of your Lord I might kick him around." he fumed."All those soldiers can solidify their powers and go into the next stage if they use the well. For power children its good to give them a base to form a stronger power source. Hmmm."She taught about it. "What do you do. Go drink the water or swim in it?""Both. Drink some while getting soaked. But those soldiers should just use water basin and do that. Not that they enter with their dirty and sweaty body inside. Ugh. That would be disgusting."Kendra just imagined all those bodies soaking in the well and felt nausea well up. ''I had to ask but now that made me feel really disgusted. By the way, what are you?''''Ohhh little girl did you just remember now to ask that question? Hehehehe.I will show it to you went you give me a wisp of power.''he chuckled.She gave up asking as they were almost up. ''Slow down or do you want me to pop out of it and slam into the walls?''''Sigh. You can't fly? You need so much to learn.'' he sighed again. This child had such a good base but needed time to learn more. Hmmm time. I can give this child that. They left the well and she saw only a dark mass of energy floating in front of her. She shrugged and went up. But then she heard its voice.''I can't go far from the well as I lose my energy. Let's do it here so I can go back inside and concentrate. I will probably go back to my basic form. If that happens I will be able to speak to you only under the light of the full moon. ''Kendra found it interesting. What is it?''By the way are you he or she?''''I am what I am. No matter to you.''he suddenly got annoyed. ''I don't have a body so it doesn't matter anyway.''Kendra nodded. Well, that's true. It really doesn't matter even if he had the body.''Tell me what I have to do?''''You have strong power shield around you. Not many power children are born with such a thing. Yours is naturally strong. That girl needs to train more to make it strong. I can see that she tries to keep up with you. Try to train without her sometimes. Like that, you wouldn't be dragged down and will be able to understand powers to teach her. ''he gave advice as he wanted this child to shine brightly. Thos people have no idea how powerful this child is. Both of them.Kendra had the same taught anyway. She can train when Isaa is sleeping.''Is there a way to make my powers stronger without going around and killing or destroying something. I am really not into such a thing.''''Of course. How did I forget to tell you? Use the element you want to train and try concentrating on it. Like water now. Go into the water and just concentrate on energy. I can hear the sea behind. It has huge energy sources. Try going out and sit in water and concentrate on energies. It will take you time but if you do it for a while you will find wisps of energy. If you let those enter your body your powers will get stronger and it would last you longer.''he said while thinking about his beginnings.''Can I then teach Isaa as well to do that. If we both concentrate we won't bother each other.''''Try not to sit next to each other .Give yourself some space from her or you would absorb the wisp she gathered.''he said after thinking about it.''You are after all stronger and energy wisp will fly towards you.''Kendra thought about the magnet. Maybe the same principle?''Now try to think about the energy in those pearls you found. You remember them?''She remembered. She could feel the strange energy in it.''Do you want those? They have lots of energy.''she offered.''I can't use them. I am too weak for it,''he answered gloomily. If he could would he even ask her?Kendra understood that point so she just concentrated at her hand and tried to imagine energy.She slowly concentrates and after a long time, a tiny dot of energy appeared in her hand. When she saw it she felt delighted and concentrated more. Soon the power in the dot got stronger but she herself felt weak all of sudden.''Quickly take it. I feel like I am going to faint. Fast absorb it.''she urged as she felt bit dizzy.The shadow came in and touched the energy dot.''You made a strong wisp of energy. This is something you need to absorb. It's actually quite tiny so you need to concentrate on that. Do you understand?''he tried to explain before taking it.''I understand. Quickly, take it.''she felt her legs shaking and her hands hurting while holding that tiny dot. It felt like she held something really heavy.The shadow took the wisp and absorbed it. At that moment it turned into a fluffy ball of something and jumped into water whit sqeek. Soon it disappeared.''Fluffy?''she looked at the water and understood. It could be a mystical beast. Awwww she found a new friend for Isaa. If that person knew what kind of name she gave him and what she plans to do with it he would faint from anger. (Fluffy....pfffffahahahhahahah)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isaa stood outside and heard most of it. She was right to stay around this girl. She truly cares about her. When she thought about her experiences. She sighed and went into the bed without to make noise.She closed eyes and thought about her life so far. She was sold as a child into the nobles house. She lied Kendra as she was scared that she would reject her. But it seems that she might accept her even like this. She was a monster. She died and then when she woke up she was again little child.She was just servant in nobles house. The wife of the noble liked her and protected her till her death. But when she died he tried to harm her so she killed him and herself.She never left the house but heard other servants talking about the outside world. Her mistress was worried that some of those nasty nobles would try to harm her so she felt its better for her not to leave at all.After she was reborn into her own body she runs away from those neighbors that wanted to sell her after grandmothers death. She hid well and run away. But then she heard Kendra. Even after trying to steal her food Kendra still kept her and treated her like she was her blood-related sister. When she went into nobles circle she felt so helpless and powerless. What if some of those people hurt her. She didn't want that. She finally found someone else aside from that lady that cared about her.Maybe she should tell the story and see how Kendra will react. If she chases her away she will be still fine. She just hoped she can stay and be her sister. She liked being cared from her. She sat up. She was determined to become stronger and help Kendra with her wishes. She saw her slowly approaching and smiled brightly.''Brother!!!''she called. She saw the surprise on her face and then caring smile.''Little fool. Why don't you sleep? You are still little and need lots of sleep to grow strong. Don't worry, brother is here.''she heard Kendra scolding her slightly and warmth filled her heart.''Brother we need to talk a bit. I want you to know something about me...''------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kendra felt tiered but saw a determined expression on Isaa's face. Did she dream about something strange? She sat next Isaa and let her feet dangle off the ground. ''Brother I am worried that after I tell you this you will chase me away.''she looked anxious.''Did you do something so bad that I would chase you away?''Kendra thought about how she had no chance to do anything bad so she looked at her curiously.''What if I did?''asked Isaa timidly.''We will know after I hear your story. You know if people spoke with each other more and exchanged more information there would be fewer wars. Tell me your story. I will listen.''Kendra said while patting slightly her head.Isaa started from the beginning. It took her a while until her end. She even explained about her rebirth and looked at Kendra's face. But there was nothing unusual. Kendra actually had a bright face.''How old were you when you died?''she asked while holding Isaa's hand.''I was eleven when mistress died. Few days after that he tried to attack me and I knocked him out with a vase and then set the whole mansion on fire. Unfortunately, I didn't escape on time as one of those things fell on my head. But from another side I am happy. After I was reborn I met you and it was the best time in both lives.''she still had a slight fear that Kendra will reject her.''Why are you looking at me like I am going to chase you away? I love you like you were my own sister. By the way, you did well to kill that person. Oh, that mistress of yours must be still alive. Tomorrow we will try to find her and help her somehow. What do you think?''she totally accepted her story. ''Brother you are not scared or angry at me?''Isaa asked with big eyes.''Why should I be. I just met shadow that turned into a fluffy creature. Oh yeah, he told me a way for both of us to get stronger. And he can be your pet. After all, he can be on the air and in the water. He is quite fluffy and cuddly, you know .''Kendra thought about telling her about her past but gave away that thought. This child had enough fear with its own story, she doesn't want to put more weight on those tiny shoulders.''Isaa when you get lots stronger I will tell you my story as well. But not now. I have secrets as well. Everyone has, only some secrets are harder to understand some not. I just want us both to become much stronger and go into the future together.''Kendra smiled at her and hugged Isaa's small body.She then let her go and made her lay down.''Go to sleep now. Don't worry. I will never leave you.''Isaa felt in her heart that Kendra told the truth so she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep while murmuring.''I won't drag sister down. I will become stronger. Much stronger.''Kendra sighed. It seems Isaa heard their talk. But instead becoming panicked about the strange creature Isaa got scared that she will chase her away after such story. Aww cutie. She is so little and still thinks of her. Kendra still stood for while next to Isaa's bed patting her slightly so she could feel her and sleep well. After a while wave of sleepiness went over her and she slowly went into her own hammock, closed her eyes and fell asleep. Suddenly small fluff ball jumped into her bad and grumbled. Then he turned around and saw two eyes staring at him.Isaa was still awake when she heard something. She planned to attack it but saw cute fluffy thing jumping into Kendra's bed and then staring at her...She chuckled fluffy. She stood up slowly, picked it up into her arms and went with it into her bad.''Naughty Fluffy, let Kendra sleep. She is really tired. Come, I will cuddle with you.''She held it in the arms and fell asleep. The fluffy thing sighed and gave up. It closes eyes and fell asleep as well.Kendra closed eyes suddenly opened. That fluffy thing is now in Isaa's hands. She chuckled and fell asleep. New day will bring new adventures.Right?

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